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Eric Clegg <[log in to unmask]>
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For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 19 Oct 2007 20:27:18 -0700
text/plain (69 lines)
Here is another antenna for restricted surroundings that seems to have possibilities. 



Reviews Categories | 
Antennas: HF Portable (not mobile)
 | Ventenna HFp portable vertical antenna 
Reviews Summary for Ventenna HFp portable vertical antenna 

Ventenna HFp portable vertical antenna  
Reviews: 12  
Average rating: 5.0/5  
MSRP: $193.45     
Description: This is a portable vertical antenna intended for use with the new small, portable HF radios. It consists of 6 18" sections that you screw
to match the frequency you are on. All stores in a heavy-duty nylon bag. Only weighs 2 pounds.   
More info:  

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write your own review
 of the Ventenna HFp portable vertical antenna.  

Rating: 5/5  
Jun 7, 2007 11:17  
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Top Choice for Backpacking and Summits   
Time owned: 0 to 3 months   
The Ventenna HFp is a very underappreciated choice for backpacking use. The basic design is self supporting (spread the "X" base, put a few rocks on the
base, or guy it) which gives it an advantage over the MP-1 or BuddiStick which require something to attatch to. This is also the tallest of the 3 on the
low bands where that is a real efficiency plus. It is super simple to tune (as is the MP-1). And, if you know which bands you plan to use, you don't need
to pack the whole kit, saving weight. All three antennas mentioned have their place for different types of portable use, but I expect this will become
my "Summit" antenna-of-choice because on mountaintops there isn't always something to clamp an antenna to.  
Rating: 5/5  
Apr 29, 2007 09:31  
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Time owned: 0 to 3 months   
This antenna is a real CW magnet. I am in Iraq and my rig is always buzzing with CW no matter what time of day. Before the HFp I was using a long wire
ok results. With HFp signals are booming and am able to finally hear all the multitudes of weak signals that I could not hear prior. 

I have it set up in the full 40 meter configuration and it literally took me minutes to get up and running. Simple with excellent instructions. Plus super
customer support from John.  

John thanks for a great antenna design. 

Rating: 5/5  
Nov 28, 2006 17:03  
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Excellent Performance   
Time owned: 0 to 3 months   
I just received the HFp in time for the CQWW CW Contest. This antenna performed excellent on all bands 40-10 Meters. I worked into Europe and South America
on 40 meters. EU, South America and Japan on 20 meters. EU and South America on 15 meters. And South America on 10 meters. With just casual contesting
last weekend I worked 45 countries with my Kenwood TS-850S (100 watts) and the HFp antenna. After moving into a Condo a few months ago, I am glad to find
great performing antenna that is easy to put up and take down.  
That is a sprinkling of reviews for this product.