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Laura Dolson <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Wed, 9 Jul 1997 18:42:35 +0000
text/plain (60 lines)
> Laura Dolson wrote: (actually someone else wrote this)

> > > i was recently diagnosed with Hash. The doctor did not explain anything other
> > > than the fact that i will be taking medicine for the rest of my life and will
> > > be going in the the lab for blood work ever two months for the first
> > > year?!.....can anyone help me understand what this is and what to ecpect with
> > > it?!?!?
> The first year you're a "pin cushion" so they can get your thyroid
> levels back in range. It tends to take a while because the dosages are
> increased slowly. Dosages are increased slowly because your thyroid's
> function has been impaired for probably a long time and it takes time
> for your body to adjust. This keeps you from going HYPER. Once you are
> in range, you then will probably get checked after 6 months, then yearly
> (unless a problem arises).
> >I don't know what caused my hypothyroidism  - if it is Hash,
> > does that make a difference as far as treatment/symptoms/prognosis?
> Didn't you write previously that you were dx'd with Hashi's?

Nope, that wasn't me.  As far as I know, no antibody tests have ever
been done on me - only TSH I think.

 If so, that
> is probably (without a doubt) the reason you have hypothyroidism. Most
> folks with hypothyroidism have it because of Hashi's, radiation, or due
> to rx's for HYPERthyroidism. Hashi's is an auto-immune disease of the
> thyroid which means your body thinks your thyroid is bad and is killing
> it off. It is usually hereditary, so it would be good to discuss this
> with your family (and also have your kids tested!).

Well, hypo does run on my mother's side - her sister and mother.
Also, my mom had thyroid supplements for awhile but not now.

> Treatment:      thyroid hormone replacement

OK, so that's the same as "regular" hypo (whatever that is :-) )

> Symptoms:       the same as hypothyroidism, possibly additional troubles since
> it is an                auto-immune disease.

Like what?  (gulp)

> Prognosis:      This disease is usually for a lifetime. Think about it: once
> your                    thyroid gland folds up and dies, it can't come back.

> Try not to be too discouraged.

Jeez, my thyroid gland shriveling up and dying doesn't sound too
cheerful.  ;-)  But actually, (there's been some mixup of people)
I've been hypo for quite awhile so that part isn't new.  It's just
that I keep hearing about Hash, and that is new to me and I'm
wondering what additional information I would have if I found out
that is the cause of my hypo.

Thanks so much-
