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Pat Ferguson <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 28 Jul 2007 10:28:21 -0500
text/plain (235 lines)
>Greetings All!
>I quit forwarding these because some were objecting, but I feel led to pass
>this one on.  All of the war related things he mentions here are real, the
>ships are over there, the media warns us that the countries of Iran and
>Syria and Jordon are holding talks.  We've seen the talks between the U.S
>and Russia fall apart in the last month and Russia walk out on the European
>alliance treaty.  Come on, Wake up the picture is coming in to focus.
>HE is coming!
>They are closing in on us,
>God is still in control.
>The war cries are coming from a lot of different directions, not all of
>them from
>our Arab neighbors who have sworn to destroy us.
>That is not to say we are not in a heap of trouble with
>Iran and Syria
>   making their war plans for an attack that most believe will come within a
>few weeks
>possibly sooner.
>That also means Hezbollah and Hamas who are armed paid and encouraged by
>Iran will be involved in the attack on Israel.  Then we have that sly fox in
>Egypt that has been armed by the US, North Korea, China
>   and God only knows who else and ready to join the fight if he can be
>convinced that
>this time the Arabs can run us into the sea, killing all the Jews.
>Most of the above hinges on Iran and the crazy demon processed leader
>who keeps on track in has desire to develop nuclear weapons while the US,
>and the rest of the "free" world sits still unable to summons up the
>necessary courage
>to do what has to be done to stop him.
>To add insult to injury we have our gift from Ariel Sharon, Ehud Olmert,
>who dances
>to the tunes played by Bush and Rice and could careless about what is right
>and just
>With the aid of the number one propaganda tool called the TV news channels
>and the
>evil spin doctors the good Jews of Israel much like the good citizens of
>the US are
>being brain washed into believing that bad is good and good is bad.
>With progress being made daily by the Islamic forces in Judea, Samaria and
>Gaza to
>destroy Israel and no chance of any peace with these so-called
>"Palestinians" Bush
>and Rice keep making their speeches that they will force a two state
>solution on
>Knowing without any doubt it would spell the total destruction of
>Rice is due to come to Israel this coming week and before she even got here
>she said
>that the only solution is a "Palestinian State", With America flooding and
>Bush and Rice just don't get it, and they may never get it, but the USA
>will get
>it of that you can be sure.
>Bush continues to say that his war is against the Islamic Terrorist, I
>can't help
>but wonder what he calls the enemies of Israel; Hamas, Hezbollah, Abbas and
>his PLO
>and PA they are all terrorists organizations operating in the (West Bank)
>and Gaza.
>And for those who still don't understand that Bush has made a deal with the
>and other
>Arab States
>   to hand them
>Israel by means of his Road Map.  All you have to do is look at what
>happened to
>Gaza after Bush forced Israel
>   to disengage making over 9,000 Jews homeless in their own land.
>Now we have a Taliban Hamastan building one of the world's strongest
>Terrorist bases.
>    His plan is to do the same thing in the mountains of Judea and Samaria
>   (West Bank) making it absolutely certain of the total destruction of
>But these are not the only threats we are faced with, the 6th
>   fleet in the Mediterranean and the 5
>th in the Persian Gulf both at an unprecedented force.
>I read today the USS Enterprise with a group of battle ships are in the
>   having war games with the French of all people.
>Weekly we hear of more US Navy war vessels entering both the Mediterranean
>and the
>Persian Gulf.
>We all know why they are here and there is an old adage, once you have
>in place you either use it or lose it.
>And I think they have every intention of using all of this fire power very
>soon now
>and this world is going to go completely insane, many thousands will die
>and the
>world as you know it will change forever.
>Ahmadinejad has made no secret that when the shooting starts his first
>target is
>   with hundreds of missiles and we can only guess what the warheads will be
>It may be good to stop and realize that all those conspiracy nuts out there
>the illuminati and the New World Order are in control.
>I've struggled for years tying to figure out how this small group of men
>can control
>the whole world and I have come to the conclusion that they couldn't less
>God allowed
>them at the point in time that He chooses to bring about His Prophetic Word
>to pass
>before our very eyes.
>I have walked with the Lord for nearly 40 years I now understand that first
>battles are fought out in the Heaven and the Devil can do nothing without
>God's permission.
>That is hard for many to believe but it is true. You see with God there is
>no good
>or bad, there is only true or false.
>This good and bad thing is what we inherited from the Garden of Eden; it
>makes us
>think we are like a god to make these judgments when God sits on High
>judging whether
>it is true to His Word or false.
>I know many reading this will not agree or be able to accept that, but it
>still remains
>to be true, you see the Word of God is something you have to not just know
>but you
>have to experience it.
>And while I am preaching I will say this as well, the truth is the truth,
>if you
>believe it or not. And what you believe may have nothing to do with what
>the truth
>And because you believe something does not make it the truth.
>For the truth of our creation and our destiny is all written in God's Word
>and it
>is God's truth that will prevail.
>One step further and then I will get back on the subject, not one of us
>will go to
>heaven for any other reason than Yeshua did, it is on His back we ride and
>by His
>blood we have forgiveness for our horrible sinful lives, no one reading
>this deserves
>to go to heaven.
>Not one of us has the right to judge anyone, but we do and will for it is
>our human
>nature, God made us and He understands that.
>But if you are a Believer in Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus the Messiah) God is
>you by your works, and to know to do good and do it not is a sin.
>So you see God knows we judge by our own standards of good and bad, but
>God's ways
>are not our ways.
>God speaks to the hearts and spirits of those who truly know Him and for
>those who
>God has joined to this Ministry know what we must do.
>War is getting ready to rock this whole world and when God is finished
>shaking there
>will be many that has fallen away from their faith and this will be the
>great falling
>away, the blame for most of the ones who will fall away is the man made
>churches with their false doctrine of pie in the sky and easy Believism.
>Only the Overcomers will survive and be a shining light for Yeshua.
>This is not a popular gospel but a true one straight from God's Word.
>    And if you preach it you will soon find out how unpopular it is.
>I thought about taking the last two paragraphs out because it is preaching,
>but I
>will leave them there knowing it will upset many who don't stand on God's
>Word but
>stand on some man made doctrine.
>Folks it is way past time to get real with yourself and with God, for if
>you are
>not real with yourself you cannot be real with God.
>God is real and He works with real men and women in a real world, so get
>real with
>God has planted our feet firmly on the ground here in
>   and given us the most important ministry I have ever heard of it
>literally touches
>God's heart.
>    We have precious little time to use what we have been given.
>Jew are beginning to pour out of Europe, over 600 came three day ago from
>and thousands are making plans to come, but the door will suddenly be shut
>for them
>to come by airlines, and the sea will be the only way, we need a larger
>boat, please
>pray with us over this need.
>Pray for the peace of Jerusalem
>, for our son Joel and all the IDF soldiers. Pray for this Ministry and
>your part
>in it.
>    Shalom, jerry golden
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>Dronvor, Watching the Signs.
>"3  As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him
>privately. "Tell us," they said, "when will this happen, and what will be
>the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?" 4  Jesus answered:
>"Watch out that no-one deceives you. 5  For many will come in my name,
>claiming, 'I am the Christ,' and will deceive many. 6  You will hear of
>wars and rumours of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such
>things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7  Nation will rise
>against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and
>earthquakes in various places. 8  All these are the beginning of
>birth-pains." (Matthew 24:3-8 NIV)
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Thanks much.

Jesus Lives! He Reigns Forever!
Patricia Ferguson