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Tia West <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Thyroid Discussion Group <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 19 Dec 2002 14:48:13 EST
text/plain (62 lines)
I recently had a biopsy for a 1/2" solid thyroid nodule. There were 3 samples
taken. Newly developed symptoms for the past 10 weeks have been continuous
and include:

            Sore throat
            Severe hoarseness which at times causes almost complete voice
            Pain at the site of the nodule
            Enlarged or swollen left side of thyroid which can be felt but
not seen with the naked eye.

Thyroid blood tests are normal, I'm told.

My twin daughters have Hashimoto's disease. I have System Lupus
Erythamethosis, Sjorgren's Syndrome, and Cushing's Syndrome in addition to my
current thyroid problem. My twin daughters have Hashimoto's but none of my
symptoms as listed above.

Here's what the pathology report says regarding the biopsy:

Clinical info: Patient with neck pain and newly found left side nodule. Three
passes made with ultrasound. Third pass best, I think.

Gross Description: 35 ml red fluid with suspended particles fixed in Cytolyt

Microscopic Description: This left sided thyroid nodule shows a number of
follicular cells arranges in sheets and follicles. There is abundant watery
colloid in the background. This is especially seen on pass number 3. I do not
see any evidence of malignancy.

Diagnosis: 1. FNA, thyroid, left side nodule:
                            Consistent with nodular goiter

My endocrinologist wants to just watch this nodule and do nothing for 6
months. He said my nodule was not large enough to cause hoarseness or sore

My question: Does this sound like he's correct in doing nothing or should I
get a second opinion?


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