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Carol Tease <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Mon, 7 Jul 1997 18:04:53 -0400
text/plain (84 lines)
This may interest those who are interested in Professor Ebringer's theory
of autoimmune disease reported in The Times 7/7/97.

>Subject:       Thinking Points For all of You.
>From:  [log in to unmask] (ATeasd5941)
>Date:  17 Jun 1997 17:28:53 GMT
>If you were to trace your family medical history back to around 1870 you
>may discover that one of your ancestors had been injected with
>macerated thyroid tissue. Kocher, a professor at Berne developed
>the surgical treatment for thyroid disease, it was also around this
>time that it was discovered that the thyroid was essential to life
> ( emmmm I wonder how they found that out?)
>Once it was found that replacing the missing thyroid with a crude
>type of thyroid hormone, they were well away. So much so in fact,
>that if people had a goitre it was cut out regardless of cause ( not
>that they would know goitres had different causes) Thyroid was
>given to anyone, or everyone who was over weight, a little dense or
>even looked like they would benefit.
>The moral in this tale is that somewhere along the way your genes
>were mutated, quite possibly by the very profession of people who
>now go a long way to disempowering people. There is a strong
>possibility that those original goitres were caused by the
>environment of the individual. If you don't believe me on this, here's
>one for you all to think about. It is now accepted that thalidomide
>mutation can go on to second generation.
>A word of warning to everyone it can and does happen, the miracles
>of todays medicine are there for the few ie; heart transplants etc......
>The potential for disaster is there for the many just waiting to
>happen. It is everyone's responsibility to look to the future with
>preventative health care ( exercise, better diets, engrossing hobbies),
>it is also your responsibility as individuals to promote it.
>The businesses in this World with the big profits and shares should
>be the leisure industry, NOT the pharmaceutical industries, there is
>something very perverse in the situation we have now.

For any of you who remembered that I wrote this and you doubted it
In todays 'The Times'  (7th July) newspaper there is an article about BSE
 and how Professor Ebringer thinks that BSE is an autoimmune disorder
created by the ingestion of 'green offal' which contain a bacteria. The
came when the immune system failed to recognise the bacteria from
the bodies own tissue which it resembles.
If it is an autoimmune disorder that the cows had, then there is little
to us beyond the possibility that he might be wrong. The cull may not have
been totaly in vain as future generations of cattle will not be there to
inherit the
new autoimmune disease.
Now I get to my point, if he is right then my theory is possibly right too,
I pointed out that there is a possibility that some people have got their
thyroid disorder from their grandparents treatments ( not needed in some
If anyone reading the professors theory and accepts it as plausable, as many
top doctors obviously have. Then you would have to explain why mine was not.

The even more serious side to this is to point out how easily the cattle
became infected, how difficult it has been to sort out and how easily
it could be humans instead. Don't put any new substance, or new
combination of substances into your bodies unless you are dying and
there is NO other choice. Don't take any old substances for longer
periods of time than absolutly needed.

Some of todays chemical compounds are proving to be stressors on the
body. Some are being produced to replace old and just as effective
materials, just so that drugs companies can make vast amounts of money.
If Professor  Ebringer does nothing else in his life, but has got it right,
he also will have unwittingly highlighted the dangers of what new things
we ingestion in our modern World and what they could do for our future

So what constitutes a stressor to the body??

Environmental factors that HAVE NOT developed along with the paceof
 natural evolution and given the body time to adapt or adust.

Carol 7/7/79