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Anita Laine <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Mon, 7 Apr 1997 06:28:26 -0500
text/plain (62 lines)
Stacey, I'm responding to your questions about Synthroid,  energy, etc.
I don't know anyone who has done  extremely well on Synthroid.  I, myself,
have tried, Synthroid, Cytomel, and Armour Thyroid.  Armour thyroid has
been the best, Synthroid the worst (memory problems while on it).  If you
want to try Armour, I and my friends have found that one must sometimes
INSIST on a trial of Armour in order to get your doctor to cooperate.  Learn
all you can about thyroid problems and therapies so that you can become
your own best advocate.

Since hormone levels change so much during pregnancy, and since the various
hormones enhance each other's performance,  one's endocrinologist no doubt
would be monitoring hormone levels carefully.  In my own experience, I noted
while trying to find the right gynecologist that the 3 gyns I visited talked as
if they  confidently knew all about hormones; but they did not begin to have
the depth of knowledge my endocrinologist had and deferred to him in all

>Hi everybody, I'm glad to be on this list, and look forward to getting to
>know you all.  I had my thyroid removed 1 1/2 yrs. ago due to Grave's
>Disease.  The time when my thyroid was overactive was the worst time of my
>life.  I had so many symptoms, and for awhile didn't know why.  Since
>having this disease, I have noticed so many changes in myself, and wonder
>if I will ever feel like "myself" again.  I have gained about 10 pounds
>since having thyroid removed, but that is the least of my problems, as well
>as my hair-it is so coarse now, and gets so snarly and it is hard to get it
>to do anything anymore.  I seem to have become a different person since I
>got sick.  I have no energy anymore, everything is a struggle, even things
>that used to be fun, I just don't usually feel like I have enough energy to
>do them.  I am always tired.  There are so many other things too...
>I am on .112 of Synthroid.  My levels have been low since the surgery for
>the most part, except for last yr. when I was on .125 and they went over
>again, and I had the racing heart, shakes, etc.  I am terrifed of my levels
>going to high again, and have resisted having my synthroid increased.
>Right now my levels are a little low, but not way out of range.
>I am 4 months pregnant, and wondered if this affects thyroid levels,
>symptoms, etc.  I have been a little more tired, but I've been tired since
>this whole throid thing started.
>It's good to meet you all.  I am glad I found this list.  Have been on
>about a week now, and seen all this talk about synthroid, is there anyone
>who does well on it?  Does anyone feel like themselves again after having
>thyroid problems?


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