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Kathleen Salkin <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Cerebral Palsy List <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 24 Apr 2006 23:10:03 -0400
text/plain (259 lines)
Here's my problem - we are all human, right?  We disabled want the  
right to live our adult lives as we please, get married, have  
children, etc., etc.  Gay people are humans, too.  So how can we  
advocate for rights for disabled adults and not gay adults?

I honestly don't see what the problem is in allowing gays the right  
to inherit assets and be included in benefits the same as straight  
couples.  I'm not against legal gay marriages either but all the gays  
I know would be happy just to be allowed to have the legal right to  
jointly own assets and be treated as someone significant in their  
partner's life and inherit their partner's estate under the full  
protection of the law.

I just think that there are more people who actually support gays in  
this than in legal marriages, and if the marriage bit wasn't such a  
hot topic, it'd all be very civilised.  I feel people are letting  
their fear overwhelm compassion.


On 24 Apr 2006, at 22:41, ken barber wrote:

the gay people i know want to be recognized as married
by church and state. if they got a civil union, they'd
take it as an incremental victory, but, would still
want to press for marrage recognised by both church
and state. some, but, not all of them would even sue a
church for withholding fellowship becouse the
particular church just don't believe that it is right.
i could name a few who would not, but, more of them
would. i'll give you all this, the ones i know may not
be a scientific sample, but, then again maybe they

--- Kendall David Corbett <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>> becouse that is not what the homosexuals want. you
>> know it, i know it, and everyone else knows it.
> Ken,
> Maybe I'm dense, but would you be so kind as to
> explain "what the
> homosexuals want"?
> The gay and lesbian couples I know, including my
> sister and her partner,
> and my best friend from grade school and his
> partner, want to be able to
> own property together and not have to go through
> probate to maintain
> ownership of the property if one of them dies, or to
> incur additional
> legal expenses that others don't have to incur to
> prevent that.  They
> also want to be able to make health care decisions
> for their life
> partner should one of them be involved in an
> accident, or should they
> have a terminal illness.  They want to be able to
> name their partner as
> the beneficiary of their life insurance policy
> without going through
> extraordinary legal measures.
> Using phraseology like "what the homosexuals want"
> sets up another
> artificial "us vs. them" dichotomy, much like people
> in the disability
> community have been fighting for years.  I find the
> similarities between
> the disability rights movement and the gay rights
> movements to be
> striking; Mike Jefferies has been talking about the
> difficulties he has
> in conducting a relationship, and many of us said we
> had experienced
> similar difficulties, if not to the same degree.  So
> if people with
> disabilities don't want to be "Those People," why
> should we make another
> group "those people?"
> All the gay and lesbian people I know (and for
> living in Wyoming, I know
> a lot) want to be able to do their jobs and to have
> "quiet enjoyment" of
> their lives without undue interference by the
> government and in some
> cases, their families.
> Kendall
> An unreasonable man (but my wife says that's
> redundant!)
> The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the
> unreasonable one
> persists in trying to adapt the world to himself.
> Therefore, all
> progress depends on the unreasonable man.
> -George Bernard Shaw 1856-1950
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Linda Walker [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent: Monday, April 24, 2006 1:22 AM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: [C-PALSY] Polygamists may go the way of
> Al Capone
> Exactly. The same rights the disabled community
> wants ought to be
> afforded other minorities as well.
> At 05:01 AM 4/23/2006, you wrote:
>> Hi Kat,
>>   The really silly thing here is the ignorance of
> what's actaully =
>> happening in real world. Gay couple live together,
> the acquire
> children, =
>> have houses, get sick get old and die. Not making
> the relationship =
>> doesn't change reality. Nor make anyone become
> ungay, it simply robs =
>> people of dignity and rights. I support gay
> marraige have you seen the
> =
>> length of some of the relationships of the people
> who want to get =
>> married? They have logged some serious years. And
> it would seem about =
>> making a commitment whether or not its a publicly
> approved thing.=20
>> The same thing happens with ployamory, which by the
> way is alive and =
>> well and operating in your community. You would be
> amazed how many =
>> people operate under the radar living quietly as
> they chose. You cannot
> =
>> legislate how people will live, they will do it
> their way, regardless.
> =
>> In the end its not about marriage, or multiple
> partners its about the =
>> threat of someone being different and you ability
> to force them to be =
>> like you.=20
>> Frankly, with the divorce rate as it is(50% of 1st
> marriages, 50% of
> 2nd =
>> marriages and 16% of 3rd marraiges) - why aren't
> people more concerned
> =
>> with the folks who walk out on the commitments -
> single mom and kids -
> =
>> there is group that suffers( and are on welfare!!).
> The whole marriage
> =
>> thing needs to be examined - obviously something
> that worked when
> people =
>> died like flys is not working now. We need to fine
> something that does
> =
>> work.=20
>>                             Trisha
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Cerebral Palsy List
> [mailto:[log in to unmask]]On Behalf
>> Of Kathleen Salkin
>> Sent: Sunday, April 23, 2006 1:23 AM
>> To: [log in to unmask]
>> Subject: Re: Polygamists may go the way of Al
> Capone
>> OK I think that no matter what happens in the
> matter of civil unions =
>> =3D20
>> and legal marriages, a line will be drawn at the
> age of consent.  I =
>> =3D20
>> honestly think it's no one else's business what a
> consenting adult
> =3D20
>> does in his or her private life but a child is
> another matter.
>> And yes, I support gay marriages and I think it's
> high time that we =
>> =3D20
>> allow a=3D86 least civil unions.  I think we are
> creating a lot of hurt
> =
>> =3D20=3D
>> by not supporting gay unions.   Ken, it's not just
> homosexuals who
> =3D20
>> want gay civil unions but also straight people who
> think they should =
>> =3D20
>> be allowed legal rights to properties and assets
> the same as  =3D20
>> straight married couples.
>> Kat
>> On 22 Apr 2006, at 19:29, ken barber wrote:
>> becouse that is not what the homosexuals want. you
>> know it, i know it, and everyone else knows it.
>> hey, why can't a man have civil unions with 6 women
> or
>> vice versa?
>> there are those out there who want to "marry"
> little
>> children.
>> animals have rights says some. there are a few that
>> woant to "marry" animals.
>> hey if a guys loves his horse who am i to forbid
> the
=== message truncated ===

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