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Reeva Parry <[log in to unmask]>
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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 1 Mar 2008 16:00:59 -0600
text/plain (74 lines)
Gracious, Phil!

In what Republic is Almaty?

Love and Blessings,

Skweeks and Skweeky.

At 06:54 PM 2/12/2008, The Skove sent:

>Since I have talked about my nephew on here before and some of you prayed
>for him when there was what they thought was a flare up of the MS they said
>he had, I thought I would pass along their January/February newsletter.
>Keep in mind, although this is now a United States ally, the KGB still
>functions in this country and Christians are not very well liked by the
>     Last month our family attended HOPE '08, our Asia regional conference.
>It was a very encouraging time for the whole family.  Our organization, PI,
>commissioned us as Area Leaders and after we returned to Central Asia, it
>started out as an adventure.
>     Some of you have heard that I was interviewed last week by the local
>prosecutor's office.  The way that it came about was the prosecutor's office
>was investigating the Christian Organization that owns the building we rent
>our office space in.  The prosecutor saw our office rent contracts and
>wanted to know who we were and what we were doing in the building.  They
>interviewed me for two hours.  At the end, I had to sign and date my
>statement regarding my activities (all of which were legitimate and within
>the scope of my visa contract).  Since then, they have not called me back
>for another interview, but they have been going around the building asking
>other local people about who I am and what I do.  We are told that the
>prosecutor's office will be investigating the people and organizations in
>the building over the next 30 days.
>     As a result, we had to cancel our Sharpening Your Interpersonal Skills
>(SYIS) workshop (Feb. 11-15th).  We were planning on having 25 locals
>attend, but felt we needed to wait and see what would happen.  Over the past
>two weeks we have been able to verify that five different Christian
>Organizations in the city have been interviewed by the local police or
>prosecutor's office.  Some sources have reported upwards of 12 organizations
>(this has not been confirmed yet).  Please pray for wisdom and peace from
>the Lord in this time for all the local Christians and foreign workers in
>     This month, February, our visas are up for renewal (Feb. 25th).  Pray
>that we would be able to get one year, multi-entry visas for the whole
>family.  Our rent is also due for the year (Feb. 22nd).  Pray that the
>landlady would not increase our rent and would be patient with us as our
>visas expire after our lease is up.
>     It appears that there are many potential changes in this area.  Pray
>that the Lord would give us his wisdom and revelation about the next steps.
>We are doing some research about what are our options for visas and
>     On a high note, *Amber turns 9 years old this week.  She was born on
>Valentines Day.
>Dave, Wendy, Ruth and Amber Adamson
>Prayer Requests:
>*Pray that we would have the Lord's wisdom and revelation in moving forward
>to a business platform.
>*Pray that we local believers and foreign workers would stand firm in this
>time of uncertainty
>*Pray that our visas would be renewed for 1 year multiple entry (Feb. 25th)
>*Pray that our landlady would keep the rent at the same price this year as
>last year.
>*Pray that we would have the Lord's peace and strength.
>*We had a very encouraging time at our regional conference last month.
>*Ruth and Amber are doing well in school.