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VIRGIE UNDERWOOD <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 25 Jul 2007 18:10:45 -0400
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Virgie and lady Hoshi 
doing business at
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Phil Scovell" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2007 5:20 PM
Subject: Renewing of the mind

> Deep Purple Mind Renewal
> By Phil Scovell
>     A childhood memory bothered me.  It didn't hurt emotionally,
> well, not exactly, that is, it wasn't a traumatic experience.  It
> contained, on the other hand, spiritual discomfort that felt like
> pain, at least that's how it felt if I were to describe it, and I
> just did.  Let me detail this memory so you understand what I am
> trying to tell about.
>     We were in Danny's convertible, parked in the driveway, and
> the top was up.  Danny and another teenage friend from high
> school, were in the backseat together, on their knees, trying to
> fix something near the back window of the car.  I can't remember
> what they were working on any longer but with Danny's car,
> something was always in need of repair.
>     Dan was always careful how he talked around the younger kids
> but his friend wasn't so accommodating.  He swore, in other words,
> like a drunken sailor.  He was, of course, just trying to be funny
> and we all laughed at his continual stream of expletives deleted. 
> It made me, as a Christian, feel uncomfortable.  Oh, sure, I heard
> plenty of "bad language," used by other kids, and adults, but this
> was to the extreme.  In fact, he was using sexual terminology that
> I wasn't even sure I understood.  Yet, everyone was laughing,  my
> friend, Danny's little brother that is, and Dan himself.  I didn't
> want to be left out, you see, so I laughed, too.  The cussing
> swearing teenage boy who was helping Danny, got what he wanted,
> that is, he made everybody laugh, so he received the attention he
> desired and I suppose it made him feel important, too.  What I
> should have done is gotten out of the car.  I wanted acceptance,
> on the other hand, and plus, it wasn't just every day that little
> 8 and 9 year old boys were allowed to hang out with the big
> teenage boys.
>     As I began saying, this memory returned many many times to my
> mind over the years but I never knew why.  Not until recently. 
> When the memory surfaced this time, I decided to find out why.
>     Focusing on the event, I examined every aspect of the memory. 
> There was not much there.  I've already describe to you what was
> there and as I focused on the memory, I simply could not see or
> hear anything other than what I have already described.  Yet, I
> felt uncomfortable.  Something was wrong.  So I asked the Lord to
> show me why this memory felt uncomfortable and what was wrong.
>     "How did you feel," the Holy Spirit prompted.
>     "Bad," I replied, "and like I was doing something wrong."
>     "It wasn't your fault," He replied in my thoughts, "and you
> did nothing wrong.  Besides, I was there and heard and saw
> everything."
>     "Then why does something feel wrong?" I queried.
>     "Because something was wrong," the Holy Spirit answered. 
> "The teenage boy was talking in a very unholy way and it bothered
> you because you are a Christian.  Christians should feel
> uncomfortable around such talk.  Plus, words have meaning and
> effect upon the one hearing the words.  I'm going to fix this
> memory for you."
>     I was curious about all this because I never once considered
> anything specifically wrong in this memory.  Except, of course, I
> shouldn't have been there.  Although the Lord didn't say so, I'm
> pretty sure the Enemy was using this recollection to try and
> accuse me, that is, to indicate that I, as a born again Christian,
> passively complied and was a participant and was therefore guilty
> because I didn't speak up.  Children, in those days, were taught
> not to speak up to those who were older.  So, I remained silent. 
> I wanted to belong.  There was, therefore, a measure of guilt in
> this memory and thus the memory returned time and again to remind
> me, "You aren't a very good testimony because you laughed and
> didn't speak up for Jesus."  Satan always lies and he normally
> mixes up some truth in the lie as well.  Ask Eve if you doubt what
> I said.
>     Waiting to see what the Lord was going to do for me, I mean,
> what could you possibly do with such a memory as this one?  I
> figured He would just use words, or a feeling, to tell me, as He
> already had, that it wasn't my fault.  Besides, he made it clear
> that He had been there the whole time so what more could He do.  I
> soon found out.
>     As I watched the brief memory, the compartment of the car
> filled up with an inky substance.  In fact, the substance,
> although not like a smoke or foggy cloud, was more like some type
> of liquid, which was a deep purplish color.  It filled every
> square inch of the enter compartment of the vehicle.  It was more
> like purple jello.  I was now standing on the outside of the car
> by this time, and looking inside the windows at the bodily shapes
> inside.  Odd, though, I only viewed three persons now inside the
> car.  I was outside looking in.  The purplish inky substance, as I
> mentioned before, totally filled up the inside of the car but was
> opaque enough to barely allow the discernment of three figures
> inside.  Blocked out were the filthy language being uttered and
> the vocalized laughter, which was 
> silenced.  "So?" someone is saying.  "So, the memory had
> spiritual morphed into an exact reproduction of the event but now
> I was standing outside the vehicle.  I could no longer hear the
> words or the laughter and I was no longer involved by being inside
> and feeling trapped and unable to get out.  Plus, as I attempted
> to view the interior, the purplish liquid type substance not only
> fills the compartment but as it appears, the words are silenced
> and the people inside are only mentally identified and not truly
> seen.  Well, the Holy spirit said he would take care of it for me
> and I guess He has.  Praise God.  Now, whenever this memory
> returns, I see what I just described and not the original event
> because the memory has been renewed.  I am on the outside, no
> longer trapped or guilty, I no longer hear the words and feel the
> laughter, I no longer feel as if I were a participant, and I see
> what Jesus sees.
> 23  And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; 
> 24  And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in
> righteousness and true holiness," Ephesians 4:23-24).
> The Curse That Works Is The One We Believe