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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 30 Dec 2007 09:01:22 +0000
The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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SUNTOU TOURAY <[log in to unmask]>
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yero,some info on amadou bamba .
  what i know of the mbye faal movement.i need some one to verify my info .the information was posted on bantaba a while ago.have a read.
  yero this was posted in july 2007.
                  this posting may irritate some people but that is the historical account i heard about the mbay faals or the touba murids.
why are the grand sons and family of serign bamba maintaining a religious order or doctrine that have nothing to do with islam ? who was serign bamba bah ?
what brand of islam did he adhered to ? who was his teacher and who are his students ? would he tollerate this situation happpening in Touba in senegal today if alive? who is sheik ibra faal?
the short story goes as follows .the creation of mbye faal in touba .sheik ibra faal was believe to be a student of serign bamba .they narrated that ibra faal was having a mental disorder .he was acting strange and advicing his own family to do strange things .ibra faal was very loyal to sereign bamba ,he would do any thing for bamba but serign bamba knew his loyal sarvant has a mental problem.they said ibra faal would advice his family and some villagers to make even children fast during ramadam .he would advice people to make there livestocks not eat any thing during fasting. this unislamic statements reach serign bamba .he summond sheik ibra faal and asked him about all the strange things he was doing .he ibra faal admitted to making those comments.
from that point serign bamba bah ,they said narrated the hadith of prophet muhammad (pbuh) '' three types of human beings are excuse from religious duties ,one a mad person. some one insane ,one who cannot distinguise between good and evil .secondly a child before he/she reach adulthood .children are not accountable for religious things they do .if they do good things fine if not fine ,but the parents should bring up chids with descipline and care. thirdly some one sleeping .if one is sleeping he/she is not accountable for any thing at that period''.

now serign bamba assess sheik ibra faal's mental state and came to the conclusion that the man is insane ,or unstable. he then use that hadith of prophet muhammad to advice sheik ibra faal not to engage in any acts of worship like fasting ,praying and so on.
this statement of serign bamba became distorted by many in senegal. they concluded that serign bamba said to ibra faal ''don't pray i will surfice you infront of God in judgement day ''. how unaccurate. who is serign bamba to have that status ? how can he change the command of God? even prophet muhammad was told you cannot decide who goes to paradise or hell .let alone serign bamba .but serign bamba like many big scholars knew better .he never said to ibra faal don't pray i will surfice you. he uses his scholarly mind to assess ibra faal who was even telling mothers to make babies fast.

why did the mbye faal cult emerge arround the person of ibra faal ?. a mad men in africa use to have dreaded hears or locks .even in the gambia ,mad men's hear are always locks and unkempt. this was how ibra faal's head looks like. a symbol of madness .this is the same symbol the mbye faal imitate without properly analysing why did he allow his hear to locks and be dreaded .
some people among the sufis in past use to also have locks call jimbo in mandinka .there was a song to that effect .jimbo jimbe sanye balo ( a dread locks that will never be shave off ). this sufi men would abandon living among people ,they will take refuge in the forest and survive on fruits and things like that. they don't combe their hears .

the family or later ofsprings of seriegn Bamba and some his talibe's sons came together to form a cult of sereign bamba and the insane ibra faal .they make up all sorts of stories around the two persons. ibra faal cutting threes all day and he missed asri salah ,so bamba told him don't worry about that i will qaranttee you infron of God .all lies. sereign bamba praying on the river whilst transported to Gabon ,this can't be verified.
the maggal and the like are all money generating schemes and to provide comfort to those ignorant folks.
all they are engaging in Touba is shreik .bidah .why can't sereign bamba's offspring tell the mbye faals the truth ?why can't they advice the mbye faals to stop drinking alcahol in the name of ibra faal ? there are many simple questins one can ask the socall sheiks of Touba but if one dear to ask them ,you may get kill for exposing their gran scam .it is so sad what they are doing on the good name of sereign bamba .may his soul rest in peace.amen.
i expect some reactions.      
  power only respect power. there is a time to be hot and a time to be cool .(malcolm x )          Santanfara


United Arab Emirates
1721 Posts
          Posted - 17 Jul 2007 :  11:33:46        
      i may not have the time to clarify the dreadlocks issue later so let me do it now.

i don't mean dreadlocks is a sign of madness in all circumstances .i mean in many parts of africa ,it use to be a sign of madness. jimbo is the mandinka name for dreadlocks .some warrior fighters use to bread there hears and hide jujus underneath them .the nyanchos and korings use to do that .
i also listen to the story of the black hat man in jamiaca who was known to be the fisrt rasta man. i listen to burny wellars version of the story .i listen to the naration about 12 years ago. the song is call the black man ,but even in burny wellars song he said ''people use to think that the black hat man was mad''. i did not say that dread locks mean madness ,it use to mean that way in long time it is symbol of fashion and life style not madness.
  power only respect power. there is a time to be hot and a time to be cool .(malcolm x )          Santanfara


United Arab Emirates
1721 Posts
          Posted - 18 Jul 2007 :  10:44:11        
      interesting ,i didn't have any reactions . well i thought lemon time the mbye faal would have attacked me.      
  power only respect power. there is a time to be hot and a time to be cool .(malcolm x )          mansasulu


309 Posts
          Posted - 19 Jul 2007 :  21:21:02        
      my brother, i think your observations to say the least are flawless      
  "...Verily, in the remembrance of All殠 do hearts find rest..." Sura Al-Rad (Chapter 13, Verse 28)

...Gambian by birth, Muslim by the grace of Allah...          Santanfara


United Arab Emirates
1721 Posts
          Posted - 22 Jul 2007 :  23:52:04        
      thanks mansa , there are two sides to a coin .i hope some body will come with another version so that we can debate in the making of the touba elites and the gang mbye falls      
  power only respect power. there is a time to be hot and a time to be cool .(malcolm x )           [input]  Page:  1 2 3 4 of 4 

Y Jallow <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
(Courtesy of Freedom Newspaper)

Indeed, a great tree has fallen. May Almighty God be pleased with his soul. Their father according to history was a very pious and gifted one. May Almighty God be pleased with his soul-the late Amadou Bamba Ba. 

One thing that is not certain to me, whether they the succeeding caliphates of the great Sheik Amadou Bamba Ba (May Allah Be Pleased with him) denounced the teachings of their followers (talibehs)whose way is not conforming to the teachings of the respected Bamba Ba (may Allah be pleased with him.)

Does anyone here know their stance on these talibehs locally known as "Mbai-Faals?"


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