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Al Saldarini <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Sun, 3 Aug 1997 19:59:42 +0000
text/plain (189 lines)
Ms. Haim,
Would love to see the bibliography appended to this tome of information?
Now, we wouldn't want some doctors to pronounce this as "crap", would we?
Please let us know where this information originated, especially the part
that follows, "How it happens".

Thank you,
Al in NJ

At 03:41 AM 8/3/97 +0000, you wrote:
>>abdominal pain                         feeling "unreal"
>>anxiety/panic attacks                  flushing of face
>>arthritis                                      hair loss/thinning of hair
>>asthma                                 headaches/migraines
>>asthmatic reactions                            hearing loss
>>bloating/fluid retention                       heart palpatations
>>blood-sugar control problems           hives
>>Hypoglycemia/Hyperglycemia             hypertention (high blood pressure)
>>brain cancer (studies in animals)              sexual problems
>>breathing difficulties                         inability to concentrate
>>burning eyes or throat                 infection susceptibility
>>burning urination                              insomnia
>>chest pains                                    irritability
>>chronic cough                          itching
>>chronic fatigue                                joint pain
>>mental confusion/foggy thinking                laryngitis
>>death                                          marked personality changes
>>depression                                     memory loss/poor memory
>>diarrhea                                       menstrual problems or changes
>>dizziness                                      muscle spasms
>>excessive thirst/hunger                        nausea or vomiting
>>fatigue                                        numbness or tingling of
extremities phobias                                     rapid heart
>>seizures and convulsions                       slurring of speech
>>swallowing pain                                Tachycardia
>>tremors                                        tinnitus
>>vertigo                                        vision loss/cloudy vision
>>weight gain                                    rashes
>>You have just read an actual list of the many reactions to aspartame which
>>have been reported to the FDA's Adverse Reaction Monitoring System (ARMS).
>>The truth about aspartame's toxicity is far different than what the
>>NutraSweet Company would have you believe. In February of 1994, the U.S.
>>Department of Health and Human Services released the listing of adverse
>>reactions reported to the FDA (DHHS 1994). Aspartame accounted for more
>>than 75% of all adverse reactions (over 10,000 and climbing) reported to
>>the FDA's Adverse Reaction Monitoring System.
>>In addition to the symptoms on the previous page, Aspartame Poisoning  can
>>mimic or worsen the following diseases and syndromes:
>>Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
>>Parkinson's Disease
>>Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS)
>>Diabetes and Diabetic Complications
>>Alzheimer's Disease
>>Birth Defects
>>Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
>>Lyme Disease
>>Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
>>Panic Disorder
>>Depression and other Psychological Disorders
>>How it happens:
>>Aspartame is 10% methanol, 10% phenyalanine,and 80% aspartic acid.
>>In the body, the methanol in aspartame is released into the small intestine
>>when the "methyl group" of aspartame encounters the enzyme chymotrypsin.
>>Methanol then break down into formic acid and formaldehyde, a deadly
>>"Free methanol" is created from aspartame when it is heated to above 86
>>Fahrenheit (30 Centigrade). This would occur when aspartame-containing
>>product is improperly stored or when it is heated (e.g., as part of a
>>"food" product such as Jello).   In its free form, methanol is absorbed in
>>the stomach more quickly.
>>When people are dieting or have not eaten for a while, there's little gut
>>fermentation producing the protective factor, ethanol.  Whether absorbed
>>quickly as free methanol, or somewhat slower in the small intestine from
>>fresh aspartame, the total amount of methanol absorbed will be
>>approximately 10% of aspartame ingested.  The absorbed methanol is then
>>slowly converted to formaldehyde by alcohol dehydrogenase in the liver.
>>If methanol is co-ingested with significant amounts of ethanol, the
>>methanol conversion is temporarily blocked, since ethanol has 9 times the
>>affinity for alcohol dehydrogenase as does methanol. This allows the body
>>time to eliminate methanol via the lungs and urine before it gets converted
>>to formaldehyde. The formaldehyde is then converted to acid by aldehyde
>>dehydrogenase in the liver, by formaldehyde dehydrogenase in the blood, or
>>through the tetrahydrofolic acid-dependent one-carbon pool.
>>A one-liter (approx. 1 quart) aspartame-sweetened beverage contains about
>>56 mg of methanol; heavy users of aspartame-containing products consume as
>>much as 250 mg of methanol daily or 32 times the EPA limit.
>>Despite the claims of Monsanto and bedfellows:
>>1. Methanol from alcohol and juices does not get converted to formaldehyde
>>to any significant extent. There is very strong evidence to confirm this
>>fact for alcoholic beverages and fairly strong evidence for juices.
>>2. Formaldehyde obtained from methanol is very toxic in *very small* doses
>>as seen by recent research.
>>3. Aspartame causes chronic toxicity reactions/damage due to the methanol
>>to formaldehyde and other break down products despite what is claimed
>>otherwise by the very short, industry-funded experiments using a test
>>substance that is chemically different and absorbed differently than what
>>is available to the general public. "Strangely enough", almost all
>>independent studies show that aspartame can cause health problems.
>>4. A common ploy from Monsanto is to claim that aspartame is "safe" yet a
>>few select people may have "allergic" reactions to it. This is typical
>>Monsanto nonsense, of course. Their own research shows that it does not
>>cause "allergic" reactions. It is there way of trying to minimize and hide
>>the huge numbers of toxicity reactions and damage that people are
>>experiencing from the long-term use of aspartame.
>>Given the following points, it is definitely premature for researchers to
>>discount the role of methanol in aspartame side effects:
>>1. The amount of methanol ingested from aspartame is unprecedented in human
>>history.   Methanol from fruit juice ingestion does not even approach the
>>quantity of methanol ingested from aspartame, especially in persons who
>>ingest one to three liters (or more) of diet beverages every day. Unlike
>>methanol from aspartame, methanol from natural products is probably not
>>absorbed or converted to its toxic metabolites in significant amounts as
>>discussed earlier.
>>2. Lack of laboratory-detectable changes in plasma formic acid and
>>formaldehyde levels do not preclude damage being caused by these toxic
>>metabolites. Laboratory-detectable changes in formate levels are often not
>>found in short exposures to methanol.
>>3. Aspartame-containing products often provide little or no nutrients which
>>may protect against chronic methanol poisoning and are often consumed in
>>between meals. Persons who ingest aspartame-containing products are often
>>dieting and more likely to have nutritional deficiencies than persons who
>>take the time to make fresh juices.
>>4. Persons with certain health conditions or on certain drugs may be much
>>more susceptible to chronic methanol poisoning.
>>5. Chronic diseases and side effects from slow poisons often build silently
>>over a long period of time.   Many chronic diseases which seem to appear
>>suddenly have actually been building in the body over many years.
>>6. An increasing body of research is showing that many people are highly
>>sensitive to low doses of formaldehyde in the environment. Environmental
>>exposure to formaldehyde and ingestion of methanol (which converts to
>>formaldehyde) from aspartame likely has a cumulative deleterious effect.
>>7. Formic acid has been shown to slowly accumulate in various parts of the
>>body. Formic acid has been shown to inhibit oxygen metabolism.
>>8. The are a very large and growing number of persons are experiencing
>>chronic health problems similar to the side effects of chronic methanol
>>poisoning when ingesting aspartame-containing products for a significant
>>length of time. This includes many cases of eye damage similar to the type
>>of eye damage seen in methanol poisoning cases.
>>** It often takes at least sixty days without any aspartame NutraSweet to
>>see a significant improvement. Check all labels very carefully (including
>>vitamins and pharmaceuticals). Look for the word "aspartame" on the label
>>and avoid it. (Also, it is a good idea to avoid "acesulfame-k" or