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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Lin Goldkrantz <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 11 May 2008 19:10:32 -0400
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Lin Goldkrantz <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (27 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Some more after the summary went up on the list. Please note, I am not taking responsibility for any of these recommendations, nor the others I included in the summary. I'm just summarizing. Please do ask your own healthcare professional before taking any alternative, non-prescribed medication, especially if it is to replace a prescription or you are on any other medication. I checked with my pharmacist and my primary care physician before buying milk thistle. I just haven't begun taking it yet, because I was on a couple of other scripts, short term, and didn't want to complicate the mix. Thanks very much.

----I regularly take milk thistle (with a month off from
time to time, as directed by my acupuncturist). She
originally recommended it as a liver tonic; I didn't
have any problems. It is also important to take it
when you take acetominophen, which has negative
impacts on the liver. Seems to work for me, but I haven't had a liver panel
done w/before and after, so my opinion is anectdotal. 
Many "alternative" medical folks do think it's useful,

----Also, look for The Liver Cleansing Diet by Sandra Cabot ... who I believe 
also has a website:  http://www.liverdoctor.com/

----(In lieu of Zocor).....actually what you should be taking is CHINESE RED YEAST.  
Works better than the statins.  ..........my infectious 
disease md, one of the best in NYC advocates taking it.  YOu take 2 pills 
morning and night.  When you cholestrol gets to where you want, drop it to 
one a day.   Works very fast..I went down 60 pts in  2 months!

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