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Peggy Pyle <[log in to unmask]>
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Sun, 4 May 1997 17:27:28 -0500
text/plain (49 lines)
I have been lurking for a few weeks reading what everyone has to say.

I was diagnosed with a high TSH 2 years ago in June. My T3 and T4 were low
normal. I have been messing with my meds all this time and still am not
comfortable with what is going on.

I gained 40# when I quit smoking in 1989 due to a collapsed lung. I finally
managed to lose 20# on a 1000 cal diet in about 6 mos. I started on thyroid
meds and gained 8 lbs back. They changed me to Synthroid about the time I
had a total hysterectomy, gained 8-10 more lbs., I started an antidepressant
and gained more wt and now I got my synthroid raised and gained 8 more lbs.

I am 5'7" and weigh 180# now, I know I am not obese, but for someone who has
never had a wt problem until I quit smoking, I really have a problem
handling this wt. I have always weighed 130-135 lbs.

My dr is retiring so I changed drs a few weeks ago and he took me off the
Antidepressants, (I don't know if I will be able to stay off them, family
history of depression), the new doc told me to go to Weight Watchers and try
their weight loss program.

I am ready to try the organised wt loss. During the year after my
hysterectomy I was walking 30 mis. a week and working out at the fitness
center and following my 1000 cal diet and did not lose a lb.

I get very depressed when my drs think all this is in my head. They say I
should not be gaining wt on Synthroid. The last thyroid profile was Low
normal T 3 & T4 and the TSH was 2 or so. I thought the TSH was ok because it
was right in the middle of the range. We increased the synthroid to maybe
bring the T3 & T4 up some.

Any suggestions?? I have made an appt with an internist but that's not until
Aug. The endos in my area do not see people except by referral. I'm going to
suggest a referral though. I'm tired of messing with general drs.

Sometimes I just feel like what is the use. I am always going to be fat and
my skin is always going to be the pits, so why persue it any farther. My
Iguana is softer than I am at times.

Enough whining, any suggestions would be appreciated.


Of all the things I have lost,
I miss my mind the most.