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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 31 Aug 2009 21:01:42 -0700
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Kristina - here is the protocol I followed - really easy for me to do. 
I omitted the enema (fasted one day prior) and I just added the 
phosphorous drops (about 10 drops each) to a glass of apple juice and 
drank about 6 tumblers worth over 2-3 days before doing it.  Then I 
added about a 1/4 cup of red grapefruit juice to the oil, mixed it up 
before drinking it - slight alterations from the published procedure 
which worked better for me than following it exactly.  As I mentioned 
before, the first one lasted about 2 weeks and the pain returned, the 
second one - pain returned after about 3 months.  After the 3rd, no pain 
returned and going on 2 years with no problems.



Kristina K. Carlton wrote:
> Thanks Mark - I have actually been considering the flushes. I don't do so
> well with Epsom salt but am sure I could find a substitute.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paleolithic Eating Support List [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
> On Behalf Of theta
> Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2009 10:47 PM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: gallbladder attacks and finding docs
> I read all the replies so far.  Just wanted to add my personal 
> experience.  I had the same pain for some 10 months or more just right 
> of center under the rib cage in the area of the gallbladder and liver. 
> After reading up on the situation, I decided to do a "liver/gallbladder" 
> flush.  It was the first of about 4 of them during about 1 year and a 
> few months.  I am so glad that I did the flushes - the pain completely 
> disappeared after the 3rd flush and has not come back for more than 2 
> years now.  Needless to say, there were many stones for the first 3 
> flushes, mostly smallish a little larger than a green pea.  Then none to 
> see for the 4th.  The method I used was the Epsom salts, grapefruit 
> juice and oil and a bowl of berries with heavy cream.  There was no 
> discomfort, save the right knee held up to the chest for some 20 minutes 
> each time, (I'm not as lithe as I used to be - :-) mostly as easy as 
> falling off a log.  Hope you find the answers and resolve the trouble - 
> get well soon.
> -=mark=-
> Kristina K. Carlton wrote:
>> Is anybody familiar with gallbladder attacks? I have been getting what
> feels
>> like a GB attack since 2006. The funny thing is, despite 2 ultrasounds and
> 1
>> CT nobody has ever found any gallstones. The pain is under my right rib
> cage
>> and spreads all the way to my back. My belly distends even more than usual
>> and it is very painful and uncomfortable. Although I am not one to reach
> for
>> painkillers quickly, this is one time when I will take them.
>> I had one Monday a week ago and all of this week, after eating, I had the
>> pain in my back under my rib cage. Tonight it spread to the front and is
>> worse than any other day this week.
>> I feel overwhelmed. I would like to do this with diet alone and on my own,
>> but I am scared. I am thinking about finding a good doctor, but how do I
>> find one? I would love to find someone who is familiar with hormonal
>> imbalance but doesn't believe I need to eat grains to get healthy. And my
> DH
>> would like me to find a doctor who is covered by insurance which
> complicates
>> matters even more. On that note, anybody know any good docs in the
> Nashville
>> area?
>> Thanks,
>> Kristina