On Behalf Of Kathy Schwinghammer
Anyone have any advice to share on any of these many
Eating paleo while pregnant/nursing?
Eating paleo when your significant other's food choices include a lot of
I am especially concerned that I just won't have the willpower to avoid
chips, chocolate, bread/crackers, ice cream, etc if it is right here in my
own home, accessible to me.
I can give no advice concerning pregnancy and paleo since I have never been
BUT, I can give advice for eating paleo with a SAD husband: Just do it!
My husband is totally SAD - ice cream, pastries, candy, bread- and when I
changed my way of eating I was faced with all the temptations. I cheated
many times. But, I always got back up on the LC/paleo wagon. Over time, I
cheated less often, sometimes through sheer will power, but the last few
years mainly because I am no longer tempted. So, my encouragement to you is
to do your best and persevere. The longer you feed your body appropriately,
the less you will crave the poisons.
Also, when I eat out I simply eat LC and as close to paleo as possible.
It is easy to use the excuse of eating any way you want to because you
cannot eat perfectly all the time. It is better to eat right as much as you
can and realize that you cannot control every situation all the time, but
you can control most situations most of the time.
Hope this helps!
Paula H., who changed her way of eating 11/1/1996, lost 84 pounds, and
gained wonderful health as a result :)