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Kathy Du Bois <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 11 Feb 2008 16:59:50 -0500
text/plain (31 lines)
Hey Phil,
Sorry, I've been gone for a few days, but this announcement makes me 
sick and angry all at the same time.  I already said once on this 
list that I appreciate James Dobson, but I don't drink the kool 
ade.  Well, I'll take a pass on this one for sure.  I'm actually 
considering sitting out this election.  I haven't done so since 1980, 
but I am not going to go through meaningless behaviors for some party 
that doesn't give a rip about doing what's right.  And, just so there 
is no confusion, please notice that I didn't name a party.  That's 
because I believe that both major parties are guilty as charged!

At 10:32 PM 2/8/2008, you wrote:
>I have been wondering when this would happen and this morning I heard it on
>our local Denver news.  Dr. James Dobson announced he is now backing Mike
>Huckabee.  Now you know, and I know, the Mike Huckabee isn't going to even
>get close to the White House unless, of course, Mac realizes that the
>Christian evangelicals, so called, are going to back him if he pick Mike
>Huckabee to be his VP?  And you thought Christians weren't that involved in
>politics.  Dobson said a couple of months ago that he would not, I repeat,
>he would not back Mit Romny, or was it big Mac?  I forget who just now.
>Maybe he said Rudy.  It makes no difference.  Oh, really?  Since when has
>any major Christian leader ever come out and announce publicly that he
>wasn't going to vote for a candidate?  They might say for whom they will
>vote, after a fashion, but not for whom they will not vote as far as picking
>a conservative for the office.  So, now you know how to vote as a Christian.