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April Stahl <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 13 Apr 2008 06:17:14 -0400
text/plain (65 lines)
Hello Loving,

How is Dean Ferguson doing now?  Did Sharon get the requested time off to 
spend with her husband as he grieves his loss?  How about you?  Please keep 
us posted.
I see you on messenger, but your status is always busy.  Catch me some time 
and we'll chat.  I don't want o interrupt anything important.  *Hugs*

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Pat Ferguson" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2008 6:41 PM
Subject: Several prayer requests, and one is urgent!

> Hi Loving Ones,
> I have several prayer requests, please.
> Please pray, as of this moment, Dean Ferguson, Vernon's brother, is on his 
> way to the Heart Hospital in Sioux Falls via Ambulance. He has been having 
> a lot of shortness of breath. They forgot their cell phone, too. We'll be 
> watching the puppies.
> My cousin, Rick Bonn, who lives in Vancoover, has Cancer of the Asophigus, 
> and it has spread to his limpfnotes, lungs, and liver. They are giving him 
> 3 to 6 months to live. Please pray for the Bonn family, and especially for 
> Rick, and his wife, Aurel.
> A friend of ours, Ed gill, his brother, Jerry,  had cancer, and Ed did not 
> get to see him, and Jerry passed away yesterday morning. This is very hard 
> on Ed, as he is not particularly close to his family, and they did not let 
> Ed know until this morning. Please pray that Sharon Gill,  Ed's wife, whom 
> Cecily and Paulette and I went to school with, can get time off work to be 
> with Ed. These are two very close friends, and they are very loving 
> people.
> I have been having some soreness in my glands on the left side of my neck, 
> and near and under my left ear. This has been going on for several years, 
> and it is getting worse. I will be having a CatScan on Friday and they 
> will scan my limpfnodes and my thyroide gland to see what is going on. If 
> they find nothing, they will send me to a specialist in Sioux Falls.
> I've also had some weakness, and we believe it is my blood sugar which 
> drops suddenly, not to a dangerous level, but  enough that it makes me 
> feel weak, and my arms hurt, and it's an awful feeling. Please pray that 
> we can get my blood sugar under control. It's not been going dangerously 
> high, but I need to loose weight. I'm on thyroide medicine now.
> Thank you very much for praying.
> Loving you all bunches,
> Pat Ferguson
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