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Print Reply
Ballew Kinnaman <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Thyroid Discussion Group <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 12 Jul 2002 13:51:19 -0700
text/plain (114 lines)
Dear Thyroid Folks,

One of the "advantages" of being our list owner/manager
continuously, daily, for all these years is that I get to see
the same topics come up over and over. <smile>

Restless legs have been discussed several times before.

To read all that the Thyroid Archives have on this topic,
you'll need to read, at least:

November        1998
February        1999
April-May       1999
December        1999

My search below was restrictive, in that I asked only for
"restless legs" and not, for instance, "legs are restless"
or "restlessness in legs."

To find all instances of "restless" with "legs," I would have
searched, instead, for

> search restless legs in Thyroid

[with no quotes around "restless legs"]

To read only the articles that my restrictive search found,
send the commands

GETPOST THYROID 11873 13281 14291-14292 14346
GETPOST THYROID 14355 14561 14565 14592 17624
GETPOST THYROID 17627 17653 26399 26408 26410

to our sleepless robotic clerk at

 <[log in to unmask]>

I hope this helps (IHTH).

Ballew Kinnaman <[log in to unmask]> 206/463-2322
Discussion list owner:
Allergy ---> http://www.Immune.Com/allergy/index.html
Arthritis ---> http://www.Emissary.Net/arthritis/index.html
Latex Allergy ---> http://www.Immune.Com/rubber/index.html
Thyroid ---> http://www.Emissary.Net/thyroid/index.html

=== ===

> search 'restless legs' in Thyroid
-> 15 matches.

Item #   Date   Time  Recs   Subject
------   ----   ----  ----   -------
011873 98/11/12 09:19   52   T3 (long)/new view
013281 99/02/05 19:04  112   Re: TSH Levels
014291 99/04/17 09:27   61   Achy, restless legs, and sleeplessness
014292 99/04/17 09:48   34   Achy, restless legs/Kathy
014346 99/04/20 07:59   21   Re: Carmen/Linda's response to Luanne/restless legs, etc.
014355 99/04/20 23:07   14   Re: THYROID Digest - 19 Apr 1999 to 20 Apr 1999 (#1999-107)
014561 99/05/02 22:56   70   Hello (plea for help) and afternoon crash (long)
014565 99/05/03 11:02   62   Re: Hello (plea for help) and afternoon crash (long)
014592 99/05/04 11:56   35   afternoon crash
017624 99/12/14 19:06   29   Re: What is fibromyalgia?
017627 99/12/14 23:09   36   Re: What is fibromyalgia?
017653 99/12/16 23:09   43   Re: Is it possible?
026399 02/07/11 08:51   51   "Restless legs"
026408 02/07/12 14:25   36   Re: Restless legs
026410 02/07/12 17:32   42   Re: "Restless legs"

To order a copy of these postings, send the following command:

> s 'restless legs' in thyroid
-> 15 matches.

Item #   Date   Time  Recs   Subject
------   ----   ----  ----   -------
011873 98/11/12 09:19   52   T3 (long)/new view
013281 99/02/05 19:04  112   Re: TSH Levels
014291 99/04/17 09:27   61   Achy, restless legs, and sleeplessness
014292 99/04/17 09:48   34   Achy, restless legs/Kathy
014346 99/04/20 07:59   21   Re: Carmen/Linda's response to Luanne/restless legs, etc.
014355 99/04/20 23:07   14   Re: THYROID Digest - 19 Apr 1999 to 20 Apr 1999 (#1999-107)
014561 99/05/02 22:56   70   Hello (plea for help) and afternoon crash (long)
014565 99/05/03 11:02   62   Re: Hello (plea for help) and afternoon crash (long)
014592 99/05/04 11:56   35   afternoon crash
017624 99/12/14 19:06   29   Re: What is fibromyalgia?
017627 99/12/14 23:09   36   Re: What is fibromyalgia?
017653 99/12/16 23:09   43   Re: Is it possible?
026399 02/07/11 08:51   51   "Restless legs"
026408 02/07/12 14:25   36   Re: Restless legs
026410 02/07/12 17:32   42   Re: "Restless legs"

To order a copy of these postings, send the following command:

GETPOST THYROID 11873 13281 14291-14292 14346 14355 14561 14565 14592 17624
17627 17653 26399 26408 26410

=== end ===

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Question not answered on Thyroid? Check the Thyroid Archives:
 and ask again!