I thought I would pass along the good news that I successfully
defended my comprehensive exams and am now officially ABD (all but
dissertation). Yippee! My study proposal is getting pretty near
complete too, so hopefully in the next month or so I will have the go
ahead to begin the actual study. Here's hoping that within a year
from now I will be done and able to call myself "Dr." Macaulay.
Since I know we have a few folks with advanced degrees on the list,
any advice to share?? And if anyone can point me to good resources
that better explain theoretical paradigms I would much appreciate
it. I think I am more of an "interpretist", but my study will be
survey-based and quantitative so that seems not to fit the
interpretism paradigm quite as well. I don't know why such a basic
piece as research paradigm is giving me such trouble, but...
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