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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 19 Jan 2008 14:54:41 -0700
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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
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Demonic Molestation

By Phil Scovell

     The first time I encountered it, I just dismissed it as
spiritual clutter during the prayer session.  The second time I
realize more was going on than perhaps we understand.

     The man described an experience when he was about 5 or 6
years of age and living in a large duplex home.  He came from a
normal Christian family and attended nothing but Christian schools
all his life.

     As we prayed, one particular memory, had a very distinct
manifestation of him being molested by a dark human shaped but the
memory was very undefined as far as the manifestation was
involved.  This isn't at all unusual, of course, since a child
easily can mentally suppress the details of the molestation
itself.  It is, in fact, one of their own generated defenses,
besides using their own imagination, or their little undeveloped
mind fragmenting into alternate personalities.  Based upon the
level of molestation, meaning, if they were threatened or harmed
in any way, either physically or psychologically, they may even
suppress the identity of the person who perpetrated the crime.  In
this man's case, he saw the perpetrator in another room of the
house and thought he recognize him.  Yet, when the figure came
closer, he realized it wasn't that man at all.

     As the prayer session progressed in this area, the man
clearly stated it was no human at all but demonic in nature.  The
demon said his name was Abuser.  This name also surfaced a couple
of other times in later prayers we had until it was finally
exposed and removed when the lie was discovered it was hiding
behind.  The man reported he was being touched inappropriately at
the time by the demonic presence as the thoughts were placed in
his mind.  Again, no human involvement ever occurred.  Was he
fooled?  Had his mind been altered?  Had his little mind
suppressed what really happened?  Was he making the whole thing

     A woman sat in my office one day who had spent her entire
adult life using sex to gain favor from men.  Unfortunately, two
marriages later, and several live-in boyfriends, she learned the
hard way that it simply never worked but only after many decades
of trying.

     As we prayed, she began going to some pleasant childhood
memories.  In one memory, she found herself totally alone.  She
reported she was about 12 years of age at the time.  Suddenly, and
without reason, she became afraid and said, "I shouldn't be here." 
As we prayed, a figure appeared about the age of a teenager.  She
could not describe the figure other than it looked human and was
inky black.  She reported it felt as if she were being sexually
violated somehow.  She still could not recognize the figure.  I
eventually felt led to pray, "Lord Jesus?  Do we need to know the
name and identity of this figure?"

     The woman said, "No.  He says we don't," and almost
instantly, she was out of that enclosed place and standing outside
with the Lord.

     Was this the first sexual encounter of her life?  Was she
being molested by a family member a relative, or someone she knew
but had blocked from her mind?

     Both these stories are similar.  I have come to believe that
it is possible for children to experience molesting spirits which
were around at the time of a real molestation but the molestation
was at another time and place and the victim has been deceived by
a lying spirit inhabiting a given place, area, or perhaps even a
region.  Both these people I have mentioned agree there really
wasn't a human person there as far as they could tell.  In fact,
they both reported it looked human but didn't feel human.  Does
this mean that all child molestations, therefore, are demons?  My
point is just the opposite.  Frequently, the molestations are
literal.  How do we know which is which and what is real and what
is demonic?  The answer is simple.  Demons will leave a memory
event when the authority of the True Lord Jesus Christ is used but
human perpetrators will not.

     In both situations I have described, the man and the woman,
as adults, had sexual addictions with which they struggled.  Do
you think the similar experiences are coincidental?  I believe it
is possible for children to become aware of adverse and sinful
situations without being a participant which effects them for the
rest of their life until they are healed through prayer.  I am the
first to admit I have a lot less experience in this area than
others but I am an intercessor and I am called by God to serve in
that capacity.  Yes, I have prayed with others who are literally
victims of child sexual molestations and some that were victimized
multiple times.  Some even were occultically marked to prove they
had indeed been molested.  Yet, I believe, without a doubt, there
is another degree of molestation, which is just as serious, as
those who have suffered at the hand of a criminal act but
demonically instead of humanly.

     "Why are we returning to this horrible frightening memory
once again?" the woman cried.  "I hate this place."

     I explained that there must be more we needed to see healed
and there was but it turned out to be more for my benefit instead
of her's, or so it would seem.

     As we prayed, although she went to other aspects of the
horrible memory which needed the truth of the voice of the Lord
for healing, I felt the Holy Spirit speaking to me.  I saw a crib
not far away and knew a baby was there.  The woman then said,
without me saying a word, "My baby brother was in the room, I
think, but I'm not certain.  I see his crib.  He is either in the
same room where my father is molesting me or at the very least, my
little brother is some place in the house."

     We continued praying together.

     I heard the Holy Spirit speaking to me in my spirit.  It was
more thought than words.  "I saw the crib and the little baby boy. 
A dark shaped was standing bent over him and saying, "See little
boy what your evil father is doing to your nice little sister? 
You don't want to grow up and be like your dad.  Oh, no.  You need
to be something better."  Although it was a spiritual awareness,
an impression from the Holy Spirit, I put my own words to the
awareness I felt.

     Later, after the prayer session, I realized why we had
returned to this awful memory event.  We had started with anger;
deep, raw unadulterated anger and verging on rage.  Her brother
had been an overbearing, controlling personage in her life.  He
always got his way and always told her what to do.  The
relationship developed into one of discord and bitterness.  As
they aged, the separation and distorted relationship, putrefied
until they no longer communicated.  Her brother eventually turned
to homosexuality.

     Although scientifically unproved to this day, it is commonly
stated by many homosexuals that they were born such.  If true,
either God approves of homosexual and lesbian relationships, which
the bible clearly states the opposite, or homosexuals and lesbians
are simply wrong.  Does this mean that all homosexuals were
molested spiritually in some way by demons and therefore
practicing homosexuals now?  Of course not.  I cannot even prove
the three examples I have just detailed are fact.  I believe
them, on the other hand, because the thousands of hours I have
spent praying with those sexually molested who have confirmed that
the Enemy has even perpetrated evil and diabolic mental and
emotional suggestiveness to entrap them.  Let's take this one
step further.

     For well over 50 years, there has been what I call a new age
type theology about a portion of the early chapters of the Bible
concerning the Sons of God who marry the daughters of men.  (See
Genesis Chapter 6 for the complete story).  I am not going to take
the time to try and theologically explain my beliefs concerning
this passage of Scripture, and if what you believe differs from my
theology, I doubt it will make any difference when we both get to
Heaven.  However, in my opinion, and this is based upon two
different lines of human development that I believe can be clearly
seen in the previous chapters of Noah and the ark, the evil, and
the giants which the Bible proclaims were upon the earth after the
Sons of God married the daughters of men, were men of grotesque
wickedness.  Could they also have been physical giant men of great
stature?  Sure but what difference does that make.  Regardless,
based upon Scripture, as I have already stated, I believe the
"Sons of God" were not fallen angels, as some suggest, but
corrupted men of God who lost their love and devotion to the
Creator and became devilish in their occultic practices and likely
included human sacrifices.  This means "Rosemary's Baby" could
have never happened.

     Keep in mind something I believe is immensely important at
this time.  The planet still lived under a single common language;
the language, or Word of God.  If you carefully read the first 11
chapters of Genesis, you will have to see that this is true. 
Furthermore, and without going into a lot of theological detail, I
believe the words with which the universe was created were still
so powerful, man was able to do things with words which we are
unable to do now.  Hence, there were giants in the land and sin
did abound.  God said He would have to judge the entire world as a
result and so He did.  Although thousands, if not millions, of
people inhabited the earth by this time, God saved only 8 souls;
Noah, his three sons, and their wives.  Truly, the evil must have
been beyond measure and to think it all started in the garden. 
There are Christian authors today who have written books and made
money off this idea the giant men roamed the earth in these early
days of creation.  In fact, they even believe, some do that is,
that such giant men are still inhabitance of the planet.  Big
Foot, known as Shasquash, springs to mind but some of these
authors literally believe there are pockets of hiding giant men
who are left overs of the early Noahic age.  Perhaps so but my
explanation is one I have spent many hours studying and is also
based upon prayer sessions as previously described.

     Regardless of your own interpretation of the early passages
of Scripture, I believe there was a lot more spiritually going on
that was evil in nature than the physical stature of men.  My
point, however, is related to how the Enemy traps humans into
believing lies.  I do not believe there is a homosexual or lesbian
on the planet that cannot be free of all lies if they honestly
desire to know the truth of God and His creation.

     In light of all of this, would you not consider the
deceptive power of the Enemy to be dangerous and the need to
clearly know, and to be able to hear, the truth of the voice of
the Lord verses that of the Enemy and his voice of lies?  Perhaps
it is time we speak up and tell the truth.

The Curse That Works Is The One We Believe