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Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>
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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 15 Nov 2007 17:45:37 -0700
text/plain (252 lines)
This is a true testimony of a lady I have been praying with, off and on, for
probably over a year.  Because of her psychiatric state of mind, I have
found praying with her difficult because of the high level of fear, not to
mention her suicidal state of mind, she lives with every day of her 36 years
of life.  I talk with her more than we pray but recently, I felt the Lord
tell me, and it was confirmed through a prayer partner in another state,
that it was time for this lady to begin receiving healing in those most
fearful of places.  The same week, a little over a week ago, this lady had
the following experience, I prayed with two other people who both, that is,
a total of three people, all had amazing and miraculous and dramatic healing
experiences during the prayer sessions.  One, in fact, is so personal in
nature, it would be impossible for me to write about it and even if I did,
most would find it embarrassing to read.  Jesus has no such concern so I
have learned that nothing is surprising that comes out in a prayer session
and as long as Jesus is doing the leading and healing and revealing of
truth, who am I to tell Him how to go about it.  In fact, there are dozens
upon dozens of healing experiences you have not heard me write about
because, due to the offensive nature of the healings themselves, some would
be steam rolled by the Holy Spirit and if you have never had that happen to
you before, I'm not about to get the blame for causing it.  Regardless,
those three healing miracles were not only amazing and remarkable to me, but
the three ladies all found them utterly out of this world.  Thank you Jesus.
Someone said to me three months ago, "You have really changed," and he
wasn't giving me a compliment.  In fact, he was quite upset about what he
thought about me at that given moment.  I couldn't argue about it because he
was right, I have changed, so I said, "You are right.  I have changed and I
won't be going back to what I once was.  In fact," I said, "you likely are
going to see me getting worse."  What had disturbed him, was the way I talk,
that is, like Jesus and I are buddies and I know Him on a personal level.
Again, I don't write on echurch about everything I experience because people
already think I am crazy the way it is.  Two of my own sisters have called
me a psycho heretic.  I may be psycho but I'm not a heretic but guess who
they call when they need someone to pray for them?  Yep, the old heretic
himself.  I'm thinking about having my name changed to Harry.  One thing I
have definitely learned praying with people over the last 5 years is just
how afraid we are of the truth.  Last week, a man I consider to probably be
my best friend, came to my office and we talked for nearly 3 hours.  We
talked about the fact he no longer was financially supporting my ministry.
Of course, I already new this since the 50 dollars a week had stopped coming
in about 5 months ago.  I just figured it had to be two things, which I
won't talk about now, but I knew there could possibly be a third reason.  I
was right and it was the third reason.  What was it?  He basically stopped
supporting this ministry because I wasn't perfect in his eyes any more.
Yeah.  Me.  Perfect?  Give me a break.  Oh, no, he certainly didn't use
those words but I may have been born at night but not last night.  So I just
laid things out for him.  He asked a lot of questions and I answered them
all.  I furthermore explained to him if he had been supporting me for nearly
5 years because he thought I was perfect, he had been giving for all the
wrong reasons.  I explained to him that I was so far from perfect, it was
ridiculous and that he knew, as well as I did, there was only one perfect
One.  I furthermore asked if he would stop giving to the church he attends
because his own pastor was, and he is, a butt head, with no personality, and
no love for people.  He loves the ministry and he likes people to listen to
him preach, he isn't very good either, but he has a door knob for a
personality.  I asked my friend if he would stop giving to the church
because of who his pastor is, excluding sinful living, of course, and he
said, Well, I guess you are right.  I give because I believe in the work
there.  Then why did you stop giving to me? I asked.  I asked him if he
believed in what I was doing.  He said he did believe in what I was doing
but, he said, he didn't know if he believe in me any more.  I almost laughed
out loud.  Hell, I don't believe in myself but I believe in Jesus and I also
said to him, I furthermore believe in ministering to those whom the Lord has
called me to pray with.  I identified those as the Throw Away Christians.  I
am referring to my article called, "Throw Away Christians" which you can
read on my website if you haven't seen it before.  Regardless, what you are
about to read, is true, and regardless of who or what you think Phil Scovell
is.  Oh, you will be happy to know that when my friend left, he said, "I
really learned a lot tonight and I am glad I came over."  I felt closer to
him after our talk that I ever have before.  Brothers, you see it?
Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.  He also told me he
would return Sunday with his checkbook.  He did and gave me 100 dollars
which I really really needed.  I think he plans on starting his weekly
giving again for which I am very thankful even if I'm not perfect.  I likely
will make some minor changes to this, too, eventually but what you will be
reading, is the way it was, as Walter Cronkite used to say.

The Naked Feet Of Jesus

By Phil Scovell

     She was just 5 years of age when she watched The Exorcist
with her father who was a Mormon bishop at the time.  He was also
homosexual.  I know adults who have watched The Exorcist  and
lived the rest of their lives in fear, slept with their bedroom
light on, and experienced perpetual anxiety and panic attacks
simply as a result of watching that movie.  This little girl
became so frightened, she spent most of the rest of that night
vomiting into the bathroom out of utter terror.  Even now, as an
adult, she often awakens at 4 o'clock in the morning to vomit into
the commode.  She often, out of fear, sleeps in her closet.  You
heard me; she sleeps in her closet.

     When we began to pray, I had no idea where we would go but I
had been praying, along with others, about the movie that had
frightened her so badly.  We wanted the Lord to heal her of that
fear.  As we entered this particular prayer session, we went,
instead, to a swim competition in which she had participated when
she was about 9 years of age.  She was swimming on the otter lane.
Judges had been stationed along the outer wall of the pool to note
if any contact was made with the wall during the swim.  She didn't
realize it until the race was over but she had accidentally
touched the wall and instead of placing in the contest, she was
disqualified.  The feeling of being disqualified tapped into
something she had felt from even an earlier time of her childhood
and now it surfaced again.  It would remain, penetrated deeply in
her mind and thoughts and emotions, for many years to come.
"Disqualified" became a commonly used word in her life even as an
adult.  Her very psyche now confirmed she was disqualified from
life and would never amount to anything.

     During our time of prayer, she was focused on her feelings of
being disqualified.  Suddenly, she said, "The judges are all gone.
Oh, I guess not.  There is one judge left.  Wait.  That's Jesus
standing there by Himself.  All the other judges are gone.  I see
his feet," she continued, "but he is standing their barefooted.  I
wonder why.  I figured he'd have sandals on or something but He is
just standing there in His bare feet."  From personal experience
in my own life, I knew immediately the reason Jesus was standing
there without sandals, but I said nothing to her about it.  The
memory shifted.

     She began talking about the night she watched The Exorcist
with her dad when she was only 5 years of age.  She could hardly
talk at this point due to the fear she still felt.  She described
the more frightening parts of the movie and other specific things
she remembered about the event, that is, things about the bathroom
and the hallway, the retching, and her emotions as she felt ripped
apart by the fear.

     As we continued praying together, a third memory took its
place and she began describing a pleasant memory that was
associated with her mother.  She remembered everything she
remembered being 3 years old, the colors she wore, the clothing,
how it looked, her hair and many other things right down to the
smallest of details.  Disappointment played a role in this memory
which is common to most of this lady's memories.  Her mother
seemed always to make her feel she wasn't good enough and thus,
her mother always acted disappointed in her daughter.

     She was at a river.  She and Jesus were standing on one side
together but on the opposite side of the river from the
frightening memories.  She said "He is telling me that He always
knew I wanted to know Him personally, even as a little girl.  He
said He knew about the scary things that happened but now He was
going to healed them so I could know Him better.  He says that
I'll be able to step into the river each time a memory is healed
and I will feel better.  Oh, wow!  I hear water.  It sounds gentle
and peaceful.  It is like a bubbling stream.  I can hear it; I can
hear it.  It makes me feel so good.  I can use the sound, Jesus is
telling me, whenever other fearful memories come to mind."

     Suddenly, she was back at the swimming pool.  She commented
again on why Jesus was standing in His bare feet.  I prayed and
asked the Lord if this was something she needed to know.  She
said, "I'm standing next to him now and looking down.  I'm right
next to Jesus.  My feet are bare just like his.  He is showing me
I am just like Him."  I held my joy in but inside, my heart leaped
about a hundred feet into the air with joy.  I knew what she saw
the first time was the Lord's way of showing His identity to her
and with her but that revelation wasn't ready to be revealed until
he touched the other fearful events in her memories.  Now she
could accept His identity expressed in His voice and heard in her
thoughts and felt in her emotions.

     A few days later, I called.  She reported that she was
sleeping much better.  Although she was still awaking at 4 o'clock
in the morning but remembering the bubbling water sound she had
experienced in the prayer session, she was focusing on that
instead of her nightmares or fears and going right back to sleep.
She also claimed a level of peace she had never experienced.  I
already knew this lady had been through 4 or 5 deliverance
sessions.  One deliverance session was conducted by a famous
Christian leader that now calls himself an exorcist and claims
10,000 exorcisms and furthermore claims he has done more than
anyone in the world.  If I said his name, you'd know of whom I
speak.  Just don't believe everything you hear.

     In my 50 years plus of being a born again Christian and
walking with the Lord, I have heard at least 50,000 sermons and
Bible teachings.  I have preached myself on many occasions about
Jesus and who the Bible says He is.  I never experienced what I
knew until the past few years.  I have had the same experience,
more than once, of Jesus, in very unusual ways, showing me His
identity.  I have heard Him say, "You are like me now," and
<"That's because you are like me," and, "I like doing those same
things," and even once, when I was only about 5 or 6 years old,
and my pet lizard died, Jesus said, "I loved him, too."  These
intimate expressions of spiritually depth go so far beyond words,
they can only be described as feelings of awareness.  Knowing that
feeling, however, is everything and once experienced, is never

     The first time I realized my Lord's identity was when I was
21 years old.  I was reading my Bible one day and focused on the
passage when Jesus revealed Himself to John the Baptizer as the
Christ.  He then requested John baptize Him.  John had a little
theological problem getting his mind around this request and said
as much to Jesus.  You see, first of all, John knew that baptism
had nothing to do with the born again experience of salvitic
conversion.  So why would Jesus bother in the first place?  I
mean, for sure shooting Jesus didn't need to be born again.
Additionally, it should be the other way around, that is, Jesus
should be baptizing John.  In fact, such is exactly what John
said.  (See Matthew 3:13-17), for the complete story of events.
In short, John knew who Jesus was.  Do you?  So, John was more
than a little confused about being asked to baptize Jesus.

     John was far from alone because I was confused, too.  I
stopped reading my Bible and said in my thoughts, "Lord?  Why did
you get baptized?"

     A voice in my thoughts said, "What is baptism?"

     I didn't think the Lord was ignorant of the nature of water
baptism but I explained it to Him anyway.

     "So," the voice said in response, "why did you get baptized
as a little boy after getting born again?"

     I thought for a few seconds and then felt the answer as real
as anything I had ever experienced in my life.  I said, "I wanted
to identify myself with you based upon my salvation experience."

     "And so I was baptized," He replied, "because I wanted to
identify myself with you."

     You've heard the old saying, "It took my breath away?"  Well,
that describes how I felt at that very second.  The Creator of the
universe was identifying Himself with me.

     Since that first experience, many years ago, now, as I have
already mentioned, Jesus has revealed this same truth to me
through personal intercessory prayer many times and in areas of
great emotional and spiritual woundedness.  Those places don't
hurt any more.  Yes, I use it as a weapon, the sword of the Holy
Spirit, on many occasions when I am attacked by the Enemy.  I
simply let the thoughts spring to mind of all the times Jesus
identified Himself with me and thus resisting the devil, he flees.

     It is a wonderful thing to know Jesus as your personal Lord
and Savior but when it comes to walking with Him through your
daily life, you need to know, and to feel, just how much He is
like you.  It is called Lordship.  Have you felt His Lordship in
your life before?

The Curse That Works Is The One We Believe