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Robin Givens <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Sat, 27 Sep 1997 13:37:55 -0400
text/plain (59 lines)
I'm rather new to this list, but feel that perhaps I've finally found a place
where I may find some answers.

I was diagnosed in January as being hyperthyroid specifically as a result of
toxic multinodular goiter.  Although I had been aware for some time that I
was experiencing certain symptoms, I had chalked it up to stress & possibly
menopause.  So I was quite shocked when I was rushed into the various testing
procedures & told that I needed to take Inderal immediately as well as the
radioactive iodine.  I have some congenital heart problems & had taken
various cardiac medications many years ago including Inderal.  I sought out 2
other doctors for their opinions & all 3 doctors concurred that my only
realistic choice was heart medication, radioactive iodine, & eventual
replacement therapy.  So I underwent that treatment within 2 weeks of the
diagnosis.  In late summer I was put on Levoxyl  (0.112 mg) & taken off
Inderal after my tests showed that I had become hypo; within a week I became
very hyper and called the endo's office & complained very strongly that I
felt that this dosage was too high.  Basically I was told that the Levoxyl
could not have acted that quickly & that I should "try to tough it out" for a
while longer.  I was very unhappy (to say the least) & decided to schedule my
own bloodwork that day.  The following day, the endo's office called & said
to stop the Levoxyl & to come in to see the doctor that day.  I went in &
sure enough I was hyper yet again & he prescribed another cardiac medication.
 That was my last visit to that office.

I then went back to my family doctor who had made the original diagnosis &
told him what had happened; I trust this particular doctor above all others.
 We agreed that he would oversee my treatment from that point.  I took no
Levoxyl for 3 weeks & then was put on 0.075 mg.  I called his office today &
said that I thought I might need a higher dosage & I went in for the tests
this afternoon.  Meanwhile during all of these events, I visited my
gynecologist who did a few tests of her own & told me that my FSH was the
highest she had ever seen. She said that she felt that the radiation had
thrown me into premature menopause since everything was fine & then
everything suddenly was not fine.  So she prescribed Prempro which I continue
to take daily.

I apologize for the wordiness although I'm leaving out a lot in this saga.
 Basically, I'm VERY confused...which ironically seems to go along with these
thyroid problems.  I've gone from hyper to hypo twice now within 6 months &
I'm beginning to wonder if there IS a light at the end of the tunnel.  I'm
told that menopause & thyroid problems have many of the same symptoms as well
as some opposing symptoms; I've also been told that the thyroid tests can be
somewhat screwed up because of the estrogens & progestins.  I've read the
book by Rosenthal...but, I can't seem to find the answers IF they are there;
but I'll admit that I can't seem to comprehend AND remember things I read.
 Actually I'm starting to wonder if there are any solutions & if anyone ever
really gets "well" after all of this.  Also, I have a lot of pain right
I described it as feeling as though it's in the bones...but then I'm very
confused so maybe it's in the muscles.  I really don't remember what it feels
like to feel "good".  Anyone have any advice or similar tales???  The
generally decisive & upbeat person that I always have been... well, I'm
beginning to struggle quite a bit.

Thanks in advance for any words of wisdom & feel free to post the map showing
the way out of thyroid hell.
