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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
VIRGIE UNDERWOOD <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 9 Mar 2008 01:41:00 -0500
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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
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Thanks for sharing this with us.  I needed to read it!

Virgie and Lady Hoshi
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Phil Scovell" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Saturday, March 08, 2008 11:23 PM
Subject: The Size Of Lies

> Big As An Elephant
> By Phil Scovell
>     As soon as I opened the prayer session by praying a short
> prayer, he said, without hesitation, "I'm back at that memory we
> have been to before."
>     "Which is that?" I probed.
>     "It's the one when I was about 3 or 4 years of age and I was
> in the house and watching my mother hanging up clothes on the
> clothes line outside."
>     "I remember," I confirmed.
>     "I see the places in the memory we have prayed about
> before," he continued thoughtfully," but there is something really
> different about this one and I don't understand it.  The other
> areas are stilled healed; I can tell that much."
>     "What looks or feels different?" I asked.
>     "There is a large, I mean really big, dark, almost black in
> color, monstrous thing in the room."
>     "Ok," I replied, and prayed, "Lord?  Would you expand this
> memory so we could see what you see and see what you want us to
> see?"  I waited as he thought and talked about what was contained
> in this childhood memory.
>     "It is saying that I will never get married, I'll live
> alone, and die alone and that I'm not worth being loved by
> anybody.  So," he said, "that is clearly the lie.  All the time I
> was growing up, and even as a young adult man, I used to say I
> would never marry.
>     After one marriage gone bad, the man now saw where the lie
> had originated concerning his statement of always remaining alone.
>     "Lord?" I asked.  "How big is this lying spirit he sees?"
>     "It completely fills the entire room.  It's big; really big!"
> he reported.
>     "Now, Lord Jesus," I prayed, "Let him see the lying spirit
> through your eyes."
>     Chuckle.  "He shrank right down to a tiny thing on the
> floor.  Like a little tiny toy soldier."
>     I prayed, "Does this lying spirit have a right to be in this
> little boys memory, Lord?"
>     "He has no right," the man said as he Heard the voice of the
> Lord in his thoughts.
>     I prayed the following: "In the name of the true Lord Jesus
> Christ, I call to attention this lying spirit, and all those under
> his authority, even those we don't see.  I bind their words and
> thoughts and feelings they have put on this little boy.  I bind
> all the lies together they have spoken against him and I bind them
> back to all the lying spirits who spoke them.  I command they
> suffer the torment of their own utterances against him.  I remind
> them that the blood of Jesus Christ, and the finished cross of
> the Lord Jesus Christ, stands between this man and them and I now
> command them to go to the place where the true Lord Jesus Christ
> wants them to go.
>     Without hesitation, I then finished my prayer by saying,
> Lord?  Is there anything else you want him to see in this memory?"
>     "Wow," he exclaimed.  "There are bunches of little tiny toy
> soldier things running out of the room and right out through the
> door.  I mean," he repeated, "there are a whole bunch of them
> running out, too."
>     About this time, someone is saying, "Will this prayer work
> for me?"
>     The answer is, Yes and no.  For many years, I used this
> prayer, or something quite similar, and sometimes it worked and
> more often it didn't.  I couldn't understand why.  I just figured
> I wasn't a good enough Christian and was lacking enough believing
> power in God's word.  I now clearly see two lies in the statement
> just made, of my analysis of my own spiritual relationship with
> God, which kept me believing the lies about myself instead of God
> and what His Word said.  At the time, however, I didn't recognize
> the lies I believed about myself.  In other words, if you believe
> lies about yourself, when God's Word says otherwise, you'll never
> hear the voice of the Lord in your thoughts, and the prayer you
> just read likely won't work with any consistency.  Furthermore,
> you'll likewise have trouble believing the written Word of God as
> well.
>     Something else to note is that this man and I have agreed in
> prayer probably no fewer than 100 times over the last two years.
> When I called him to pray, the results of which you have just
> read, he said, "I was praying about things just before you
> called."  In other words, this man decided a long time ago, he
> would never believe any lies of the Enemy that were spoken
> against him.  Additionally, he dedicated his life to finding, that
> is, exercising a Search And Destroy mission, whenever things
> didn't feel right.  In short, by the time I called to pray, he was
> praying already.  The truth is, he didn't need me; he just needed
> the Lord.  I came along side him to agree with him in prayer and
> he was set free from a lie that look bigger than he could handle.
> It was our agreement in prayer, (See Matthew 18:19), that made the
> difference and brought healing.
>     Finally, I knew where I stood personally with Christ.  I
> understand, and apply without hesitation or fear, that I am,
> "complete in Him who is the head of all principalities and
> powers," Colossians 2:10).
>     Closely connected to this is letting Jesus do His work.  I'm
> just a witness and I have no power or authority of my own outside
> of Christ.  Demons are ready to argue and to deceive and attempt
> to control the conversation.  They are expecting a lot of yelling,
> threatening, and ritualistic anger to be expended.  In this way,
> they can keep the fear level off the gage and make everybody sweat
> as they think they are keeping up the spiritual attack and driving
> the lying spirit off.  You may choose to do that, in fact, you may
> think it is your calling, but that is way too much work for me at
> my age so I just defer everything to Jesus.  After all, He is the
> one who said, "It is finished," when He gave up His life willingly
> on the cross.  It is Jesus who said, "I am he that liveth, and was
> dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the
> keys of hell and of death," (Revelation 1:18).  So, my point is,
> if Jesus has done it all, and Jesus has all the power in Heaven
> and in earth given unto him, (Matthew 28:19), why should I do all
> the heavy lifting when He is willing, more than willing, to do it
> for me?
>     Is there an elephant sitting in your living room bellowing,
> stomping his big feet, trumpeting his lies, and scaring the faith
> right out of you?  Maybe it is time to get in agreement with
> someone else who believes and let Jesus show you just how tiny and
> powerless he is compared to big Jesus.
> It Sounds Like God To Me.