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Linda Walker <[log in to unmask]>
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Cerebral Palsy List <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 22 Sep 2007 09:13:31 -1000
text/plain (37 lines)
All of that is a major cause of loss of habitat and species death. 
Birds are especially harmed in Hawaii and some I used to see are no 
longer here.   Hawaii is losing its birds several times faster than 
the mainland.
Other peeves: It really irks me when kids have to go to school on 
totally asphalt playgrounds with no grass or anything earth friendly 
to play on. I think they should locate the urban schools backing up 
to city owned parks so they have a place to play and this would also 
take our parks back from the dealers as well. I also think we should 
turn off every other street light in America. Imagine the savings. 
Light pollution is not good for us either. I know many will disagree 
with that but I like the dark and it is good for our circadian 
rhythms. I also think we should outlaw that noise pollution from car 
alarms that only annoy and people try to ignore. I love the sound of 
the sirens in Europe which are not at all screeching like they are 
here. They do not annoy the ears and people pay more attention. 
Humans are definitely responsible for light and noise pollution.

  06:59 AM 9/22/2007, you wrote:
>I've been reading the posts about global warming with interest, and 
>I think you've left out something.  How does mankind's encroachment 
>on nature, be it road building, house building, or paving, interact 
>with climate?  I think the greenhouse gases might not be the only 
>thing we have to worry about.
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