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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Nancy Kloberdanz <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 22 Dec 2008 12:17:08 EST
text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Merry Christmas Members,
I know it has been a long stretch since I last communicated with you and I  
apologize. The last few months have just flown by and I am happy to tell you  
that we will be having a meeting in the Auditorium of Harrison Medical Center,  
2520 Cherry Ave., Bremerton at 1:00 pm on January 10th. Our guest will be Dr. 
 Johnny Green, a colorectal surgeon who practices in Bremerton and who has  
diagnosed many Celiacs. We will have a panel where Dr. Green will address  
questions from our audience. I am hoping to have a few others on the panel and  
will keep you informed as my plans develop.
Since we have not had a meeting in Bremerton for sometime, I hope to also  
hold another shopping night at Fred Meyers this winter. If this is something  
that you would like to have, please let me know.

As you know, our National Gluten Intolerance Group Conference will be  in 
Seattle at the Airport Marriott this next year on June 5th and 6th, 2009.  Please 
go to our web site _www.gluten.net_ (http://www.gluten.net)  and  put those 
dates on your calendar. You will be able to get rooms at the Airport  Marriott 
hotel at a reduced rate for that time period and if you are newly  diagnosed 
or an old timer at the gluten free diet, this is an experience you  will not 
want to pass up. When you read the notice from Cynthia on the Teen  Advocacy 
program (below) you can tell that it will be an exemplary program  and if you 
would like to help in any way, we need volunteers to make this the  best national 
meeting ever. There is something that everyone can do to help with  the 
planning. Get Involved! It feels good and you always learn something new.  Just 
call the office at 253-833-6655 or email: [log in to unmask] 
(mailto:[log in to unmask])  to sign up. Also, give  yourself a very important Christmas gift in the 
form of membership to the Gluten  Intolerance Group. Your membership supports 
not only yourself but our voice in  the advocacy for this disease and diet. 
Thank you.
I hope you all have a wonderful holiday and stay healthy and wise and I  will 
see you on January 10th. If you need a carpool from Port Townsend or  Sequim, 
please give me a buzz.
Sue Eliot
Branch Manager - Kitsap/Olympic Peninsula
Gluten  Intolerance Group
360 477-4548
[log in to unmask] (mailto:[log in to unmask]) 

Branch Leaders - please pass this on to members of your groups. Thank  you. 
Happy holidays.
GIG Teen Advocacy and Leadership Program
GIG is planning a teen program as part of the 2009 GIG conference in  
Seattle. The program is designed to help teens be positive advocates for  themselves 
and leaders for the needs of youth following a gluten-free  lifestyle.
We would also like to develop an ongoing program for teens that will help  
them advocate for themselves, be role models for other kids, and become future  
leaders. This may be the 'teen version of ROCK'.
You will commit 2-4 hours per month working, as a team, to complete and  
develop the program by May. The program will be presented to the GIG Branch  
Leaders on the Leadership Day; to those attending the conference at Saturday  
evening banquet, and used to direct parts of the teen conference program.
Our first meeting will be at 10:00 a.m., Jan 10, 2009. Location TBD.
We  are looking for a few teens and adults interested in helping to shape a 
teen  leadership program. If you are a teen (13-19) or adult and want to be a 
leader  in establishing this program, please RSVP to [log in to unmask] 
(mailto:[log in to unmask]) .
Please give us the following:
City you live in:
Phone  number: (day/evening/cell)
We will contact you with details of the meeting location by Jan. 5th
Cynthia Kupper, Exec. Director
Karen Fantozzi, Conference Planning  Committee
Irina Risuhina, ROCK Leader

Have a wonderful holiday.
Cynthia Kupper, RD, Executive Director
Gluten Intolerance Group of North  America
31214 - 124 Ave SE, Auburn WA 98092
P: 253-833-6655, ext. 104; F:  253-833-6675
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