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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 11 Sep 2009 02:02:25 -0700
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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Brenda Young <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (103 lines)
LOL, Ron, I think your wife and my hubby would probably agree down the line, then!!  He doesn't even like it when I walk through the room if he's having a bowel movement, sigh, which is pretty nigh impossible since we have mostly no doors in our's a pretty open floor-plan!!  I try to be nice, but hey, like you said, it's just a human thing, so I just walk faster and give him a little bit of sh*t on my way through, hehehe.  I agree that there are so many people who have a lot of the same stuff we have, but they won't talk about it unless WE do.  Some people are relieved to hear that someone else has the same "weird" thing they do, and others are just embarrassed.  I try to respect that, but poor hubby probably gets the worst of it!!

And that is an interesting thing you say about the gluten, sigh.  Every single thing that I have brought up in here, you guys can compare it to something gluten, lol.  To be honest, it's usually when I drink too much wine when I wet the bed, but I realize that one symptom doesn't always reach to the actual cause.  It gives me something to think about, which is why I love this room, so thank you, sweetie!!  Hmmm, giving up bread or wine...I'm leaning towards the gluten, lol.  
And some semi-awesome of my friends that I sent that blog to is actually practicing it to a better extent than even I am.  I just got her email tonight and it blew me away.  She is eating pretty much Paleo, it sounds like, only I'm sure she has no idea what Paleo is, lol.  To her, it's just another "diet", sigh, but she has lost 35 lbs., so she is psyched, which is great.  I can continue the education factor as we go along, lol.  
I congratulated her, then asked if she was still just eating those wussy egg-whites!!  We shall see!!  But I am proud of her right now, yes.  
Bren, picking wine over gluten for now, yep

Hi Bren, 

When I have just met someone and tell her about it, my wife sometimes
(mockingly) asks if we talked about bowel movements. She thinks that I have
no sense of privacy. Maybe she is right, but it all seems pretty human to
me. I have this sneaking suspicion that almost everyone else struggles with
issues similar to mine. 

Re: bed wetting, I have long believed that a leaky gut and the opioids from
gluten cause most of that. Opioid and other gluten-derived peptides are
concentrated in the urinary tract as the body is excreting them. They have a
cytotoxic effect on many human tissues, including nerves. The opioids also
attatch at opioid receptors and interfere with nerve conduction. The damage
seems to be transient in children, and is usually abolished on a GF diet,
but the propensity remains if the GF diet was adopted in adulthood and the
smallest quantity of gluten seems to trigger the problem again. 

Rodney Ford has published a very interesting article on gluten's

Ford RP. The gluten syndrome: a neurological disease. Med Hypotheses. 2009
Sep;73(3):438-40. Epub 2009 Apr 29. 

Best Wishes, 

-----Original Message-----
From: Paleolithic Eating Support List [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
On Behalf Of Brenda Young
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 11:13 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Great blog post about saturated fats

Hahaha, you guys crack me up, for real!!  In this household, I am the
"talky" equation, and hubby gets mad if I say even the lamest of things that
I would never even think someone would get embarrassed about!!  He usually
comes around eventually and will back me up, but it still amazes me at the
things he gets embarassed about, lol.  

It probably doesn't hurt, though, that he lives with a wife who sometimes
wets the bed, is going through her own weird version of perimenopause, and
who could barely leave the house for years due to panic attacks, so I guess
he figures in the scheme of things that if I can talk about it, his stuff
isn't so bad, lol.  It just made me laugh that it was your WIVES who felt
this way!!  (Not laughing in a bad way, just in a personal way!!)
Anyway, back to the subject at hand...thank you so much, Wally, for posting
that link.  I sent it to my mother and two of my best friends, all of whom
are convinced, to varying degrees, that animal fat will kill them, sigh.  My
Mom is pretty open to stuff, my friends not so much.  And they both have/are
suffered/suffering from fragile bones,  overweight issues, the whole gamut. 
I want to knock them in the head sometimes, lol.  I somehow cannot convince
them that I am healthier and skinnier than they are for a very SIMPLE
reason, sigh, even though I am not totally Paleo.  Everytime they see me eat
a chicken skin, they look at my belly and I can tell they wonder why it
isn't fat, lmao.  Get a CLUE, girls!!!
Thanks, Wally!!
Bren, hoping her loved ones will take heed, but not holding her breath, sigh
And Bren, hoping they will at least give up the BS of canola oil and
egg-white-only stuff...

> I'd also like to tell you about my wife's experience with saturated fats,
> but I'll have to get her permission first.
> Best Wishes,
> Ron

Good luck with that Ron.  If she's anything like my beautiful wife, you have
a battle ahead of you.
