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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 19 Jun 2008 10:52:19 -0400
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hello, I went to another GI  2 months ago. I was broke out with a itchy watery rash in and around my mouth and had some on the front of my legs also. I have never had this before. My family dr had no idea what it was either or did Er. doc.( went there first cause I was afraid it was going to go down my throat.) They both asked what I had been into. When I went to this dr. He said it looked like DH from celiac, and  he hadn't seen a case like that since 1997, and it was text book case. The time I finally got into to see him it was starting to dry about. He wanted to see me  in two weeks so he  could go over my records. he didn't want to give me anything for the rash cause he said he was not up to date. Two weeks later the rash is about all gone, and he asked me why I never had a biopsy. I told him I was so sick for two months straight, lost 25 pounds , could not eat or drink,  had the big D,the other dr ran blood work , and after doing colonoscopy, he said blood work came back I have  sprue and told me to go on GF diet and that was that. The dr had did a scope in stomach 2 months prior to that but only did biopsy on stomach and espoghus. I have acid reflux too. The new dr wants me to have biopsy. I told him I thought you have to be eating gluten to get a correct test for that. He said I am not going to ask you to eat gluten but you need biopsy to see if you have cancer too because of all the risks. I was 52 when diagnosed. I said ok. I had the biopsy and he told me to keep on the diet , everything looked good, I still had irritation of espoghus and stomach and he dilated me. I go back to see him for follow up and he says I can not confirm you have celiac cause everything came back normal, I see no sign of damage at all. I said that means I am doing a good jog of not eating gluten then. He says well I do not know if you have it according to these tests. I am not going to tell you to start eating it again, that is up to you but your face was DH for sure and if you break out again, call me so we can get you to a dermatologist to get biopsy. I  am so upset by all this, There seems to be no Drs. in this area who really know much about celiac. I know I have it. I have been feeling so much better since going gluten free, I don't even have migraines anymore( Only one since the 1st of year.) and I had them weekly. Among other things other than the acid indigestion that affects my throat, I feel great. I am not going back on gluten. I have to see him again in 4 weeks. I am so frustrated, I thought I went to a dr this time that was up on Celiac disease. Does anyone know of a good celiac dr. in northwest Ohio area. I live in Lima which is about 1 and half north of Dayton. At. least my family dr. admits he knows nothing and he is afraid to prescribe me anything cause he says he doesn't want to make me worse.. Thanks for listening, and I look forward to hearing from you. Oh I was just diagnosed in march 2008,   Jan in Lima,Ohio

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