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Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>
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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 23 Mar 2008 11:15:04 -0700
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Is this from the Mormon book called the Pearl Of Great Price?  I wasn't sure
reading through and was curious.


>I am sending you a short analysis on Daniel
>chapter 11. This vision is the pearl of great price. (Da.10:14)
>Who is "the king of the north"?
>Some insightful Bible students noticed, the
>proof lies in the obvious identity that exists
>between Daniel's "the king of the north" in the last days and
>Ezekiel's "Gog" of the latter days. By comparing
>what is said about each of them in the two
>prophecies, it is manifest that they can only be different
>titles for the same being.
>Ezekiel Chapter 38 and 39 = Daniel 11:45
>1. Their geographical position is the same.
>"Gog's" country is in the north part in relation
>to the Holy Land; as it is written, "Thou shalt come from thy
>place out of the north parts". "Gog" is
>therefore "the king of the north", his place or country being there.
>2. Both of them are adversaries of Israel and
>invaders of the Holy Land. The eleventh chapter
>of Daniel abundantly proves this in relation to "the king
>of the north"; and of "Gog", Yahoueh said: "Thou
>shalt come up against my people Israel, as a cloud to cover the land".
>3. The time they invade the land is the same.
>"The king of the north" invades in the last
>days. Of "Gog" it is said: "It shall be in the latter days, and
>I will bring thee against my land".
>4. The same peoples are named as components of
>their armies. The Libyans and Ethiopians are
>allies with "the king of the north"; and in the enumeration
>of Gog's forces, it says, "Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya with them".
>Who is "Gog"? Which land is the land of "Magog"?
>Some people think that "Gog" is the Devil. But
>does the context support this idea? Ezekiel wrote that
>after "Gog's" last attack he will fall and then
>be buried by the people. (Ez.39:4,11) So there
>is no need to prove that "Gog" represents the Devil as we
>know that the devil does not have a body of
>flesh and bone and has no need for a grave.
>Thus, in actuality, whom does "Gog" symbolize?
>"Gog" is the chief prince of Meschech and Tubal.
>"Meshech, the sixth son of Japheth (Genesis
>10:2) is the founder of a tribe (1 Chronicles
>1:5; Ezekiel 27:13; 38:2,3). They were in all probability the
>Moschi people, inhabiting the Moschian
>Mountains, between the Black and the Caspian
>Seas. In Psalms 120:5 the name occurs simply as a synonym for foreigners
>or barbarians. "During the ascendency of the
>Babylonians and Persians in Western Asia, the
>Moschi were subdued; but it seems probable that a large number
>of them crossed the Caucasus range and spread
>over the northern steppes, mingling with the
>Scythians. There they became known as Muscovs and gave this
>name to the Russian nation and its ancient
>capital by which they are still generally known
>throughout the East" (Easton's Bible Dictionary).
>Many ancient sources have clearly identified
>"Magog" as referring to the "Scythians".
>One of the earliest references to Magog was made
>by Hesiod, "the father of Greek didactic poetry"
>who identified Magog with the Scythians and southern
>Russia in the 7th century B.C. Hesiod was a contemporary of Ezekiel.
>Josephus Flavius clearly identified Magog.
>"Magog founded the Magogians, thus named after
>him, but who were by the Greeks called Scythians". (Josephus,
>Antiquities, 1.123; Jerome, Commentary on Ezekiel 38:2)
>The Greek historian Herodotus wrote that in the
>fifth century B.C. the Scythians ruled from the
>Don River, in present southern Russia, to the Carpathian
>Mountains in central Europe.
>Philo, is another historian in the first century
>A.D. who identified "Magog" with southern Russia.
>Ancient authorities clearly identified the
>Scythians as the ancestors of the present day Russians.
>However, even without that information, the
>identity of "Magog" is not too difficult to
>figure out. In Ezekiel 38:15, it says: "And thou shalt come from
>thy place out of the north parts, thou, and many
>people with thee". The "north parts" is
>literally the "extreme, or uttermost" parts of the north.
>Who are "the kings of the north" and "south"?
>Who are the "kings" of this chapter?
>Daniel 11:2
>Since the Prophecy was given in the third year
>of Cyrus (Daniel 10:1), the three kings that
>were to "stand up yet", that is, "after him", were Cambyses
>II, Smerdis the Magian imposter, Darius I Hystaspes.
>The fourth king, Xerxes I, stirred up Persia
>against Greece, which he invaded in 480 B.C. but
>failed to conquer. Since prophecy touches only upon important
>events and characters, the remaining kings of
>Persia are omitted, and the prophecy jumps over
>nearly 150 years to the time of Alexander the Great 336-323
>Daniel 11:3,4
>"A valiant king", Alexander the Great, whose
>kingdom after his death was divided into four parts.
>1) Seleucus I - who began the Seleucid (Syrian) empire, from Turkey to
>2) Cassander - who took over Macedonia (Greece).
>3) Lysimachus - who took Thracia (between Greece and Turkey).
>4) Ptolemy I - who ruled over Egypt.
>Daniel 11:5
>After the death of Alexander the Great in 323
>B.C., the throne of Egypt fell to Ptolemy I
>Soter, the son of Lagus, the king of the south.
>"One of his princes", Seleucus I, Nicator ["the
>king of the north"] also rose to power, and took
>over the region of Syria. He eventually became more powerful
>than his former Egyptian ruler.
>Daniel 11:6
>"The daughter of the king of the south" =
>Berenice II, daughter of Ptolemy II Philadelphus.
>"The king of the north" = Antiochus II Theos.
>Two years after the marriage, Berenice's father (Ptolemy Philadelphus)
>Antiochus restored Laodice and put away Berenice.
>He was then poisoned by Laodice.
>Berenice fled with her children to Daphne where she was killed.
>Daniel 11:7-9
>A "branch of her roots" will come with an army.
>This was Berenice's brother, Ptolemy III Euregetes, "the king of the
>"The king of the north" is Seleucus II
>Kallinikos, son of Laodice who was defeated in a
>later invasion of Egypt. He lost most of Asia Minor along with losing
>to the military expansion of Ptolemy III who put
>his mother, Laodice, to death.
>Verse 9: "And [the king of the north] will enter
>into the kingdom of the king of the south, but
>will return to his own land". (literal translation)
>Seleucus II, son of the deceased Laodice, sought
>revenge for the vengeance taken by Ptolemy III.
>"Justin says that he fitted out a great fleet, which was
>destroyed by a violent storm; and after this he
>raised a great army to recover his dominion, but
>was defeated by Ptolemy, and fled in great terror and
>trembling to Antioch". (Gill's Commentary)
>Daniel 11:10-12
>His ["the king of the north"] sons = Seleucus
>III Ceraunus and Antiochus III the Great.
>"The king of the north" = Antiochus III, the Great.
>"The king of the south" = Ptolemy IV Philopator.
>Ptolemy IV defeated the much larger army of
>Antiochus III at the Battle of Raphia in 217.
>Daniel 11:13-17
>"The king of the south" = Ptolemy V Epiphanes.
>"The king of the north" = Antiochus III.
>Antiochus III gives his daughter Cleopatra I to
>Ptolemy V, in hopes of permanent influence in Egypt.
>Verse 14a: "And in those times many will rise against the king of the
>At this time, many of the Egyptians began
>rebelling against the ruling Grecian family and began rioting and defying
>Verse 14b: "And the sons of the violent ones of
>your people shall rise up to establish the
>vision, but they shall stumble". (LIT)
>This verse speaks of the violent sons of
>Daniel's nation. Many commentators suggest that
>these people will stand up against the king of the south, but this
>text foretells that these people will lift
>themselves up to establish the vision. They were
>called a violent people by Ezekiel who in this way described
>them as shedders of blood. (18:10a) The word
>vision [in Aramaic chezev; in Hebrew chazown] is
>used in the Book of Daniel e.g. in: 7:1,2,7,13,15; 8:1,2,13,15,17,26;
>9:24; 10:14; 11:14. All of these visions
>prophecy of the future persecution of God's
>nation, that would be fulfilled in the distant future. (Daniel 8:17;
>What kind of violent people would lift
>themselves in the ancient time, to fulfill the
>inspired visions and prophecies before their time? The First Book
>of the Maccabees clearly indicates the Maccabees
>as being these violent people. (1:54; 6:7) Until
>now, many commentators believe that the Maccabees fulfilled
>the prophecies of the Book of Daniel. But Jesus
>said that the vision which concerns the
>abomination of desolation and the persecutions of God's nation
>will be fulfilled in the future. (Compare Matthew 24:15; Revelation 13:1-8)
>Verse 11:16b "and he standeth in the desirable
>land, and it is wholly in his hand". (YLT)
>After one hundred years, Palestine again changed
>hands. The Seleucid king, Antiochus III, took
>control of Palestine c. 200 B.C.E.
>Daniel 11:18
>Antioch III against the Roman Empire.
>"Ruler" = Lucius Cornelius, the Roman general.
>The Romans humbled him (191) at Thermopylae and again at Magnesia (190).
>Daniel 11:19a
>Subsequently, Antiochus was forced to campaign
>within his own lands to stop his satraps from
>declaring themselves independent rulers.
>Daniel 11:19b
>"He shall stumble and fall, and shall not be
>found" = end of the period of greatness for the
>Seleucid Empire. (Compare Revelation 18:21; Jeremiah 51:64)
>Daniel 11:20
>"And stood up on his station hath one causing an
>exactor to pass over the honour of the kingdom,
>and in a few days he is destroyed, and not in anger, nor
>in battle". (YLT)
>"The king of the north" = Caesar Augustus. The first Roman emperor.
>"The king of the south" not on the scene.
>In 2 B.C., Augustus sent out "an exactor" by
>ordering a registration, or census, most likely
>to learn the size of the population for purposes of taxation
>and military conscription. Because of this
>decree, Joseph and Mary traveled to Bethlehem
>for registration, resulting in Jesus' birth at that foretold location.
>(Micah 5:2; Matthew 2:1-12)
>Daniel didn't prophecy that "the king of the
>north" would die "after a few days" from this
>event, but would die in the undetermined future "after a few
>days". In the end of July, in the year 14 A.D.,
>August left Rome. He took a vacation in his old
>age and health. On the 19th of August, after a short sickness,
>he "passed away peacefully, not feeling any
>pain". While traveling in Campania, Augustus
>died "in a few days", neither "in anger" at an assassin's hands
>nor "in warfare", but after a short illness.
>Many say that "the king of the north" is
>Seleucus IV Philopater, who sent out his finance
>minister, Heliodorus to collect taxes. But Seleucus was murdered
>in a conspiracy engineered by Heliodorus. It is
>said that the king here was to however die a
>natural death (not one of anger or of battle). Therefore,
>this writing does not conform to Seleucus IV.
>Also, verse 21 cannot carry over to the rule of Antiochus IV Epiphanes!
>Daniel 11:21-23
>Verse 21: "And in his place shall arise a
>despised. And they will not give him the royal
>majesty. He will come in a time of peace and will seize the kingdom
>through duplicity".
>"The king of the north" = Tiberius 14-37.
>"The king of the south" not on the scene.
>"The ruler of the covenant" = Jesus [Yeshua].
>Augustus only chose him after more favored heirs had died.
>The New Encyclopoedia Britannica says, Tiberius
>played politics with the Senate and did not
>allow it to name him emperor for almost a month [after Augustus
>died]". He told the Senate that no one but
>Augustus was capable of carrying the burden of
>ruling the Roman Empire and asked the senators to restore the
>republic by entrusting such authority to a group
>of men rather than to one man. "Not daring to
>take him at his word", wrote historian Will Durant, "the
>Senate exchanged bows with him until at last he
>accepted power". Durant added: "The play was
>well acted on both sides. Tiberius wanted the principate,
>or he would have found some way to evade it; the
>Senate feared and hated him, but shrank from
>reestablishing a republic based, like the old, upon theoretically
>sovereign assemblies". Thus, Tiberius took hold
>of the kingdom by means of duplicity.
>Verse 22: "And the arms of the flood shall be
>swept from before his face, and they will be
>broken, and also the ruler of a covenant".
>In 15 A.D., Germanicus led his forces against
>the German hero Arminius, with some success.
>However, the limited victories were won at great cost, and Tiberius
>thereafter aborted operations in Germany.
>Instead, by promoting civil war, he tried to
>prevent German tribes from uniting. Tiberius generally favoured
>a defensive foreign policy and focused on
>strengthening the frontiers. This stance was
>fairly successful. In this way "the arms of the flood" were controlled
>and were "broken".
>"Broken" too was "the Leader of the covenant" =
>Jesus [Yeshua]. (Compare Isaiah 55:4; Daniel 9:25, 27a)
>Verse 23: "And after they join themselves to
>him, he will do guile, and he will exalt
>himself, and will do strong by a few of the people".
>The oath of loyalty bound the army and officials to the Tiberius.
>"Sextus Pompeius and Sextus Apuleius, the
>consuls, were the first to swear allegiance to
>Tiberius Caesar, and in their presence the oath was taken by Seius
>Strabo and Caius Turranius, respectively the
>commander of the praetorian cohorts and the
>superintendent of the corn supplies. Then the Senate, the soldiers
>and the people did the same". Those few people
>were the Roman Praetorian Guard, encamped close
>to Rome's walls. Its proximity intimidated the Senate and
>helped Tiberius keep in check any uprisings
>against his authority among the populace. By
>means of some 10.000 guards Tiberius remained mighty.
>Daniel 11:24
>"In a time of peace he will come against [sense:
>will attack] the fattest [sense: mighty] of the
>land, and he will do that which his fathers have not done,
>nor his fathers' fathers: prey, and spoil, and
>substance, their possession he will distribute.
>And against strongholds he will devise his schemes until
>the appointed time".
>"The king of the north" = Tiberius and next emperors.
>"The king of the south" not on the scene.
>The word "mashman" refers here to fattest
>[sense: mighty]. (Compare Ps.78:31 and Is.10:16)
>Because he was very suspicious, Emperor
>Tiberius, extended the law of laesa majestas.
>Many senators were put to death on a charge of treason against the
>emperor. For the people of the provinces, it was
>a peaceful and well-ordered time.
>Daniel 11:25,26a
>Aurelian (270-275) against Queen Zenobia of Palmyra ["the king of the
>The Palmyrene army occupied Egypt in 269 B.C.E.
>under the pretext of making it secure for Rome.
>Zenobia wanted to make Palmyra the dominant city in the
>east and wanted to rule over Rome's eastern
>provinces. Alarmed by her ambition, Aurelian
>aroused "his power and his heart" to proceed against Zenobia.
>Zenobia valiantly defended it, but without
>success. She and her son fled toward Persia,
>only to be captured by the Romans at the Euphrates River. The Palmyrenes
>surrendered their city in 272 B.C. Aurelian
>spared Zenobia, making her the prize feature in
>his triumphal procession through Rome in 274 B.C. She spent
>the rest of her life as a Roman matron.
>Aurelian himself 'did not stand because of
>schemes against him.' In 275 B.C., he set out on
>an expedition against the Persians. While he was waiting in
>Thrace for the opportunity to cross the straits
>into Asia Minor, those who 'ate his food'
>carried out schemes against him and brought about his "breakdown".
>He was going to call his secretary Eros to
>account for irregularities. Eros, however,
>forged a list of names of certain officers marked for death. The
>sight of this list moved the officers to plot
>Aurelian's assassination and to murder him.
>Daniel 11:26b. (Compare Daniel 9:26b)
>"and his army will be flooded and many will fall down slain".
>Decline and fall of the Roman Empire.
>"The strength of Aurelian had crushed on every
>side the enemies of Rome. After his death they
>seemed to revive with an increase of fury and of numbers".
>Daniel 11:27
>"And both these kings, their hearts (will be) to
>do mischief, and at one table (they) will speak
>a lie. But it will not succeed, for yet (the) finish to
>(the) appointed time." (11:27, literal translation)
>It certainly suggests that the verse does not
>concern to the ancient times. It describes the
>end of times right before the appointed time. (Compare Daniel
>Russia and England (from second half of the XIX Century).
>Egyptian history dates back to about 4000 B.C.,
>when the kingdoms of upper and lower Egypt,
>already highly sophisticated, were united. Egypt's golden age
>coincided with the 18th and 19th dynasties (16th
>to 13th century B.C.), during which the empire
>was established. Persia conquered Egypt in 525 B.C.E, Alexander
>the Great subdued it in 332 B.C.E., and then the
>Ptolemaic dynasty ruled the land until 30 B.C.,
>when Cleopatra, last of the line, committed suicide and
>Egypt became a Roman, then Byzantine, province.
>Arab caliphs ruled Egypt from 641 until 1517,
>when the Turks took it for their Ottoman Empire. Napoléon's
>armies occupied the country from 1798 to 1801.
>In 1805, Mohammed Ali, leader of a band of
>Albanian soldiers, became pasha of Egypt. After completion of
>the Suez Canal in 1869, the French and British
>took increasing interest in Egypt. British
>troops occupied Egypt in 1882, and British resident agents became
>its actual administrators, though it remained
>under nominal Turkish sovereignty. In 1914, this
>fiction was ended, and Egypt became a protectorate of Britain.
>Russia grew expanding its power over huge
>regions, and by the end of XIX century Russia
>possessed territories from the mouths of the Danube and Visla in
>the west, reached the Pacific Ocean in the east,
>began in the Euroasian tundra in the north and
>had borders with Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan and China in
>the south.
>In 1907, an Anglo-Russian agreement divided
>Persia into English and Russian spheres of
>influence, a large Russian sphere in the north, covering the most
>valuable part of the country, a neutral sphere
>in the centre, and a smaller British sphere in the southeast.
>Daniel 11:28
>"And (he) ["the king of the north"] will go back
>(to) his land with great wealth; and his heart
>(will be) against the holy covenant; and will act effectively;
>and turned back to his own land." (literal translation)
>History of Russia after World War II.
>The passage contains enough details, which allow for a correct
>Daniel foretells here that "the king of the
>north" [Russia] will not only be successful in
>WW II, but also that he returns to his land with a great amount
>of goods. If only Hitler had listened to
>Mussolini and the Japanese, who in 1943 advised
>him to stop military actions, the prophetic detail would have
>never been fulfilled.
>Daniel 11:28b
>"and turned back to his own land".
>The break-up of the Soviet Union and return to
>the country of Russian garrisons (the liquidation of Russian military
>The prophecy of Daniel 11 is the key to
>understanding what is going to happen in the future.
>The latter statements Jesus' and Daniel's are alike.
>Matthew 24:5,6 (Luke 21:8,9) = Daniel 11:27,28 =
>XIX, XX, XXI Century, before the World War III
>"Many for will come in the name of me, saying:
>'I am the anointed'; and many they will
>mislead." (Matthew 24:5, literal translation)
>"He said, 'Watch out that you don't get led
>astray, for many will come in my name, saying,
>'I AM,' and, 'The time is at hand.' Therefore don't follow them."
>(Luke 21:8, WEB)
>"Don't be afraid when you hear of wars and
>revolutions; such things must happen first, but
>they do not mean that the end is near." (Luke 21:9, GNB)
>Matthew 24:7 = Daniel 11:29,30 = WW III
>Matthew 24:15 = Daniel 11:31 = "trampling of
>Jerusalem" [the great tribulation of Christian
>minorities; compare Revelation 11:2]
>Matthew 24:29 = Daniel 11:40 = WW IV
>Daniel 11:29a
>"At (the) appointed time (he) will return, and will enter into (the)
>1. Russian troops will be station abroad again.
>2. "The king of the north" will come into the South.
>Daniel 11:29b,30
>"But will not be as (the) former or as (the)
>latter. For will come against him (the) dwellers
>of coastlands of Kittim, and (he) will be humbled, and will
>return." (literal translation)
>1. The West will come against the Russia.
>2. "The king of the north" will be humbled, and
>will return. (Compare Matthew 24:7; Revelation 6:4)
>Daniel 11:31
>1. The nations will trample "the holy city" [of
>those who belong to Christ] forty-two months.
>(Compare Revelation 11:2,7; 13:5,7a; Luke 21:24b; Matthew
>24:21,22; Daniel 7:25; 9:27; Isaiah
>29:1-8,20-24; Matthew 13:40-43,49,50; Ezekiel
>13:8-16,20-23; 34:10; 2 Thessalonians 2:8b; Isaiah 28:1-4,17-22; 6:13;
>Malachi 3:1-5)
>The religious organizations from among Christian
>minorities which Jesus compared to "the weeds",
>will be "burned". (Mt.13:30) Yahoueh will protect the
>righteous ones. (Re.11:1) "The wheat" will be
>put into "the storehouse" after the tribulation
>- which means that "the sons of the kingdom" will become
>gathered and unified at that time. They will
>shine as brightly as the sun after the tribulation.
>2. "The abomination of desolation" [the World
>Government] will be set up. (Revelation 13:7b; Daniel 12:11)
>Daniel 11:32-35
>Details of their future global religious
>persecution. (Compare Daniel 8:11,12; Revelation 6:9-11; 12:15)
>Daniel 11:36-39
>Russia before the World War IV. (Compare Ezekiel 38:7)
>Daniel 11:40
>The World War IV. (Compare Luke 21:25; Isaiah
>5:26-30; Matthew 24:29; Daniel 7:11; Revelation
>13:3; Ezekiel 32:2-16; Habakkuk 1:5-17; Revelation 6:12; Zephaniah
>1:14-18; Joel 2:1-11,31, ASV)
>Daniel 11:41
>Occupation of Israel. (Compare Ezekiel 39:23-29)
>Daniel 11:42,43
>The triumph of Russia. (Compare Isaiah 10:12-15)
>Daniel 11:44,45
>Russia again will attack Israel. (Compare Daniel
>12:1; Joel 2:20; Isaiah 14:4-27; Habakkuk 3:3-16)
>"Many will study, therefore understanding will be multiplied". (Daniel
>Well, what is the Bible's scenario?
>1. Russian troops station abroad again. (Daniel 11:29a)
>2. "The king of the north" becomes very
>aggressive and enters into the south. (Daniel 11:29a)
>3. The West opposes Russia. (Daniel 11:30; Matthew 24:7a; Revelation 6:4)
>4. "The king of the north" is humiliated, and
>turns back. (Daniel 11:30). He does not make the
>same mistake as Hitler did, he does not fight to the death
>and this is why Russia is not occupied.
>5. The World Government appears after that war
>which replaces the ineffective UNO. Its power
>gradually rises up. (Revelation 13:1,2,7b; Daniel 11:31b)
>6. Russia rebuilds its military power very fast
>and acts effectively on the world scene. (Daniel 11:30b)
>7. "Russia's rulers pay attention to those "who
>forsake the holy covenant". (Daniel 11:30b)
>8. A man "of fierce countenance, and
>understanding ambiguous sayings" becomes the
>president of the USA, and he begins to fight with Christian minorities.
>(Daniel 8:23-25)
>9. There is a tribulation of "Jerusalem" = it is
>a tribulation of Christian minorities, which
>lasts 42 month's. (Daniel 11:31a; Matthew 24:15; Revelation
>13:5-7a; Matthew 13:40-42,49,50; 24:48-51)
>The Christian communities, which are now called
>sects, are decimated. It is the biggest genocide
>concerning religion in history. The eyes of people who
>were deceived by them will be opened. (Isaiah 6:9-13)
>The "tyrant", according to LXX "lawless" = the
>rulers of Christian minorities will be removed.
>(Isaiah 29:1-8,20,21) Ezekiel calls them "women". (Ezekiel
>13:17-23; Revelation 14:4a; Isaiah 3:12) Paul
>names them "the man of lawlessness". (2 Thessalonians 2:4,8b)
>10. Immediately after the tribulation of those
>days "the abomination of desolation", in other
>words the World Government will be set up [will given authority;
>Revelation 13:7b]. (Daniel 11:31b; 12:11) The
>Book of Revelation calls it a "beast". (11:7; 13:1,2,7,8)
>11. The spirit is poured out upon people who
>belong to Jesus. (Revelation 11:11-13) The
>"wheat" = the sons of kingdom, will be gathered into the "storehouse"
>after burning the "weeds" = organized Christian
>churches which earlier posed as the churches of
>Christ. (Matthew 13:30b; Eph.1:9,10) And then Jesus will
>set up a "faithful slave" over his whole possession. (Matthew 24:45-47)
>12. The seven trumpets start to sound. Those who
>belong to Jesus are revealing future events to
>the World. They will also try to explain what God thinks
>of certain issues. (Revelation 8:6-10:11)
>13. The power in Russia will be taken over by a
>dictator who is atheist. The military power will be his god. (Daniel
>14. Not longer after that, there will be the WW
>IV. That time Russia will triumph the same as it
>did after the WWII. (Daniel 11:40; Daniel 7:11; Luke 21:25;
>Revelation 13:3a). "The king of the north" will
>act as a "God's hammer" ravaging many countries
>like Babylon in ancient times. (Jeremiah 51:20,25)
>15. Russia occupies Israel as well. (Daniel 11:41)
>16. After that war the World Government is
>resuscitated. The "purple beast" will be given
>even more power. The politicians will relinquish their sovereignty
>in favour of the beast. (Revelation 13:14; 17:8,17)
>17. Attack on "Babylon the Great" = big,
>apostasized churches, drunk with blood of
>innocent people, which betrayed God and Jesus by co-operating with kings
>of the earth. (Revelation 17:16)
>18. Next, nations see the sign of the Son of man
>(Matthew 24:30). Probably it will be connected
>with the first resurrection (Revelation 20:6). People who
>have died in union with Jesus will rise first
>(among 144.000). They will get a spirit body at
>the resurrection. (1 Corinthians 15:35,44) What will be the
>proof of the resurrection? Immediately after
>that, remaining of 144.000 will be transfigured
>(1 Corinthians 15:52; 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17). Simultaneously
>they will be caught away from the earth and
>taken to heaven. The transfigurations of
>belonging to Jesus dependably will not be seen and it will cause a
>great expression on nations.
>19. The whole nation of Israel is converting and
>gathering. (Ezekiel 39:25-29; Romans 11:25-32).
>After taking to heaven belonging to group of 144.000 nation
>of Israel will be a light for the nations. God
>will be with them and will pour his spirit over them. (Ezekiel 39:29)
>20. Rebuilding of the Temple according to
>directions given to Ezekiel. (Ezekiel 37:24-28; 43:11)
>21. There will be collection of chosen,
>separation the "sheep from the goats". (Matthew
>24:31; 25:31-44; Revelation 14:15,16)
>22. "The king of the north" will attack people
>who worship the true God [Israel] (Ezekiel
>38:10-12). "The beast" [the word government] also will take part
>in this attack. (Revelation 19:19)
>23. After Armageddon the power on the world will
>be taken over by the "new heaven" = the kingdom
>of God i.e. Jesus and belonging to him. (Daniel 7:27;
>Matthew 6:10; Revelation 21:1-4) "The old
>heaven" = imperfect system of authority created
>by man will go away. Rules and the law created by imperfect people
>which are captivating and making difficulty will
>be untied. All activities remaining uncovered,
>good or bad will be revealed, all crimes will come to light.
>(2 Peter 3:10; 1 Timothy 5:25)
>24. The rest of dead will come to life! The
>earth will become the paradise. (Acts 24:15;
>Psalm 37:29; Isaiah 11:6-9; 25:8; 35:5-7). When the thousand year's
>period of Jesus' kingdom will end people who
>come to life during this period are put to the
>test. And then they will really come to life God's point of
>view and then they will get ability to live
>forever. (Revelation 20:5a,7,8; comp. Luke 15:32; 1 John 3:14).
>"Behold, the former things are come to pass, and
>new things do I declare: before they spring
>forth will I cause you to hear them". (Isaiah 42:9)