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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 30 Jan 2008 21:05:45 EST
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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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Foroyaa Newspaper Burning Issues
Issue No.  13/2008, 30 – 31 January 2008

19,441 VOTERS IN BANJUL  AND 4640 VOTES FOR APRC: 124,000 IN KM AND 19,073 

The results of the Local government elections  should send alarm signals to 
all supporters of the ruling party. This is a quasi  referendum for a party in 
government. The lesson the opposition should learn is  simple and clear. They 
are yet to put their house in order to merit the  confidence and trust of the 
people. They are not in office and have another four  years to listen to the 
will of the people. It is the APRC which has the mandate  to govern. Hence, if 
the people can turn their back at it and refuse to vote  just a year after the 
National Assembly elections, it members should be worried  instead of 
Nothing can erode the integrity of an electoral system  more than the 
candidate of a ruling party winning an election with 200 votes and  the opponent 
having a lesser figure Let us refer to such results in Banjul and  KMC:

Banjul         Kanifing Admin  Area
Electorate         19,441              128,451
Ballot Cast       5,707                27,485
% Turnout        29.4%               21.4%

In our view, this should be a period of contemplation for the  APRC rather 
than a pompous display of political prowess. The President can  restore 
confidence in the system by his party engaging in constitutional,  electoral and local 
government reforms. By 2011 he would have been in office for  17 years. What 
ever a leader cannot do in 17 years cannot be done again. The  APRC regime 
should promote the establishment of a term limit and the holding of  a free and 
fair election where its current leader will only serve as an umpire  executive 
to encourage the Gambian people to look for an alternative. This is  one way 
forward to put an end to voter apathy.

D Day For Chief  Manneh
Judgment in the case of the “disappeared” journalist, Chief Ebrima  Manneh, 
is expected to be delivered tomorrow 31 January, by The Community Court  of 
the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). The Media Foundation  
for West Africa has filed a suit in this court demanding the release of Chief  
Manneh, a reporter for the Daily Observer newspaper. Chief Manneh’s lawyer, 
Femi  Falana, is a Nigerian human rights lawyer and President of the West African 
Bar  Association (WABA). 
The Court on November 26, heard testimonies from three  witnesses, one of 
whom testified that he witnessed the arrest of Chief Manneh by  personnel of the 
National Intelligence Agency (NIA) on July 7, 2006 at the Daily  Observer 
premises. Another witness testified that he saw Chief Manneh in  December 2006 at 
Fatoto Police Station in Gambia’s easternmost town, about 500  kilometres from 
the capital, Banjul.
The Gambia government has failed to  appear before the court to answer to 
these allegations, on all three occasions,  even though the court confirmed that 
it was duly served with the hearing notice  through its High Commission in 
Abuja, Nigeria. The case, therefore, proceeded  without representation by the 
Gambia government and judgment will be delivered  tomorrow.

Risk Allowances of Nurses Unpaid Since September
By  Lamin Fatty
Nurses employed by the state have continued to complain to this  reporter 
that their risk allowance meant to stem the attrition rate of nurses in  the 
state sector, has not been paid since September 2007. According to a senior  
nursing officer in Basse, who claimed to be speaking on behalf of the said  nurses, 
the risk allowance for the nurses in the state sector was a result of  the 
concern over the high attrition of nurses in the state sector, which he said  is 
the highest among all the government departments. The spokesperson explained  
that once a high attrition rate was acknowledged in the sector, a risk 
allowance  was created. But, he added, since September, 2007 they have not been paid 
any  risk allowance.
He stressed that the cost of living is generally high,  especially for those 
living in the rural areas such as the teachers and nurses  whose salary scale, 
he said, does not commensurate with the type of work and the  condition under 
which they work. He stated that nurses working in the rural  areas are worse 
off than nurses in the urban centres. He pointed out that they  are 
sacrificing a lot but cannot continue to sacrifice until they fail their  families, 
stating that this is the reason why nurses are leaving for greener  pastures. He 
said they are therefore calling upon the authorities to do their  best to solve 
their problems, otherwise they may be compelled to go on strike in  the 
future which, according to him, would have a lot of negative  consequences.
When contacted for his opinion on the matter, the Regional  Health Officer, 
Mr. Saikouna Sanyang, declined to comment and referred this  reporter to the 
Director of Planning. When contacted, the Director of Planning  also referred 
this reporter to the Chief Nursing Officer, stating it is not his  domain. 
The Chief Nursing Officer at the health department, Mr. Ismaila  Njie, was 
contacted. He confirmed the report to Foroyaa in a telephone  interview. He 
pointed out that the nurses’ risk allowances had always been given  to the nurses 
for a long time by the government until September 2007. Mr. Njie  described 
the new allowance as a baby which is growing and needs time. He,  however, urged 
the nurses to be patient, indicating that they are just waiting  for money 
raised from treasury bills. He said whenever they receive it their  allowance 
will be given to them.

The arrestees in Essau in the North Bank Region, who  were released on bail 
on Monday by the Barra Police, have been demanding to know  the reasons for 
their arrest and detention. Speaking to this reporter within the  vicinity of the 
police station, few minutes after being released, Fatou Sonko,  Sima Sonko, 
Joy Koka Sonko and Sally Jawara all said that though they out on  bail, the 
police are yet to inform them the reason of their arrest and detention  since 
According to the arrestees, the Station Officer went to their  respective 
homes on Saturday, picked them up and only informed them when they  reached the 
station that they were engaged in activities that are contrary to  the law of 
the land.  According to the arrestees, the Station Officer  failed to inform 
them what activities they were engaged in. They concluded by  saying that their 
relatives have finally bailed them by signing a bail bond in  the sum of 

By Fabakary B.  Ceesay
Seven supporters of the United Democratic Party from Bakau were seen  at the 
Kanifing Magistrates Court premises on Tuesday, 29 January, apparently to  
answer to charges. But their case was not mentioned before any  magistrate.
According to the seven, Ebrima Jatta, Mariama Fatty, Jai Bojang,  Fakebba 
Bojang, Menteng Bojang, Sirreh Bojang and Jalika Bojang they were not  aware of 
any charges that they are purported to stand trial for. They said they  only 
went to report to the police station regarding their bail condition when  they 
were asked to board a police vehicle and whisked away to court.
It could  be recalled that, Ebrima Jatta, Mariama Fatty and Jai Bojang were 
arrested on  Friday, 25 January, 2008 in Bakau after the victory of Councillor 
Ousman Rambo  Jatta, which was marred by violence between UDP and APRC 
supporters on election  night. Fakebba Bojang, Menteng Bojang, Sirreh Bojang and 
Jalika Bojang were said  to have been arrested on the following day in connection 
to the same incident.  They are expected to appear in court today.
Lawyer Ousainou Darboe is  expected to defend them. He was also spotted in 

Security  Officials, Civilians Charged With Stealing Government Vehicle
Remanded in  Custody
By Bubacarr K. Sowe
Two security officials and a civilian are  currently remanded at the State 
Central Prison at Mile Two, following their  appearance in court on Monday, 
January 28, on charges relating to a stolen  government motor vehicle.
Lieutenant Bakary Camara of the State Guard,  Assistant Superintendent of 
Police Manlafi Sanyang and Momodou Lamin Sonko,  proprietor of Boto Construction 
Company all pleaded not guilty to conspiracy and  stealing.
The particulars of the alleged offences show that the men conspired  and 
stole a motor vehicle with the registration number BJL 4063B, being property  of 
The Gambia government. On the third court, which is on economic crimes, the  
accused persons did not take their plea because the court does not have the  
jurisdiction to try such an offence.
The Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Act  provides under section 3: “Whenever 
any charge has been brought against any  person of an offence not triable by a 
subordinate court, the Magistrate may,  subject to section 99, remand that 
person into custody until such time that the  matter is mentioned in the High 
Consequently, Lt. Camara, ASP Sanyang  and Mr. Sonko were all remanded in 
custody by Magistrate Kayode Olajubutu of the  Banjul Magistrates’ Court pending 
their arraignment before a court of competent  jurisdiction.

The 2008 Local Government Elections is now  history. What is left is for us 
to analyse the facts and figures. Those who want  to cover up the hidden facts 
behind the results simply concentrate on indicating  that the APRC won 101 
seats; Independent candidates, 8 seats; UDP, 3 seats;  NADD, 1 seat; and NRP, 1 
seat. One of the newspapers put it this way: “APRC  trounces the opposition.”
The objective reality indicates that neither the  APRC nor the opposition 
deserves to jubilate. The facts reveal a total rejection  of both APRC and the 
opposition. The only legitimate conclusion to draw is that  the Gambia’s 
democratic system has failed beyond repairs and needs to be  overhauled and replaced 
by a more credible system.  
What is our  proof?
The statistics connected to the mayoral elections in Banjul reveal  that out 
of a total of 19,441 voters for Banjul only 4,640 persons voted for the  APRC 
and only 1067 persons voted for the UDP. Those who turned out to vote  
represented 29.4 percent of the total number of registered voters.
In the  same vein, the Kanifing Municipality has 128, 451 registered voters. 
However,  the APRC managed to get only 19,073 votes while the UDP managed to 
attract only  8,479 votes. 21 percent of the electorate turned out to vote. 
Over 100,000 of  the 124000 registered voters did not turn up to vote. 
In short, Serrekunda  Central constituency alone has over 30,000 voters. 
Hence the votes of The APRC  and UDP combined do not exceed the total number of 
votes for one constituency.  
Suffice it to say that the IEC and the National Council for Civic Education  
took concerted efforts to carry out voter education through theatre, songs,  
mobile announcements and community sensitization programmes. The electronic  
media was utilised by them to spread the message regarding the elections. The  
president even informed the Gambian people of the discovery of Uranium and 
other  minerals and made a passionate appeal for the electorate to participate in 
the  elections. A public holiday was declared to enable people to vote.  The 
UDP  and the APRC mayoral candidates and their supporters had visible coverage 
on TV.  In short, everyone was aware of the elections and had enough time to 
make up  his/her mind as to who to vote for.
The fact that they refused to vote is a  clear indication that the country is 
in a state of political transformation and  each party needs to assess its 
standing among the people in order to determine  whether it has a future or not. 
For example, the NADD supporters in WULI  insisted on putting up candidates. 
Sidia Jatta holds the National Assembly seat  for Wuli West. We therefore, 
made an assessment whether the seat is still safe  for him or not. The election 
results for the two wards in Wuli West reveal that  NADD still has the upper 
hand in Wuli West. Out of the 5230 persons who voted in  the two Wards in Wuli 
West NADD had 2822 votes while APRC had 2408 votes. The  UDP hold seats in 
Kiang West, Kiang Central , Jarra Central and Sami. In Kiang  West, the combined 
votes of the APRC in the two wards are 1917 votes, while the  combined votes of 
the UDP are 1486 votes. The UDP would have to redouble its  efforts to retain 
the seat.
In Kiang Central, elections took place only in  one ward and the other went 
unopposed. Out of the 1121 voters who participated  in the Kwinella ward 
elections 655 voted for the APRC while 466 voters voted for  the UDP. This 
constituency also requires further effort to be retained by the  UDP.  Both seats in 
Jarra Central were uncontested. The UDP needs to  explain why this was the case 
in a constituency where it has a National Assembly  seat.
In Sami, out of the voters who cast their votes voted for the APRC and  voted 
for the UDP. The UDP needs to work harder to retain the seat.
The NRP  has no National Assembly seat. Hence the gaining of one council seat 
gives it  electoral legitimacy.
Over all, it is the APRC which has the other seats in  the National assembly 
except one which was won by an independent candidate which  became the biggest 
loser. In short, not only has the APRC’s votes declined  drastically, as one 
moves from the presidential to the national assembly and  then to local 
government elections, but Independent Candidates are further  encroaching on the 
seats it held in the past. 8 independent candidates have won  seats while the 
APRC won elections where it had 293 votes and the UDP had less  than a hundred 
votes, such as in a ward in Banjul which has 1264 voters. This  trend was 
repeated in many wards.
This confirms that in a country with a  failed democratic system the 
opposition must develop strategies on how to  concentrate protest votes on one side to 
defeat the ruling party.
The  opposition parties had the opportunity to establish a strategic alliance 
to  effect system change and establish a genuine democratic society which 
would do  away with voter apathy but they failed to do so. They had a second 
opportunity  during the National Assembly elections to forge a tactical alliance 
in order to  secure the majority of seats in the National Assembly and prevent 
bad laws from  being enacted but they failed to do so, as manifested by the 
putting up of some  candidates by the opposition in the strongholds of other 
opposition parties,  instead of asking their supporters to vote for the 
opposition candidates.  However, once the damage has been done, the opposition parties 
should have now  realised that in the face of laws which negate the autonomy 
of councils and  ensure their subjection under the might of the executive, the 
best option to  mobilize protest votes was to support genuine independent 
candidates, throughout  the country, to take over most seats and teach the 
executive a lesson and then  call for electoral and Local government reform.
As we head towards the  future, Gambia is in need of a party and a 
presidential Candidate who can heel  the wounds of the nation and mobilize the people as 
one force for genuine  democratic transformation of the country. It is the 
duty of political parties  and those yet to emerge to transform into what the 
people want. It is the duty  of any genuine patriot to stand and be counted. It 
is the duty of the Gambian  people to identify the genuine parties and 
patriots and give them their   support so that a society where the people will know 
no fear, intimidation,  humiliation, dictation, impunity, indignities and 
poverty will  emerge.  

Is Anyone Listening To The Cries Of Gambian  Journalists?
The Media Foundation for West Africa has published a book  entitled 
Violations of Press Freedom by the Government of President Yahya Jammeh  from 
The numerous photos include the photo of the late  Deyda Hydara, managing 
editor and co-proprietor of The Point, murdered by  shooting on December 16, 2004 
but the authors of the book are not convinced that  the government has taken 
the investigation seriously. The book publishes  photographs of scars on the 
bodies of alleged torture victims they claim to have  suffered in the hands of 
the government security agents. The photo of Musa  Saidykhan, editor of The 
Independent newspaper,  who alleges torture and is  now living in exile. The 
book also highlights photos of the arson attack on the  Independent Printing 
Press and a photograph of The Independent.
Several  photos of the president himself are shown in the book, for example, 
where he was  threatening to deal with journalists who misquote him. 
The book captures  Jammeh’s threatening words such as, “Journalists are the 
illegitimate sons of  Africa, citizens should not buy newspapers so that 
journalists can starve to  death.” “The media is just a dead and rotten horse, I 
am not against them.” “If  I have to hang somebody, I will hang him and go to 
sleep using the laws.’’ “I  know there are opposition journalists among you, 
but whoever misquotes me, I  will deal with you.” The book lists down a good 
number of journalists who have  been arrested and detained before being 
released. The list includes names like  Kenneth Y. Best, former editor and proprietor 
of the Observer newspaper, who was  subsequently deported, Ebrima Sankareh, 
Point Journalist, Jay Saidy, associate  editor of the Point, Deyda Hydara of 
The Point, Alieu Badara Sowe, Ebrima  Ernest, Pap Saine, Baboucar Sankanu, 
Chikeluba Kenechuku, a Nigerian, Ansumana  Badgie, Alagi Yorro Jallow of The 
Independent, Muhammed Ellicot Seade, editor of  Daily Observer, and so on.

Women In Gambian History 
By Hassoum  Ceessy
Fabakary B. Ceesay

Mr. Hassoum Ceesay, a notable  historian, has just published a book titled “
Gambian Women: An introductory  history, a ground breaking work on the role of 
women in Gambian history from  1000 years to the present.”
What makes this book unique among publications on  Gambia’s history is that 
it focuses on women in the historical annals of the  country. The book explores 
the role of women in all aspects of the Gambia’s past  in the economic, 
political and social domains. It also profiles the lifetime of  some of these women 
who made their mark in history. They are mostly ordinary  women, who by 
virtue of perseverance and hard work, were able to achieve success  in their 
The author explains that the book is a pioneer work on  Gambian women’s 
history, which gives women their rightful place in the evolution  of the country. 
It is suitable for students of history and gender studies as  well. Among the 
Gambian women profiled in the book are Hannah Augusta Jawara,  the first woman 
to contest elections in The Gambia, Rosamond Fowlis, a pioneer  educationist, 
Louise Njie, a minister in the first republic, Dr. Florence  Mahoney, Isatou 
Njie Saidy and many others.  Other chapters explore, in  great detail, the 
history of girls education in The Gambia since 1921, women in  Gambian politics, 
women associations in The Gambia before independence, the role  of women in 
wars fought in the Gambia during the colonial period and much more.  The book is 
thoroughly researched, with end notes, a bibliography and epilogues.  It is a 
major contribution to Gambian historiography.
In a brief interview  with this reporter, at his office on Monday, 28 
January, Mr. Ceesay explained  that Gambian historians have a role to play in 
national development by  researching on and writing authentic Gambian history, which 
puts Gambians at the  centre of historical events and not at the periphery. 
This will motivate  Gambians to work harder and be patriotic. “We historians are 
the custodians of  our nation’s memory, this is an onerous task which we must 
work to accomplish,”  said Ceesay. 
He concluded by thanking the management of Timbooktoo and Juka  Jabang for 
their support as well as Fodeh Baldeh and Nana Grey Johnson for  sharing with 
him the joy of writing history.

ADMINISTRATIVE  AREA                                 Electorate     Ballot    
  %             APRC   %           UDP   %           Invalid                  
&  WARDS                                                                      
         Cast      Turnout                 APRC              UDP       votes  
BANJUL ADMIN  AREA                                                            

BANJUL  SOUTH                                                                 

JALLOF TOWN  WARD                                      1,264            376   
                                       29.7%      293      77.9%      83     
22.1%                    376         0              100%
HALH DIE  WARD                                              2,277            
526        23.1%       472      89.7%      54     10.3%                     
526       0  100%
PORTUGESE TOWN  WARD                             2,060           517          
 25.1%      422      81.62%    95     18.38%                   517       0   

BANJUL  NORTH                                                                 

BOX BAR  WARD                                                884             
353         39.9%     314       89.0%       39     11.0%                    
353        0     100%
CAMPAMA  WARD                                             2,606           856 
        32.8%     694       81.1%       162   18.9%                     856   
      0                           100%
CRAB ISLAND  WARD                                        1,981          620   
        31.3%    511        82.4%      109    17.6%                    620    
     0                           100%

BANJUL  CENTRAL                                                               

NEW TOWN WEST  WARD                                4,143        1,243       
30.0%      901     72.49%        342      27.51%                1243        0   
NEW TOWN EAST  WARD                                 1,912        577          
 30.2%     471      81.6%          106      18.4%                   577       
 0         100%
SOLDIER TOWN  WARD                                     2314        639        
    27.6%    562      87.9%           77       12.1%                    639   
      0          100%

TOTAL  BANJUL                                               19,441     5,707  
       29.4%    4,640    81.30%      1,067    18.70%                          
          5707       0          100%

KANIFING ADMIN  AREA                                                          


BAKAU NEWTOWN/ FAJARA  WARD                  6,402    1,426        22.3%    
878       61.57%     548       38.43%                  1426      0              
OLD BAKAU / CAPE POINT  WARD                    8,124      3,144       38.7%  
 1 ,272   40.46%     1,872      59.54%                  3144      0           

SERREKUNDA  WEST                                                              

BAKOTEH  WARD                                              4,168          626 
        15.0%    522      83.39%      104         16.61%                 626  
     0                                  100%
DIPPA KUNDA  WARD                                       7,545         1,346   
    17.8       784       58.25%      562         41.75%                 1346  
   0                                   100%
KOLOLI  WARD                                                  2,926          
464         15.9%    393       84.70%      71           15.30%               
464       0                                   100%
LATRIKUNDA YIRINGANYA  WARD                 8,973          1,668      18.6%   
1,081     64.81%      587          35.19%               1668     0            
MANJAI KUNDA/KOTU  WARD                         4,625          1,269       
27.4%    918      72.34%      351          27.66%               1269     0       

SERREKUNDA  EAST                                                              

ABUKO  WARD                                                     3,181       
997         31.3%     838      84.05%     159           15.95%                  
 997     0                                100%
FAJIKUNDA  WARD                                            10,421   1,821     
     17.5%   1,574    86.44%     247           13.56%                         
               1821  0             100%
LATRIKUNDA SABIJI  WARD                               5,363   1,000          
18.6%    808       80.80%     192           19.20%                 1000   0    
TALLINDING  WARD                                            13,665   2,945    
     21.6%   2,073   70.39%      872           29.61%                         
               2945    0             100%

SERREKUNDA  CENTRAL                                                           

BUNDUNG BOREHOLE/BANTABA WARD        13,653    2,661         19.5%    1,784   
  67.04%     877           32.96%                 2661    0                   
BUNDUNG SIX JUNCTION /MURITANI WARD  7,289     1,574            21.6%    
1,278     81.19%     296           18.81%                 1574     0              
SEREKUNDA/LONDON CORNER  WARD          9,885     1,598       16.2%    1,154   
  72.22%     444           27.78%                   1598     0              


KANIFING  WARD                                              2,749         500 
        18.2%      354        70.80%    146          29.20%                  
500      0                                    100%
NEW JESHWANG/ EBO TOWN  WARD           13,752     2,907      21.1%     2,143  
    73.72%       764         26.28%                  2907    0               
OLD JESHWANG  WARD                                 5,730       1,539      
26.9%     1,219      79.21%     320         20.79%                   1539    0    

KANIFING  TOTAL                          128,451   27,485    21.4%     19,073 
   69.39%      8,412       30.61%                                      27485  
  0             100%

GRAND  TOTAL                           147,892   33,192   22.4%     23,713    
71.44%      9,479       28.56%                33192     0            100%     

Divorce or Destruction
With Amie Sillah
Few Days  Later
Dad was admitted at the intensive care unit and put on oxygen. Mom  never 
visited him. She became nonchalant to the dismay of her elder children  Reuben 
and Anita who saw mom as a monster. Emma supported mom’s stand. “It’s a  tit 
for tat game. I don’t blame mom. Dad pushed her to the wall.” Ani shouted at  
him.” Shut up stupid boy! What do you know? Don’t you know mom is putting all 
of  us under a curse! It is not right. Mom calls herself a practicing 
Christian. Why  should she treat dad as thrash in front of his family? She should have 
divorce  him. That would have been better than this mess she has put the 
family in.  Moreover, dad is dying why should mom not forgive and forget. God 
forgives us  our trespasses. We should forgive those who trespasses against us.” 
Emma hissed  and went away. Anita was very angry with mom. She confronted her. “
You are a  senior nursing officer, your husband lie dying in the intensive 
care unit of the  general hospital, what would you tell your colleagues? That 
you left your dying  husband of 45 years of marriage unattended? Mom! God! You 
are mean!” “I don’t  care! Say whatever you like. I laugh last and obviously 
the loudest. Go and  attend to him. Is he not your dear dad?” Mom went to her  

Reuben Comes In
Emma came out and asked for dad. “How is  dad?” He became scared. Mom also 
asked. “How is your father?” Reuben dropped  down his bag and cried. “He is 
dead! Are you happy now? That’s want you wanted.  You have psychologically 
tortured him to death. Now you are happy.” Reuben  entered the house. The children 
sobbed bitterly. They were shattered and scared  to death. Mom was equally 
shocked. It was an irony. He wanted him humiliated and  tortured but not to die. 
She was not bargaining for that. She wanted him  suffered but not to die. 
Reuben became hard with his mom. He disowned her. He  saw her as a living monster. 
He confronted his mom. “From hence worth woman, I  disown you! You are no 
longer my mother. You are a beast! I hate you.” His words  were harsh and 
vindictive. Ani did not like the way he addressed mom. She  intervened. “Don’t say 
that Reuben. She is your mom. Don’t make the mistake she  did by scorning dad. 
Don’t scorn her.” She advised. “Nonsense! You were here.  You have seen how 
she treated dad. Don’t be a pacifist. She said tit for tat.  I’ll employ the 
same policy on her, period!” Mom was shattered. “Oh I am  finished! My own son 
disowns me! I gave birth to you and you hate me this much?  I am finished!” 
Mom rolled on the ground and cried her heart out.” “I warned you  mom but you 
would not listen. You created the vicious circle. Dad warned you.  You 
remember! Our family is now cursed. Reuben scorns you as you have scorned  dad. You 
made you bed so you must lie on it mom.” Reuben became hysterical. “God  will 
punish you woman till death. Dad dies a heart broken.” Reuben yelled. He  made 
an emotional outburst. “Rejoice now! Rejoice!” He yelled. “You have won! I  
hope you are happy now.”

At The Village
Arrangements were  concluded at the village to bring dad’s corpse for burial. 
Reuben was praised  for his assumed leadership role by their uncles. 

Mom Begs For A  Favour
Mom asked her in laws to beg Reuben to allow her to mourn her husband  by 
wearing the black mourning cloth. Reuben made an outburst. “No! She will not  
mourn my dad. She hated him with a passion. Her maltreatment killed my dad. It  
will be a mockery of justice to allow her mourn the man she murdered by her  
wickedness” Mom cried and begged her in-laws to intervene.

His  Uncles Disagree
His uncles disagree with Reuben. The eldest spoke. “You have  no right 
Reuben. You have no right to intervene in your parents’ marriage. They  brought you 
into the world not vice versa. Custom demands your mom mourns her  husband in 
her husband’s home. You are only a son. You can’t disallow it.”  Reuben 
refused to bugle in. He emphasized his reasons for disallowing his mom’s  request. 
Anita begged him to see reason but he still remained adamant. Emma  became 
piss off. “Reuben! Why are you proving impossible? You cannot refuse  mom’s 
request. Custom and tradition demand she mourns her husband. Who are you  to 
refuse such a request? “Emma challenged. “Shut up stupid boy! Or I get the  hell 
out of you!” Reuben got up to hit him. The elders intervened. “Stop it  
children! Stop it! You have to pull yourselves together. Your dad is not yet  
buried. Take it easy with yourselves.” Uncle Pierre begged. Mom was shock with  
disbelief. Her family is in discord because of her revenge policy. Reuben, her  
eldest child has now hated her with a passion and has turned against her.  

At Home
Reuben took out his mom’s luggage and threw it outside.  Emma protested. “It 
is wrong Reuben! You cannot drive out mom from her  matrimonial home. It is 
undone. It is against culture and tradition and also  against her human rights.”
 “Nonsense! What have you done when she violated dad’s  human rights? 
Nonsense! This woman is no longer welcome in my house. Dad has  willed it to me. She 
is unwelcome. God will judge you woman packed and leave!  When you die. I’ll 
come and bury your corpse.” Emma and Ani protested. “She is  going nowhere. 
How can you be so wicked Reuben to treat your mom as thrash.” His  siblings 
protested. Reuben gave a deaf ear.

NADD  Councillor/APRC Candidate Speaks Out
By Lamin Fatty
Mr. Saibeh Juwara, the  newly elected councillor in the Sutukonding ward, in 
the Wuli West for NADD, has  said that his first duty as the councillor is to 
contribute to the ongoing  unification of the entire Wuli. He made these 
remarks shortly after being  declared winner of the recent councillorship election 
in an interview with this  reporter. While commending his electors for a job 
well done, he regarded his  current position as a challenge that he is ready to 
face and will live up to  expectation.
Mr. Juwara, who is a trained development worker, said he is  ready to work 
with all the communities in his ward, irrespective of their  political 
affiliation and noting that no development can take place without  collective 
collaboration, peace and unity. He pointed out that he will work with  the people of 
his ward to bring about development. He called on his defeated  opponent to join 
him to serve the people. 
For his part the defeated APRC  candidate in the same ward, Mr. Takai Suwai, 
said his defeat is destined by God  which should be accepted in good faith. He 
stated that his main aim and  objective is to ensure the development of the 
entire Wuli and his ward, in  particular. He pointed out that he will work with 
anybody, including the elected  councilor, if their aims and objectives 
correspond. He thanked the people in his  ward for their efforts and urged them to 
continue working towards the  development of their ward.
Mr. Juwara was seen being escorted by his  supporters as they approached a 
larger crowd waiting at the main junctions of  Taibatou. 

Sheriff Minteh’s Murder Trial Adjourned Again
By  Saikou Ceesay
The protracted trial of Dodou Janneh, alias Dudu Boy, for the  murder Sheriff 
Minteh, did not proceed on Tuesday, 29 January at the Bundung  Magistrates 
Court. The trial Magistrate, Kumba Sillah Camara, was absent but  later called 
to inform the court that she was sick, and had therefore requested  for an 
adjournment on the matters before her. Both parties were in court for the  case to 
progress. The case has been adjourned on several occasions for varied  
reasons. It is now scheduled to resume on Tuesday, 5 February, 2008 for the  fifth 
prosecution witness to testify. 
The Accused, Dodou Janneh, a police  officer, is on trial for allegedly 
having stabbed Sheriff Minteh to death, while  on night patrol. 
Since the inception of the trial four witnesses have so far  testified. The 
fifth witness is due to testify.  

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