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Reeva Parry <[log in to unmask]>
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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 4 Mar 2008 11:31:09 -0600
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Reply-To: "Stu" <[log in to unmask]>
From: "Stu" <[log in to unmask]>

"You'd Better Watch Your Mouth!"

    Good morning folks, it is so good to have you here withme me this 
fine morning! I hope I said that the proper way and I pray with all 
of my heart that when I open my mouth to speak, that the right thing 
always comes out!

Proverbs 18:6-8.

6  A fool's lips enter into contention, and his mouth calleth for strokes.

7  A fool's mouth is his destruction, and his lips are the snare of his soul.

8  The words of a talebearer are as wounds, and they go down into the 
innermost parts of the belly.

The book of proverbs is a Christian library and drug store all rolled 
into one. It's a book of wisdom, as well as a book of remedy. There 
is something in this book to instruct, or heal, anyone who suffers 
any type of spiritual malady.

God here, through Solomon, has condescended (or stooped down) from 
His heavenly throne to become our spiritual ombudsman on the affairs 
of life. These inspired words and instructions are plain, sharp, and 
to the point.

Besides the threat of God's judgments, we are warned against the evil 
of idleness, laziness, drunkenness, debauchery, injustice and verbal 
abuse. That last evil I mentioned is the one we're focusing on today, 
because there is a need for each of us to understand that what comes 
out of our mouths carries great power.

Someone might say, "Well Pastor ... they're just words." But brothers 
and sisters, I've come to tell you that: words can bring life to a 
dead situation, or words can bring death, destruction, or a whole lot 
of trouble if misused!

For instance:

Cold words freeze people.

Warm words loose people.

Hot words scorch people.

Cool words calm people.

Bitter words bite people.

Kind words sooth people.

Positive words bring positive results, while negative words bring 
negative results! I tell ya. there is power, there is great power 
within our words! And I believe that the devil recognizes the power 
that's in our mouths, and so many times, he convinces us to say the 
wrong words ... so as to derail this Gospel train we're riding on.

They tell me that it doesn't take much to derail a train. Just a 
kink, or a break in the tracks, or something that has 
'intentionally', or maybe 'unintentionally' been placed on the tracks 
... can cause a train to jump its rails and cause a lot of 
destruction, or maybe even death.

Now I don't like to give the satan credit, but the boy's a genius! He 
knows that in order to cause a train wreck in the body of Christ, all 
he really has to do is to get one Christian to talk about another 
Christian, (or someone who's thinking about becoming a Christian). 
And if he can succeed in doing that,
he'll succeed in getting that Christian to leave the church, and go 
back out into the world.

Think about it. It's not people in the world who cause some of us to 
leave the church, it's folks right in the church who, many times, 
don't realize that they're on hell's payroll, nor do they realize 
that, one day, eternal damnation will be their retirement benefit! 
That's why I stopped by to tell you today

"You'd Better Watch Your Mouth!"

When I was a child, that's what the old folks used to say to us when 
we said something we had no business saying. "Boy... or Girl ... 
You'd Better Watch Your Mouth!" Sometimes, they acted before they 
said it, and some of us found ourselves picking our lips up from off the floor!

Well, I'm not suggesting that you slap anybody (that's neither a 
Godly, or a healthy thing to do), but sometimes, brothers and 
sisters, I think that some of us need to slap ourselves, because we 
often say things we really have no business saying!

As believers, we must understand that we're living in a time, where 
the enemy is going to and fro, seeking whom he may devour! The devil 
is busy!He's not taking a coffee break, and he's not on vacation! And 
the devil recognizes that if he's going to bring down, as many 
Christians as possible, he
has to work over-time! Not only is he working over-time, he's working 
triple time! Matter of fact, while you're on your job, in church, or 
even sleeping
at night, the devil is plotting up something to get you! That's why, 
before you go to work, to church, or to bed, you need to pray over 
yourself. Pray and ask God to season your words.

Somebody said, "Much prayer, much power, little prayer, little power, 
no prayer, no power!" When I think of seasoning, I think of salt. 
Salt is flavorful. Salt preserves. Know this: God has called us to be 
the salt of the earth. In other words, God has called us out of the 
darkness into the marvelous light to be good seasoning in a tasteless 
world. And God wants us to "preserve."

Watch this: You can't preserve nobody when you gossip about them! 
You've got to be careful that you don't say the wrong things in the 
wrong way, and cause a person to turn totally away from God, and miss 
out on their salvation, because if they miss it because of you, their 
blood is on your hands!

That's why before we speak, we need to get out your biblical library 
cards, check out the Good Book, and see what God and Dr. Solomon have 
to say about our mouths, because God desires for us to use our words 
as instruments of praise, faith and righteousness, but in order to do 
that, we must recognize the fallen nature of the tongue, and the 
dangers it poses to destroy our lives and those around us.

Look at what Proverbs 18, verses 6,7 & 21 has to say: Verse 6 says: 
"A fool's lips enter into contention, and his mouth calleth for 
strokes." In other words, "A fool's lips bring him strife, and his 
mouth invites a beating." Another way of saying it is: The words of a 
talebearer [are] as wounds, and incite
a riot.

I've discovered that it doesn't take much for some church folk to 
jump on the gossip bandwagon, and before you know it, the whole 
church is turned upside down! Some of us say things, and wonder why 
folk beat up on us, but it's because many times, we speak before we 
pray! That's why I never preach a sermon that I haven't first prayed 
about. Because I don't want what is going to be said to come from me, 
I want it to come from God!

"A fool's lips enter into contention, and his mouth calleth for 
strokes." But not only that, but, verse 7 says: "A fool's mouth is 
his destruction, and his lips are the snare of his soul." In other words, what
you say can bring destruction on YOU! It can ruin YOU!

If I had the time, I'd go a little further, because verse 8 says: 
"The words of a talebearer are as wounds ..." Tale-bearers are those 
who, secretly, carry stories from house to house, which MAY have some 
truth in them, but are secrets not fit to be told, or are basely 
misrepresented, and false colors are put upon them, and are all told 
with design to blast men's reputation, to break their friendship, to 
make mischief between relations and neighbors, and set them at variance!

It's amazing to me how some of us can get on the telephone and talk 
about other folk, get off that call and call somebody else, and talk 
about the person we just got off the phone with! Tell somebody, 
"You'd Better Watch Your Mouth!"

What we fail many times to understand is the reality of verse 21: 
"Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it 
shall eat the fruit thereof." In other words, "Words can bring death 
or life!" Talk too much, and you may have to eat everything you say!

I'm gonna leave you alone in a minute, but the reason (sometimes) we 
have so much trouble in our lives is because we've spent so much time 
in the past talking or gossiping about other folk, that we've spoken 
judgement into our own lives and own homes! We're on the telephone 
chattin' and chewin' on what's
wrong in the Deacon's house, and the Choir member's house, and the 
Trustee's house, and the Usher's House, and the Missionarie's house, 
and the Preacher's House, and the Pastor's house, and while we're 
chattin' and chewin' on other folks woes, we are in reality speaking 
words of death into our own homes...
AND ... one day, we're going to have to eat every word we've said!

Now ... don't misunderstand what I'm saying here. If someone's life 
is headed for destruction because of sin, yes ... you and I have a 
responsibility to help them try to get their lives in tune, and in 
line with God's word, but remember that you and I are only 
instruments, and an instrument cannot play itself, it has to be 
played by someone who knows what he's doing!

What I'm trying to say to you is that "of yourself", ... (that is, of 
your human nature) ... anything that comes out of your mouth has the 
potential to be a snare to YOUR SOUL or someone else's soul, but when 
you recognize that God wants to use your tongue to bring praise, 
faith and righteousness into a situation, you'll not only say 
something, but you'll say the "Right Something." And I believe, as 
Christians, that we need to consider four things, before we say 
anything to anybody. We need to ask ourselves:

#1: "Is It True?"

#2:: "Is it complete?"

#3: "Is It Necessary?"

#4: "Is It Kind?"

First, "Is It True?" Before you repeat a statement, MAKE SURE IT'S 
TRUE!!! Someone said "I believe half of what I see, and nothing of 
what I hear!" Just because someone said it, doesn't make it true! 
It's easy to jump to a wrong conclusion!

It's like the dog who was named August. August was always jumping and 
snarling at other dogs, but one day he jumped and snarled at a wolf. 
Guess what day that was? It was the last day of August! Before you 
believe something, before you repeat something, make sure it is true!!!!

Next: "Is it Complete?" It's easy to get half of the story. 
Sometimes, what's said is true, but the information we get is not 
always complete! Some folk like to leave out certain information, 
because it makes their gossip spicier. But tell somebody, "Make sure 
you get the whole story!"

#3. "Is it Necessary?" What you say may be true, it may be complete, 
but is it NECESSARY? If it's not going to build up, then maybe we 
need to shut-up!

Ephesians 4: 15 says, "Speak the truth in love that we may be more 
like Christ."

God wants us to build people up in the faith, not tear them down. 
They know they're down. We need to tell them how to get up, and we 
need to do it with the love of God!

Finally, we need to determine: "Is It Kind?" Romans 12 and 10 says: 
"Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour 
preferring one another." And then I heard Paul say in Ephesians 4 and 
31-32), "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and 
evil speaking, be put away from
you, with all malice: 32 And be ye kind one to another, 
tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as
God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you."

Well. . . I'm getting ready to close, but I heard a commercial on the 
radio the other day for a product called VERBAL ADVANTAGE. It's a 
vocabulary building program that claims to increase your status in 
society by teaching you how to speak. The commercial says, "VERBAL 

And you know, that's the truth! Your words and what you say tells 
much about you. That's why it was so important, when Jesus was tested 
in the wilderness by the devil, that He chose the right words to beat 
satan at his own game.

You see, when Satan attempted to tempt Jesus in the wilderness, he 
was trying to subdue Jesus' mission to the cross. When Satan came up 
against Jesus in the wilderness, Jesus didn't say, I don't know what 
I'm going to do; He opened his mouth and quoted the Words of God. He 
said, "It is written". So if Jesus can speak the Words of God, (and 
He did say "these things I do, you can do, and even greater") then 
somebody in here ought to be able to say something anointed and 
powerful that will break the yoke in somebody's life!

When the Devil comes at you like a roaring lion, carrying some 
gossip, or foolish talk to us, we need to speak back it him, and tell 
him: "I don't have time for that cause' I'm too busy talking about my 

Matter of fact, I need to get a praise on right now, because it was 
said at one time in my life, somebody said that I wouldn't be anything!

Somebody said that I wouldn't make it!

Somebody said that I was washed up! Some of it was true, but most of 
it was a lie! But that's alright.

I've been lied on, cheated ... talked about, mistreated, Buked, 
scorned, talked about as sure as your born!

I know you heard the gossip about me ...

I've been up, down, almost level to the ground. But as long ... as I 
got King Jesus, I don't need nobody else! And when I think of His 
goodness and all that He's done for me, my soul cries out, 
Hallelujah! I thank God for saving me! And so, you can say what you 
want about me ... I'm still gonna praise God!

If I don't praise Him ... "if I hold my peace, the rocks will cry 
out!" I don't know about you, but I want no rock crying out for me! 
I've been through too much to let a rock steal my praise!

Is there anybody here besides me who has been through some stuff, and 
now that God has delivered you, you don't care what folk say about you anymore?

I may be poor ... but I'll praise Him!

I may be dirty... but I'll praise Him!

My kids may be on drugs ... but I'll praise Him!

My marriage may be on the rocks ... but I'll praise Him!

I may be on welfare ... but I'll praise Him!

I may be sick ... but I'll praise Him!

... And because I praise Him, I have power in my words!

I can speak to my empty pockets, and tell them to fill up!

I can lay my hands on my hearts desire, and claim it in the name of Jesus!

I can speak to devils, and send them back to Hell!

I've got power!!!! Power!!! Power!!! in my mouth!!!

If you know you've got that power, slap three people a high five, and 
tell them ... "I've got the power, because I've got the right word!"


There once was a little girl who had a bad temper. Her mother gave 
her a bag of nails and told her that every time she lost her temper, 
she must hammer a nail into the back of the fence. The first day the 
girl had driven 37 nails into the fence. Over the next few weeks, as 
she learned to control her anger,
the number of nails hammered daily gradually dwindled down. She 
discovered it was easier to hold her temper than to drive those nails 
into the fence.

Finally, the day came when the girl didn't lose her temper at all. 
She told her mother about it and the mother suggested that the girl 
now pull out one nail for each day that she was able to hold her temper.

Well ... the days passed, and the young girl was finally able to tell 
her mother that all the nails were gone. The mother took her daughter 
by the hand and led her to the fence.

She said, "You've done well, my daughter, but look at the holes in 
the fence. The fence will never be the same. My brothers and sisters, 
when you say things in anger, or in gossip ... they leave a scar, 
just like the ones in the fence.

Likewise, brothers and sisters, you can put a knife in a person and 
draw it out. It won't matter how many times you say I'm sorry, the 
wound is still there.

A verbal wound is as bad as a physical one. Physical wounds heal, and 
bruises disappear. Words spoken out of anger or malice stay forever 
imbedded in our heart and mind. Be careful of what you say and how 
you say it. "Watch Your Mouth!" You never know, how what you say, 
will affect someone's life!

Let's go to the Lord in prayer! Gracious Heavenly father, thank You 
so very much for the ability to say the things that will lift people 
up, and not bring them down. Thank You for letting us walk in Your 
footsteps and let's pray that all of us keep that walk in a straight 
line with You. Thank You, Lord, for
all of your blessings, and we pray You will forgive us of our many sins!!
If there is anyone here this morning who has not accepted You as 
their Personal Savior, there is no time like the present to do just 
that. What a wonderful feeling to know You, and be able to walk with 
you through life.

Stuart Swartz
616 E. Boothe
Cleveland, Tx.  77327
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