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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Valerie WELLS <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 1 Sep 2007 17:56:34 -0700
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Valerie WELLS <[log in to unmask]>
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I didn't get as large a response as I expected.  [Vacations?]  Anyway, what 
I did get was good stuff.  I have to agree with the person that said the 
thing that helps her the most is what she learns from reading this list!  
~~Valerie in Tacoma
Food allergy testing & strictly avoiding reactive foods is the best way I 
have to keep myself well.  I found a naturopath that ordered the tests.  
INsurance doesn't pay for it, but who cares?  It gave me my life back, so it 
was worth every penny.
Six years of living strictly gluten-free and soy-free cleared up: daily IBS 
with weight loss, goiter, skin rash, heartburn, severe fatigue with joint 

Still, some problems lingered: Some bloating/gas/malabsorption [not as acute 
as pre-GF but still noticeable and unpredictable]. visual migraines, 
headaches, sinus pain, arthritis, low energy, abdominal pain with some 
heartburn, fragile nails, burning tongue, low energy, low ferritin levels, 
low B vitamin levels, high blood pressure.

I was tested for food allergies in June and discovered I am highly allergic 
to casein and whey and goat milk [all dairy, basically], eggs, peanuts, tree 
nuts, most legumes, chicken, soy, coconut, lemon, papaya, pineapple, 
avocado, alfalfa, sunflower seeds, flax seed, ginger, turmeric, mustard, and 
few more.

I went totally free of these additional foods and have been making BIG leaps 
in my progress.
Stomach pain and bloating are gone; digestion improved, stomach is flat 
[yay!]. Migraines and headaches gone, energy level increasing, sleeping 
better, no sinus congestion. My nails are strong. My blood pressure has 

I suggest celiacs get tested for food allergies - I chalked up my lingering 
symptoms to cross contamination issues. Looking back I wish I had realized 
it was other foods - due to years of leaky gut - and those allergies kept my 
immune system on high alert. I still have some inflammation in my gut and 
tests showed I still have trouble digesting fat. Casein allergy is famous 
for this.

After six years GF - I am making progress again.

k a r i n a  http://painterskitchen.blogspot.com  
... I was diagnosed in 1975. At that time Celiac was little known by the 
medical profession and the public.  The internet and this list has been a 
life saver for me.  The wealth of information, recipes, and problems that 
others have faced have assured me that I am not the only one coping with 
this gluten intolerance and how fortunate that I am that my reactions are 
not as severe as many on this list.  Sandy
Since I am not sensitive I haven't had a single problem in 11 years.  I have 
DH, CD and T-1 diabetes.  I started on a MiniMed pump July 29th and that is 
the best thing that's happened yet.   Charlie in SC
1st problem: chills, brain fog, no energy
solution:allergy testing, stopped eating shrimp, lobster, crab
Finding a doctor for food allerlgies

2nd problem: severe stomach cramps, bloating, severe pain after eating, dry 
scaly eyelids, purple under eyes, lupus on face.
solution: finding doctor(British) that knew cd. put on 6 month food 
elimination diet. Stopped eating bread, buns, rolls, cookies,learned to cook 
with GF flours

3rd problem: racing heart, face and neck flushed, itchy all over, bleeding 
into the eyes
solution: same British doctor said that I was nearly diabetic with increased 
carbs in my diet. Went
on low carb Diet and all those symptoms went away.
Reading and researching to  put all of the information together over a 
period of 6 years to learn to avoid gluten, wheat, rye, barley and food 
allergies to shrimp, lobster, crab and sulfa meds as well by trial and 

4th  problem: learning to live with this condition, eat at home and eat out.
solution.found new ways of cooking and stopped old ways and foods. Stopped 
eating at most places, or found ways to adapt to their foods on their menu.
finding out how to read lables, avoid gluten et el, find restaurants that 
knew what I was talking about when I mentioned a gluten problem
Daily headaches during spring & summer.  Eliminated as many allergenic foods 
as I could from my diet, but the problem persisted.  I finally found that 
taking 1/2 Actifed daily controls symptoms.  Who knew it could be so simple?
(1) Problem:  Chronic constipation that didn't respond to ANY diet changes.
Solution:  Daily senna based laxative (Walgreens store brand.)
Resources: Good book: Why I Can't Go, Christopher Larhs MD.
(2) Problem:  Widespread aches & pains, especially in feet, very tender 
(fibrocyctic) breasts, frequent vaginitis.
Solution:  Reducing oxalates in my diet by eliminating highest oxalate foods 
(corn & sesame). And taking calcium citrate w/ two meals a day.  (I take 
iron with one meal a day to prevent iron defiiciency because calcium blocks 
absorption of iron)
Resources:  Many lists of oxalate content of foods can be found on the web.

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