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Thyroid Discussion Group <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 30 Jun 2005 13:44:49 EDT
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>>Having been told to stop it 'cold turkey,' I did not take this morning's 
He said it would be about 4-6 weeks before we can assess the difference.<<

That is scary, because of what I've been through and what I have seen in 
A friend was told to stop Synthroid.  I was shocked the next time I saw her.  
The damage to her was inexcusable!  (I won't go through the long details.)

How much were you taking?

Have others write down daily and report to your doctor on what is happening 
you, because soon you may not be able to do so.  
That includes changes in your skin color, swelling, falling asleep 
how you move compared to before, etc.
For as long as you can, write down changes you are experiencing, new pain, 
new or worse allergic reactions, how well you are able to think, breathe, 
remember words, etc.   
Check your blood pressure.  
Check your temperature on rising and three times throughout the day. 
Notice how cold or warm you feel compared to the real temperature 
in the space where you are.
If physical or mental damage happens, make the doctor pay for the results.  
(That should have been the agreement before the experiment started, I learned 

too late.)
Don't drive unless you are sure your mental alertness and reflexes are 
working properly. 
Don't be alone.  
Have someone help you look right now to get you another doctor, 
because you may need one soon -- sooner than four to six weeks.

On the other hand, you may be one of the lucky ones -- 
something I have yet to see (as a non-medical person who just does a lot of 
Maybe you have a thyroid gland that can start up again -- but that seems to 
work better with Wilson's protocol using T3 or gradual tapering off, 
if there is a thyroid left to work again.
I thought another friend was one of the lucky ones after stopping Synthroid 
(only 100 mcg) -- now she has gained a lot of weight, swelling, and is 
developing congestive heart failure.

Check into the doctor's background.  
Ask to talk to patients who have succeeded with his/her treatment.  
Suggest a support group of patients.  
If the doctor won't let you be contacted by other patients, get suspicious.  
Listen to the other patients in the waiting room.  Look at them.  
Do they seem to be improving?  


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