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For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
T Behler <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 8 Nov 2007 17:06:16 -0500
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For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
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    Great observations, Howard, and thanks very much.

Like I told Lou, it's a matter of compromise, I guess.

And, here's a question:  I've heard it said by at least two people on this
list now that the TS480 is more blind accessible than the TS2000.

If someone already answered this point and I missed it, please forgive me.

Thanks, and 73 from Tom Behler:  KB8TYJ

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Howard Kaufman" <
[log in to unmask]>
To: <
[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2007 10:07 PM
Subject: Re: TS480 general info needed

> It's like most things, pick your poison.  Their are a few things about the
> radio I don't like, but I wouldn't trade it for any other radio either.
> 1.
> The audio is 2.4 kHz wide.  It can't be widened.  It is also reported to
> be
> very clean and clear.  If I want to broadcast I fire up the valiant.  For
> hifi ssb you want a ts850 or ts870.
> I have no idea why they reversed the hot and ground on the mike input.  A
> converter for a standard wired desk mike would fix that.  That along with
> the fact that the mike plugs in the radio rather than the head is a major
> pain.  Early models had low PEP ssb output, this has been fixed.  Knocking
> over the head.  Well it's better than knocking over the radio I guess.
> With
> the radio's small size and weight, that could be done.  The quality of the
> radio on CW, the accessibility of it's menus, and the flexibility of the
> control head makes it a great radio for my needs.  It looks like remote
> controlling it from the Internet and computer are also usable options with
> this radio, but I haven't tried that yet.
> As far as rx selectivity, with the IF filters rather than depending on
> just
> audio filtering, I find the radio to be very sensitive and selective.  The
> bandpass tuning can also be used to add to selectivity.  RX audio is fine
> to
> me, with the availability of 5khz bandpass for SSB and AM.  Now it's not a
> 75a1, but the old collins gear wouldn't fit in a van either.
> Remember, I pound brass first, and the ts480 seems like the biggest bang
> for
> the buck.  I thought about the 2000, but found a 480 plus a tmv71 would
> cost
> a lot less.  Maybe not now, since the 2000 has dropped in price.  The
> remote
> head just outweighs any disadvantages of the radio, since you are freed
> from
> an uncomfortable chair at a radio desk.
> 5 minnits on the couch with your HF station in your hand will probably
> convince you that this is a good idea.  Again, it's priorities.  I like
> knowing my power output, processor settings, mike gain, RF gain level, and
> status of my noise blankers antennas, and which equalization curve I am
> using for transmit and receive.