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"K.M. Neves" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Wed, 13 Aug 1997 09:23:56 -0300
TEXT/PLAIN (35 lines)
On Tue, 12 Aug 1997, Sandra Jean Austin wrote:

> thanks for sharing.  I am about 40-50 lbs overweight, and I was a size 5-- 7
> years ago. Although not athletic, I love aerobics and excerising.  It is an
> effort to excerise in someone else's body.  I don't know how to buy clothes
> or act anymore in this size 16.  I am so depressed as nothing seems to work.

Oh, Sandra -- reading this broke my heart.  I, too, am about 60 lbs
overweight and am only now beginning to come to terms with my size and
inability to be too physically active.

I found that going to a plus-size store and buying beautiful clothes
really helped my self-esteem.  I'm a professional person, so I wear suits
to work (although the library is pretty casual and most people dress
that way.  I made the choice to dress well for myself more than
anything, although I could dress casually.) Being well-dressed helps
my confidence level immensely and it seems to make a difference in the
way others relate to me.

I think there is increasing awareness on the part of retailers that women
are not all undernourished waifs and that normal sized women (I say normal
because I remember hearing recently that size 16 is the average for women
in North America so that makes YOU average, not Cindy Crawford!) want
beautiful clothes.

Anyway, I hope you find SOMETHING that makes you feel better.  I know
first hand that it is a terrible curse not to be at peace with yourself.
I'm sending supportive thoughts your way.  It was only when I stopped
fighting my weight and my body that I began to realize that I really AM
beautiful.  I know you are, too.

Halifax, NS, Canada
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