Hi Paleo Phil,
>I have trouble gaining more than a few pounds on a lean-meat Paleo diet even
>if I intentionally eat until I'm painfully overfull. Do you think if I eat
>more fat I'll be able to put on more pounds?
You can try it out. It must have helped me... I eat durian too which
may have contributed to my weight gain. Here is a site: www.durianpalace.com
Do you have durians where you are?
>but if you find that cutting back on
>pemmican reduces your bunion symptoms, let us know.
I will do that.
>It might indicate that
>tallow from grain-fed animals can aggravate bunions. You do use tallow from
>grain-fed animals, right?
No. I only use tallow from wild animals. Grain fed fat makes me itchy
and gives me celiac symptoms. Fortunately I have a wild meat cutter
down the road who saves me 'scraps'.
Do you have any hunting in your area?
Thank you again for your great reply!