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McHugh Margaret SSgt 86 MDSS/SGSL <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Thyroid Discussion Group <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 10 Apr 2002 14:03:18 +0200
text/plain (41 lines)
>>Mom has just now come down with this Plantar fascitis (and has always fit
the description of Hypochondriac in my mind till I started reading about
hypo thyroid). I want to send her some concrete examples of how this is
thyroid related.<<

I can only offer personal experience, but here goes.  About 1 yr after being
diagnosed hypothyroid I was working long hours on my feet for a week and
developed plantar fascitis (for the first time in my life).  At the time I
was on Synthroid and was undertreated.  One year later it had not gone away,
sometimes it was worse than others but it was always there.  When I was
looking up hypothyroid info on the internet I came across a newsletter which
mentioned natural thyroid hormone replacement, which I had never heard of.
I asked my doctor if I could give it a try because I figured natural would
be a better choice.  Two months after starting on Armour my plantar fascitis
was gone - no exercises, no change in shoes, I just came home one day and
realized that my feet weren't killing me at the end of the day.  That was 2
years ago.  When I get the occasional flare up of plantar fascitis it is
because my hormone levels are wacky.  The last time it happened was
post-partum (in addition to a myriad of other hypo symptoms).


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