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"Cherise M. Kyster" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Fri, 6 Jun 1997 01:32:27 -0400
text/plain (56 lines)
Okay,  I've been patient for 9 months, and I've just about had it.  I don't
know what to do, and I've almost run out of theories, so any advice would be
much appreciated.

I've been on synthetic T4 since September when I was dx'd with Hashimoto's
Thyroiditis.  I started on .075 and had "normal" TSH after being on it for a
couple of months.  Still feeling terrible hypo symptoms, my Endo put me on
.100, which caused some improvements, but I still felt horrible (at least I
was able to stand though!)  I went to .125 seven weeks ago.  The first week I
had many hyper symptoms (typical when I've increased my dose) then, about
three weeks into it, I had three "I think I might be cured" days and then
went back to completely hypo again, which is how I feel today.

I just don't get it.  Could I have some type of resistance to thyroid
hormone?  Does such a thing exist?  Has anyone else had this problem?  Do you
ever actually get enough and keep enough in your system long term?  (Dumb
question since I'm sure that there are multitudes of success stories for
those on synthetic T4.)

I'm thankful that one of my doctors has been amazingly patient with me.  He
has increased my doses each time I've requested increases.  However, he has
not given me Armour yet.  I'm sure that he would be willing to do so if I ask
him.  I'm kind of unsure about doing it though because I can at least
function the way I am, and before I couldn't stand up.  Is there anyone on
Armour who can assure me that I won't be worse than I am currently?

I'm still young and would like to try and get pregnant next year.  I'm so
tired of being sick and tired and hurting.  I travel and speak around the
country for a living.  Each time I get home from a speaking engagement, I
"crash" and am good for nothing for two to three days.  I'm mentally dull and
am responsible for multi-million dollar negotiations.  Believe me, this is a
scary concept.  I don't even trust myself!  I try to continue on with my life
as if everything is normal, but this is not exactly the quality of life I
aspire too!

Yes, I've tried exercise, sleep, rest, vacations, nutritional programs, you
name it.  I'm hardly psychotic and certainly not depressed, I'm just
extremely dull mentally and in pain all over.  I have typical Hypo symptoms
(muscle/joint aches, dry hair/skin, plugged ears, swelling all over, weight
gain, inflammation, headaches, sore thyroid, tired, mentally dull, puffy
eyes, dry eyes, sleep like the dead, back ache, low voice, loss of singing
voice, sore teeth, fingernail grooves, no perspiration, low body temperature,
poor circulation, cramps, constipation, skipped heart beats, all know
the drill).  The only symptom that seems to have subsided is my unusually
slow heart rate.  It's now normal (and frankly, too high when I first
increase my dose).

Also, is anyone else dizzy?  I've found myself feeling car sick whenever I'm
not driving!  Is this typical of hypothyroidism?

Sorry this is so long.  I'm open to any and all comments.  Thanks in advance!

God bless you all,
