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Ballew Kinnaman <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Sun, 20 Apr 1997 22:49:22 -0500
text/plain (99 lines)
Dear Thyroid Folks,

Well, here's a request for your help, please.  The "T3 Sympathetic" doctors
registry is seeking names of doctors in the following locations.  If you
have a lead, or the details on a prescriber, please respond!


Locations Requested And Unfulfilled:

o  New York, New York
o  Rochester, New York
o  Washington, DC (Maryland, N. Virginia)
o  Raleigh, North Carolina
o  SW Missouri
o  Koeln, Germany (Europe)

Date:         Sun, 6 Apr 1997 22:22:32 -0500
From: Ballew Kinnaman <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:      Beginning A "T3 Sympathetic" Doctor Registry
Comments: cc: T3 Sympathetic Doctor Registry <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]

Dear Thyroid Folks,

After some thought, I volunteered to take on the duty of being a registrar
of "T3 Sympathetic" doctors.

It is ridiculous that anyone should have to go to doctor after doctor to
get a treatment which will make them whole.  As long as T3 is a
prescription "controlled substance," there will probably be a need for a
registry of sympathetic doctors.

Yet, with the current political and economic structure, doctors with T3
sympathies will be in danger if the whole list is available to the powers
that be.  Therefore this registry is not "publicly available" and only one
entry will be released at a time based on one location.

So, those of you who are taking Armour, or armour generic, or Cytomel, or
Thyrolar [or any other T3 drug] (especially for any HYPOthyroid condition),
please send this information to me <[log in to unmask]>, and I will
compile a list.

People seeking a sympathetic doctor should write directly to me at
<[log in to unmask]>, rather than writing to the whole list of over
350 people, with a request for information about "T3 Sympathetic" doctors
IN A CERTAIN LOCATION.  I have received two requests already for
copies of the whole list, and, as I've said, I will only release ONE name
at a time.

There is likely to be one or more sympathetic doctor in every population
center.  We just have to find them!

Here's One Clue!

The druggists, pharmacists, and chemists *know* which doctors are
prescribing what.  If we are very careful to insist we don't intend to
violate any doctor-patient privilege, I suspect that some dispensing
pharmacists will answer this (or a similar) question:  "I'm seeking a
doctor who sometimes prescribes Armour thyroid. Which doctors in X city
sometimes treat thyroid patients who are taking Armour thyroid?"  Tell the
rest of us if you hit on the right way to approach this with the druggist,
doctor, physician's assistant, or nurse, please.


Location:   (Address), City, Province, (Postal Code)

Doctor's Name and practice: for example, Jane Doe, General Practitioner

Doctor's Phone number:  for example, (123/456-7890)

Diagnosis Treated with T3:  for example, hypothyroid, thyroid cancer, etc.

Drug Prescribed:  for example, Armour, Cytomel, Thyrolar, etc.

Comment:  (for example, required begging, 3 months of extra tests, waking
temperature data, etc.)

Please send in the above information as soon as convenient to
<[log in to unmask]>.  Please do not post this "dangerous" information
to the Thyroid mailing list. Please cross-post this message to all
appropriate newsgroups and mailing lists, and forward it to appropriate

I will post some sort of summary to Thyroid after I have 25 or more entries.

Thank you for considering this request.

Ballew Kinnaman  <[log in to unmask]>  512/463-9321
Discussion list owner -- Allergy - PCHealth - Rubber - Thyroid
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