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Cairie Witter <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 23 Jun 2007 21:30:37 +0200
text/plain (156 lines)
I haven't heard it either and I really enjoyed it.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jenifer Gilley" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Saturday, June 23, 2007 8:12 PM
Subject: Re: brads miracle friend.


FOR Chris and
his family also.

Jenifer Gilley
Christ came that we may have life everlasting!
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msn-no email please:
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check out my blog!

-----Original Message-----
From: The Electronic Church 
[mailto:[log in to unmask]]On
Behalf Of Brad D
Sent: Saturday, June 23, 2007 1:03 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: brads miracle friend.

Hey Jen,

You might have heard this story before but I'll mention it 
again for the
newbees on list:.

I've got a  fishing pal of mine that is known as the miracle 
of St. John's
Hospital here in the Twin Cities.  This happened long before 
I met him and
hopefully they have had other miracles occur since then to 
drown out the
title but nonetheless his miracle, was nothing short of, 
well? Miraculous.
His name is Chris, and at the time was a police officer in a 
small town
outside of the Twin Cities. His dad and step mom were 
children's pastor of
a church which was a full spirit, charismatic, Pentecostal 
or whatever
label you want to put on it, but they believed in the power 
of healing.
Chris was fairly newly married and I believe had a little 
one too at this
time. Chris had a beat partner who served in Desert Storm, 
sort of the
appetizer of the current war we are drowning. umm, that we 
are engaged in
now.  Chris started not feeling well, growing steadily 
worse, I'm not sure
of all the symptoms but they couldn't figure out what in the 
heck was wrong
with him. Finally he'd gotten so bad he was hospitalized. 
The nearest they
figure is the partner had brought bad a virus from the 
Middle East and
Chris caught it from him and it was  affecting him terrible. 
He had gotten
so bad they had him on life support and oxygen and 
everything and things
did not look good for Chris because the doctors were doing 
all they knew to
do to help him, but they didn't know what they were dealing 
with so
treatment was poke and hope and the clock was ticking down. 
His wife was
not a Christian at the time, or her family, but Chris's dad 
and step-mom
like I said were and they darn well were not letting their 
son check out
without doing all they could. Chris's dad at one critical 
point I believed
laid hands on him and prayed despite staff not wanting him 
there, in fact
all he could grasp was his toes.  One night sleeping on the 
couch his dad
had a dream/vision and saw what he believed to be a vision 
that said his
son will be OK. It's been a while since I heard what his 
vision was so I
don't recall it but it was a strange kind of dream in need 
interpretation which he claimed he had, and also claimed 
that his son would
be OK. His dad had gathered all the believers he knew who 
could come and
lay hands on and pray for Chris, Chris's wife not being a 
Christian was
like appalled, a gasp at the thought of it, and refused they 
do this thing.
Well they laid hands on him and prayed nonetheless. Chris at 
this point was
all the worse and they did not expect him to make it. His 
lungs were crisp
or permanently damaged due to the length and strength of 
oxygen he was on
to try to keep him alive and even with that his muscles and 
body began to
atrophy. Soon the doctors had to make a choice; they could 
not leave him on
life support any longer because it was beginning to do more 
damage than
potential good. Family and friends continued to pray. The 
doctors finally
began to remove the life support off of him and prepared the 
family for
what was inevitable. Much to everyone's surprise however, 
the more he was
removed from oxygen, the better he did, the more life 
support that was
removed, the better he did. The day after he was removed 
from life support
Chris walked a bouquet of flowers to the nurse's station in 
thanks for
their support. He went from just a few turns of medical 
nobs  toward death to walking in a matter of a day or two. 
The doctor who
cared and treated Chris for the entire time he was under his 
care, which I
think was told me near $100,000, forgone his fee  as he told 
them he did
nothing to save the man and it was clearly a true miracle 
and he could not
take any payment for that.

Chris is in perfect health today, probably a decade and a 
half later. His
wife is a good Christian woman. And please if you have read 
this far,
please  pray for these two as  due to varying circumstances 
are struggling
through a foreclosure and financial troubles as well some 
challenges with
their teenage boys. They are just good folks and a reminder 
of "There for
the grace of God go I".
