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Anita Laine <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Sun, 8 Jun 1997 15:11:14 -0500
text/plain (27 lines)
Ann Womble wrote re: her concern for her mother's health and wondered
if she should contact her mother's doctor directly since her mother
would not mention Ann's concerns to her own doctor.

She wondered:  " Would it be an invasion of her privacy
>for me to write a letter to her doctor explaining that I have Hashi's
>and I suspect that she also has thyroid problems, and suggest he test
>her for it?
>I love her dearly and believe she has many, many more productive and
>happy years ahead.  Thanks in advance for all responses."

Would your mother interpret such a move as a betrayal of her con-
fidence?  Or as having been superannuated?

May I suggest you give your mother a note from you to be given to her
doctor at her next visit, explaining your rationale.  That way you will
be including her in the matter.  Make her promise to give the note to
the doctor with your  questions in it.

If that doesn't work, get her a book or pamphlet on the subject.


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