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Munirah Chronicle <[log in to unmask]>
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Fri, 8 Jul 2005 08:02:33 -0400
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*                    Today in Black History - July 8                  *

1753 - Lemuel Haynes is born in West Hartford, Connecticut. He is born to a
        African American father he never knew and a white mother who refused
        to acknowledge him. As a child, he will be made an indentured servant
        to a white family in Granville, Massachusetts, who will treat him as
        one of their children. His indenture will end in 1774, when he will
        become a Minuteman in the Continental Army. During the Revolutionary
        War he will fight at the siege of Boston and Fort Ticonderoga. After
        the war he will study Latin and Greek with local ministers and be
        ordained by the Congregationalists, becoming the first African
        American ordained by a mainstream white denomination. Throughout the
        next five decades he ministered to white congregations in New England
        and New York. Haynes also received considerable attention for a
        sermon he preached rebutting Hosea Ballou's theory of universal
        salvation from a Calvinist perspective. Haynes's book "Universal
        Salvation, A Very Ancient Doctrine", ran some 70 editions. In 1804
        Middlebury College awarded Haynes an honorary master's degree becoming
        the first African American to receive that honor from any institution.
        He will join the ancestors on September 28, 1833.

1876 - White terrorists attack African American Republicans in Hamburg,
        South Carolina, killing five.

1910 - Govan Archibald Munyelwa Mbeki is born in Nqamakwe, Transkei, South
        Africa.  He will become a political activist, leading member of the
        African National Congress (ANC) and a member of the South African
        Communist Party (SACP). After attending a mission school, he will
        attend the University of Fort Hare, in Alice, and will obtain his
        bachelor of arts degree in 1937. He will join the ANC while a student
        in 1935. While teaching at Adams College, he will be dismissed for
        political activity. He will then manage a cooperative store and edit
        the Territorial Magazine from 1938 to 1944. In 1943 he will be
        elected to the United Transkeian General Council, or Bunga. In the
        same year Mbeki will assist the ANC prepare a document called African
        Claims, which will be a response to the Atlantic Charter, the
        declaration of human rights issued during World War II (1939-1945) by
        the United States and Great Britain. African Claims became the basis
        for the ANC Freedom Charter of 1955. After returning to teaching,
        Mbeki will be dismissed again for political activity, and will become
        the Port Elizabeth editor of New Age, a left-wing paper, in 1955 and
        will make no secret of his left-wing sympathies. Mbeki will become
        deeply involved in ANC politics and stand trial with Nelson Mandela
        and others for treason, charged with conspiring to overthrow the
        government. In 1964 he will be sentenced to life imprisonment on Robben
        Island. The same year, his book The Peasants' Revolt was published in
        Great Britain and banned in South Africa. In 1977, while on Robben
        Island, Mbeki will have an honorary doctorate of social sciences
        conferred on him by the University of Amsterdam for the publication.
        After being released in November 1987 by the South African government,
        he will continue to be a member of both the ANC and the SACP. He will
        resume his place on the executive committee of the ANC in 1990. In
        May, 1994, Mbeki will be elected deputy president of the Senate. His
        son Thabo Mbeki, the future president of South Africa, will be elected
        deputy president of South Africa.

1914 - William Clarence ("Billy") Eckstine is born in Pittsburgh,
        Pennsylvania. He will become famous in the 1950s as the smooth-
        voiced baritone singer of such hits as "Fools Rush In" and
        "Skylark," but music critics and serious jazz fans know him as the
        man whose big-band launched such renowned performers as Dizzy
        Gillespie, Miles Davis, Charlie Parker, Dexter Gordon, and Sarah
        Vaughan. He will begin his musical career on a piano his father
        had bought for his two sisters. After attending Howard University,
        he will begin singing with various groups, touring in the Midwest
        before settling in Chicago in 1939, where he will join the band led
        by Earl "Fatha" Hines. It was with Hines that he will have his first
        hit, the blues song "Jelly Jelly," which he will write and sing. In
        1944 he will form his own big-band. The band, always a favorite with
        other musicians, will help to pioneer the then-new bebop sound.
        Its avant-garde musicianship often overshadowed his more traditional
        vocals, and the band suffered from being badly recorded. His solo
        career will take off after the band dissolves in 1947. With his deep,
        romantic voice, elegant presence, and matinee-idol good looks, he
        become a popular performer. Often referred to as "Mr. B," he will
        also garner several film roles in the following decades, and many
        will refer to him as the first black sex symbol. He will join the
        ancestors on March 8, 1993.

1938 - Julia Carson in born in Louisville, Kentucky. She will be raised in
        Indianapolis, Indiana. In 1965, while working as a secretary for the
        United Auto Workers union, Carson was hired by Indiana congressman
        Andrew Jacobs Jr. She will work on his staff for eight years. In 1972
        she will be elected to the Indiana House of Representatives, and in
        1976 she will be elected to the Indiana Senate, where she will serve
        on the Finance Committee and the Health Committee. In 1990 Carson will
        be elected trustee of Center Township and directed an agency that
        provided assistance to the needy. After congressman Jacobs retires in
        1996, Carson will run successfully for his position. She will win 52
        percent of the vote and become the first African American to
        represent Indianapolis. Carson will represent Indiana's Tenth
        Congressional District. It is located in the city of Indianapolis and
        includes a mixture of African American and white neighborhoods. In 1997
        Carson will be assigned seats on the Banking and Financial Services
        Committee and the Veterans' Affairs Committee. She will also be a
        member of the Congressional Black Caucus.

1943 - Alice Faye Wattleton is born in St. Louis, Missouri.  She will
        become the president of Planned Parent Federation of America in
        1978 and be known for almost 14 years as an outspoken champion
        of women's reproductive rights. She will use her position in Planned
        Parenthood to advocate reproductive rights. Along with other abortion-
        rights groups, she will fight to secure federal funding for birth c
        ontrol and prenatal programs; to forbid states from restricting a
        bortions; and to legalize the sale in the United States of RU-486, the
        French-made pill that induces abortions. Her efforts and the efforts of
        others encountered a number of setbacks, including the Supreme Court's
        1989 decision in Webster v. Reproductive Health Services to allow
        states to restrict abortions. She will use such defeats to further
        mobilize activists and donors. She will leave Planned Parenthood in
        1992 to develop her own talk show, in Chicago, Illinois, devoted to
        discussions of women's issues.

1943 - Nebraska's first African American newspaper, "The Omaha Star",
        is founded by Mildred Brown.

1966 - John H. Johnson wins the Spingarn Medal for his "contributions
        to the enhancement of the Negro's self-image" through his
        publications including "Negro Digest", "Ebony", and "Jet"
        magazines, and books such as "Before the Mayflower", written
        by historian Lerone Bennett, Jr.

           Munirah Chronicle is edited by Brother Mosi Hoj
              "The TRUTH shall make you free"

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