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Cerebral Palsy List <[log in to unmask]>
"Cleveland, Kyle E." <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 29 Oct 2007 20:00:51 -0400
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Cerebral Palsy List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (341 lines)
Criminals given the option of jail or service?  Not in the last 30+ years!!!  Where do you get this stuff?  Anything greater than a first-degree misdemeanor automatically precludes enlistment.  As does drug use.  Urine tests are done regularly from time of recruitment right up to enlistment.  One failed piss test and you pack your bags.  You're darn right my buttons are pushed!!
The Peace Corps is a wonderful thing and I believe that every able-bodied young American should have obligatory service in the PC, a service NGO or the military.  But who do you think opens the door for the Peace Corps to dig the wells or plant the crops?  It's security backed by the strength of military forces.
Where are we bombing a country's cultural heritage????  Where in the world are you getting your news of events in theater??  Certainly NOT from the young men and women who are putting their lives on the line every day.  I work with these kids every month at National Guard drill.  To an individual they tell me the most frustrating part of their work is that it is not reported on correctly by the media.  They ARE building schools, bringing medicine to villages, providing clean drinking water and sanitation to people who have never experienced either.  Unfortunately, these things do make for good news.  Blood and gore, whether soldier or civilian, does....
Peace begets peace?  Not in humankind's natural state.


From: Cerebral Palsy List on behalf of Linda Walker
Sent: Mon 10/29/2007 6:45 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: disgusting behavior

I am sorry I pushed your buttons. Of course any
criminal activity is only by a few and most
servicemen and women are good people. My father
was Air Force and a really good man. As he got
older what he did as a fighter pilot bothered him
more and more. He was an Ace. However we are
lowering the standards for people to go into the
service and giving convicted criminals the option
of serving jail time or entering the service I
am not sure I can agree with this policy.
And service people are taught to kill. This is
just not the training I want young people to be
having. I am more the peace corps type if we want
to truly help someone. I cannot agree that bombs
and esp cluster bombs which ought to be banned
help solve any problems. I remain extremely
distressed by what we are doing in Iraq and I
think time is proving me right. We cannot stop
terrorism by making more people hate us.
We can stop it by rebuilding schools and
hospitals and we should not have bombed the
cultural heritage of that country or any country in the first place.
I do think there are stats on domestic violence
rates related to war being higher. Trauma begets
more trauma. Peace begets more peace.

At 11:12 AM 10/29/2007, you wrote:
>Yes, it was because you can't make sweeping generalizations like that.  The
>majority of our servicemen are decent people who hare moral standads - the
>cases you are talking about only represent a tiny fraction of the total
>armed froces.
>If you want to talk about brutality, talk about Hitler or Saddaam or the
>Japanese in WWII or the Chinese during the Revolution.  I think we
>Americans are not as bad as they are or were.
>Sorry but you really pushed my buttons with that generalization - it's
>simply not true of the majority of the people who are serving ihn Iraq or
>Afghanistan or wherever.
>Original Message:
>From: Linda Walker [log in to unmask]
>Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2007 10:56:52 -1000
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: disgusting behavior
>I don't know if this is directed to me but I don't have time to do
>that. My information is based on my own thinking and understanding of
>the world. I know one Viet Vet who lived next door to me at USC
>married student housing who was in Special Forces and blew his brains
>out. The wife was told he could not live with what he had done. We
>rent to returning soldiers here and they are a wreck. One drove off
>the road and killed himself and others are alcoholics.
>One female officer applied to rent and told me she couldn't wait to
>get over there and kill someone. It was gross. My info is anecdotal.
>At 10:41 AM 10/29/2007, you wrote:
> >Do you have statistics for crime waves after these wars:
> >
> >Civil War
> >Spanish-American War
> >WWI
> >Korean War
> >Vietnam War
> >
> >Please give sources and/or links=2E
> >
> >Thanks!
> >Kat
> >
> >Original Message:
> >-----------------
> >From: Linda Walker lwalker@CHILDPRO=2EORG
> >Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2007 10:20:00 -1000
> >Subject: Re: disgusting behavior
> >
> >
> >War brutalizes people and so get ready for a crime wave like we have=20
> >never seen as these traumatized soldiers come home=2E Disgusting isn''t=20=
> >
> >strong enough=2E
> >
> >At 10:08 AM 10/29/2007, you wrote:
> > >*Martin Wainw=3D
> > >
> > >Jail for ex-soldier who urinated on dying disabled
> >
> >Wainw=3D
> > >right=3D0ASaturday October 27, 2007=3D0AThe Guardian
><http://www=2Eguardi= <http://www=2eguardi=/> >an
> >=2Eco=2Eu=3D>k/>*=3D0A=3D0AA drunken former soldier who urinated on
> >a disabled neighbo=
> >ur as
> >=3D
> > >she lay=3D0Adying after a fall in the street was jailed for three years
> >yeste=3D
> > >rday and=3D0Atold that he and his friends had shamed a town=2E Anthony
> >Anderson=3D
> > >, 27, and a=3D0Agroup of friends who filmed the humiliation of Christine
> >Laki=3D
> > >nski on a=3D0Amobile phone, have been cold-shouldered in Hartlepool and
> >turne=3D
> > >d away from=3D0Ashops and neighbours' homes=2E=3D0A=3D0AThey were
> >ted by a
> >j=3D
> > >udge and police at a brief court hearing which=3D0Awas told that their
> >"almos=3D
> > >t unbelievable" behaviour had turned the lesson of=3D0Athe Good
> >  on
> >=3D
> > >its head=2E Ms Lakinski, a 50-year-old bent by a spine=3D0Adeformity and
> >bullie=3D
> > >d for most of her life, had also been covered in shaving=3D0Afoam and
> >ked
> >=3D
> > >to "make her wake up"=2E=3D0A=3D0AArticle
>continues<http://www=2Eguardian= <http://www=2eguardian=/> >=2Eco=2Euk/cr=3D>ime/
>article/0, ,2200320, 00=2Ehtml#article=5F
> >continue>=3D0A------------=
> >
> >-------=3D
> > >-- ---------=3D0A------------ --------- ---------=3D0ADuring the episode
> >in
> >Jul=3D
> > >y, which lasted almost half an hour, none of the=3D0Agroup called an
> >ambulanc=3D
> > >e to help Ms Lakinski, who had collapsed while=3D0Acarrying shopping
> >
> >and=3D
> > >  hit her head=2E Only 20 minutes later, when=3D0AAnderson, the
> >mer
> >Sim=3D
> > >on Whitehead and several others had dressed to=3D0Ago out to a
> >
> >was=3D
> > >  a 999 call finally made=2E Paramedics were unable=3D0Ato revive Ms
> >nski,
> >b=3D
> > >ut the call enabled police to trace one of the=3D0Agroup, Scott Clement,
> >whic=3D
> > >h led to Anderson's arrest at a local club
> >e
> >admitted=3D
> > >  outraging public decency and apologised through his barrister
> >at=3D0ATeessid=3D
> > >e crown court for actions which he said he still could not
> >explain=2E=3D0A=3D0ATh=3D
> > >e court heard that Ms Lakinski lived opposite a house in Raby Road
> >which=3D0A=3D
> > >Anderson shared with another man, who had been smoking cannabis and
> >drinkin=3D
> > >g=3D0Aheavily with him all afternoon=2E Anderson went out in shorts with
> >a
> >towe=3D
> > >l=3D0Around his waist when he saw Ms Lakinski slumped on the
> >pavement=2E=3D0A=3D0AS=3D
> > >ue Jacobs, prosecuting, said Anderson first kicked the helpless woman
> >=3D
> > >=3D0Awhen she groaned but failed to move or open her eyes, fetched a
> >  of=3D
> > >=3D0Awater and threw it over her=2E "Apparently urged on by the fact
> >
> >Scott=3D
> > >=3D0AClement and Simon Whitehead found this amusing, you then stated
> >
> >you=3D
> > >=3D0Awere going to urinate on her=2E Simon Whitehead cleared space on
> >
> >mobil=3D
> > >e=3D0Aand recorded Anderson urinating all over Christine's body=2E" One
> >f the
> >=3D
> > >group=3D0Ashouted: 'This is YouTube material=2E'"=3D0A=3D0AJudge Peter
> >x, the
> >rec=3D
> > >order of Middlesbrough, told Anderson he had plumbed=3D0Athe depths of
> >degrad=3D
> > >ation and brought shame on the people of Hartlepool=2E He=3D0Asaid:
> >
> >court=3D
> > >  can do nothing to repair what you did, only pass a=3D0Asentence that
> >
> >righ=3D
> > >t in all the circumstances - three years imprisonment=2E
> >son,
> >une=3D
> > >mployed after brief army service, has previous convictions
> >lly
> >=3D
> > >importing cigarettes, obstructing a police officer and
> >es=2E=3D
> > >=3D0A
> >=3D0A~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=3D0Ahttp://www=2Ezazzle=2Ecom/Tama=
> >rMag*=3D
> > >=3D0ATamar Mag
> >Raine=3D0ATamarmag510@yahoo=2Ecom=3D0Awww=2Ecafepress=2Ecom/tamarmag=3D0A~=
> >=3D
> > >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=3D0A=3D0A=3D0A=3D0A----- Original
> >age ----=3D
> > >=3D0AFrom: Kendall D=2E Corbett <kendall=2Ecorbett@GMAIL=2ECOM>=3D0ATo:
> > >ERV=2EICORS=2EORG=3D0ASent: Monday, October 29, 2007 12:20:28
> >ect: Re:
> >s=3D
> > >onocur=3D0A=3D0AKen,=3D0A=3D0AIt's worth a shot, but good luck getting
> >surance
> >to=3D
> > >  cover it, as it's=3D0Astill listed as "experimental=2E"  I thought
> >t
> >your =3D
> > >arms when Janet's doc=3D0Afirst mentioned this=2E=3D0A=3D0A=3D0AOn
> >07, ken
> >barb=3D
> > >er <kenbarber@yahoo=2Ecom> wrote:=3D0A>=3D0A> you know this might help
> >=2E that
> >i=3D
> > >s what i have going=3D0A> on from my fingers to the neck from repetitive
> >stre=3D
> > >ss=2E=3D0A> of course the government is blaming mine on cp,=3D0A>
> >efully
> >i=3D
> > >'ll win this last appeal=2E=3D0A>=3D0A> --=3D0A> Kendall=3D0A>=3D0A> An
> >nreasonable
> >ma=3D
> > >n (but my wife says that's redundant!)=3D0A>=3D0A> The reasonable man
> >pts
> >hi=3D
> > >mself to the world; the unreasonable one=3D0A> persists in trying to
> >t
> >th=3D
> > >e world to himself=2E Therefore, all progress=3D0A> depends on the
> >unreasonable=3D
> > >  man=2E=3D0A>=3D0A> -George Bernard Shaw
> >-----------=3D
> > >=3D0A=3D0ATo change your mail settings or leave the C-PALSY list, go
> >:=3D0A=3D
> >
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> > >
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> >
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