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Lloyd Rasmussen <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Mon, 17 Mar 2008 23:01:25 -0400
text/plain (151 lines)
There is a separate manual listing all of the commands for interrogating the
rig and setting parameters, as well as the format of expected responses.
Everything is in ASCII, terminated with semicolons.  But unless you set a
really long timeout, the radio ignores commands that come in too slowly, as
if they were typed.  

Ham Radio Deluxe can already control much of the rig.  It just doesn't do
very much with the menus.  It does include a macro facility which I may
eventually be able to use to do some of the custom things I might want.

To get into the Yahoogroups e-mail list for the FT-950 and into the HRD
support forum for Yaesu products, I needed to answer CAPTCHAs.  My neighbor
ham helped me with these things, also.  But I haven't so far written to
those forums.  I expect I have a lot of time to figure this rig out, and
there are other things I'm supposed to be doing around here.

Lloyd Rasmussen, Kensington, Maryland

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Senk, Mark J. (CDC/NIOSH/NPPTL) [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent: Monday, March 17, 2008 8:55 AM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Commands for the serial port
> 	Do you have the list of commands for the radio?
> I was reading about the Elecraft K3 and it seems that everything you can
> do from the front panel can be done through the serial port.  Every change
> in knobs and buttons can be sent out the serial port.
> If your radio is similar, it ought to be possible to connect a Braille 'N
> Speak or terminal program and change and read the radio's settings.
> Mark
> Mark J. Senk  |  412-386-6513  |  [log in to unmask]
> <img
> src="
> %20Senk%0ATEL%3A412-386-
> alt="QR4Senk" />
> -----Original Message-----
> From: For blind ham radio operators [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
> On Behalf Of Lloyd Rasmussen
> Sent: Sunday, March 16, 2008 11:33 PM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: FT-950 Status
> I worked DX on all 5 bands in the ARRL phone DX contest.  Also figured out
> the two VFO's enough to work some DX split on 40 SSB.
> With the help of a neighborhood ham, I set up the Custom Settings switch
> so that it puts me on Menu number 72, for adjusting the dynamic noise
> reduction.  Since you change menu numbers by means of the detented Select
> knob, you can count up or down from 72 to adjust other menu settings.
> Menu adjustments themselves are done using the clarifier knob, which does
> not have detents, and does perhaps 8 increments or decrements per
> revolution.  I recommend having someone watch the rig's display for
> setting some of these, but have adjusted the transmit bandwidth, processor
> level and noise blanker level.  For all settings, if you turn the
> clarifier knob far enough counter-clockwise, you will be at the minimum
> menu setting; clockwise for maximum; further turns in the minimum or
> maximum direction do not cause further changes.  In other words, the
> settings on any particular menu item do not wrap.  Using the Custom
> Settings switch is important, though, because the menu selection process
> does wrap, and it can be adjusted either with the detented Select switch
> or with the main tuning knob, which is not detented and gives you no
> indication when you have jumped from one menu item to another.
> So far I like the receiver's sensitivity, selectivity options and dynamic
> range.  I like the noise blanker, but have not found the dynamic noise
> reduction to be all that useful.
> This is not a simple radio, and I'm going to enjoy it more when I get on
> CW with it.  I have more to learn, including how to make the best use of
> Ham Radio Deluxe and other control software.  Later.
> 73,
> Lloyd Rasmussen, W3IUU, Kensington, Maryland
> Home:
> Work:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Lloyd Rasmussen [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
> > Sent: Saturday, March 01, 2008 11:14 AM
> > To: [log in to unmask]
> > Subject: RE: FT-950 Status
> >
> > I now have the computer interface working.  I can read frequency,
> > mode, S- meter reading and some other parameters in Ham Radio Deluxe.
> > I don't know yet how to control anything, nor how to get into the
> > 950's menus.  Still more later.
> >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: For blind ham radio operators [mailto:BLIND-
> > [log in to unmask]]
> > > On Behalf Of Lloyd Rasmussen
> > > Sent: Friday, February 29, 2008 10:36 PM
> > > To: [log in to unmask]
> > > Subject: FT-950 Status
> > >
> > > My Yaesu FT-950 arrived last week after a minor hassle with UPS.  So
> > > far
> > I
> > > have listened a lot, worked my brother on 20 meter SSB, and TI and
> > > 6Y5
> > on
> > > 75.  I have to do some more wiring to get a keyer paddle hooked up.
> > >
> > > There are 58 pushbuttons and 9 knobs on this rig.  It is easy to get
> > into
> > > a
> > > mode where you are running split, are transmitting on the wrong VFO,
> > > or other things.  But I currently have the hang of entering
> > > frequencies
> > from
> > > the keypad, adjusting bandwidth, IF shift, attenuation, preamps, AGC
> > > and more.  I am happy with the receive performance so far, and my
> > > brother
> > says
> > > the Heil mike sounds especially good.
> > >
> > > My first attempts to connect to the rig using Ham Radio Deluxe have
> > > been unsuccessful.  I am trying to do it through a USB to serial
> adapter.
> > Much
> > > more to learn and many more experiments to do.  And I'm not sure
> > > that
> > HRD
> > > can currently show me my menu settings, which is one of the things I
> > want
> > > to
> > > be able to do.  So I don't have the dynamic noise filter set as a
> > > custom setting, and the VOX sensitivity is too high to be useful
> > > until I get
> > into
> > > that menu.
> > >
> > > More info later.
> > >