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Lelia Struve <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Fri, 29 Jun 2007 11:19:29 -0600
text/plain (173 lines)
Brad, first of all, I want you to know that I have confirmation of the Word 
you received from God, I say that because, about two years ago I told Todd 
We need to get out of debt and stay out of debt, why he asked, I said I 
don't know I feel it in my spirit in my soul, its something we have to do. 
Secondly, its interesting you bring up martyrdom, I've been thinking of J 
Foxes the book of Martyrs today all day.

Its so easy to think and say, ah this or that won't happen not in my life 
time, oh no no I know it will happen the bible says it and I believe it, but 
not in My lifetime I'm beginning to think differently.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Brad D" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2007 9:36 AM
Subject: Re: Where America Is Going

> My great grandmother came to this country from Germany back in 1917, 
> worked as a maid cleaning houses, and vowed that if she lived in this 
> country she would   respect and live by the standards of this country. She 
> taught herself English as she went along knowing it was only right to do 
> such. When she was living day to day, she did not expect others to learn 
> German for her to communicate, she would only talk in German to her 
> relatives within their own homes. I agree the mentality of those days are, 
> for the most part,  becoming rare. It would help however, that the USA 
> actually have a national language. Did you even know that we do not have a 
> national language? You'd assume it is English, but we do not have one. You 
> can't enforce what you don't have. I often say "freedom is valued to the 
> degree morality, or the value system  which holds it up", or some such 
> similar saying. The point being we can only enjoy freedoms if  we have a 
> value system that upholds it, and of course wisdom as well. However, this 
> is not a situation in and of itself alone. There is a bigger picture that 
> comes into play, especially regarding the US which plays such a role in 
> the world, self-imposed or invited, for this consideration it really 
> doesn't matter. The point being that for whatever reason we are a major 
> player in the global workings, we are, and that makes us a target 
> economically as well as spiritually. I  like to refer to the global 
> economics as this. First of all we know without a doubt, that we are 
> moving towards a one world government. That is as obvious as the nose on 
> our face, not to mention biblical references,  when you look at how 
> countries have expanded the trade borders  over the years. Technology has 
> really went a long way to help that in a short time, which also must be 
> noted as we get on in years of the last days, the seals released as shown 
> in revelation can happen even in a shorter time than we might expect, we 
> are told to be as watchman and it will come like a thief in the night. . 
> But anyway, imagine each geopolitical entity on the globe as a glass tower 
> or giant test tube. Each one tall, clear and empty. Now, each tube is 
> filled with water to the level of their economic strength of its citizens, 
> such as wages, debt to income ratio and etc. I'm sure you would have no 
> trouble envisioning the USA being quite full of water up nearer the top 
> than many countries, than say Mexico, some African states and even 
> countries such as Australia where their dollar is worth only maybe 85 
> cents of ours. So each one  of the geo-political entities filled to their 
> respective  water level representing the economics. The USA pretty full, 
> Mexico maybe a quarter full, Australia maybe  three quarters full, UK as 
> well pretty full,  Central American  countries pretty low too. Now, as we 
> create trade agreements with each of the varying political entities it is 
> very much likened to  connecting a hose to the bottom of each tube and 
> opening up the valves. What happens? The law of physics applies. The 
> trade, or hose, allows a common water level to be established to each 
> tube, equalizing or making even the level of all who are connected. We, 
> the US with wages of $25 an hour in manufacturing are now connected to 
> similar manufacturing of that of $5 per hour and because we can no longer 
> be competitive in the international economics at that wage, our wages, or 
> water level,  must go down to  the level of those lesser to keep people 
> buying. Perhaps the level of the other countries will rise slightly, but 
> that is dependent upon the volume of lower paying jobs against those of 
> higher paying jobs. If you have 10 jobs at $10 per hour and two jobs at 
> $20 per hour, the average when balanced out isn't going to be $15 per 
> hour, it will be much less maybe $11 or $12 per hour.    We get companies 
> that realize this, and either move operations overseas, or sell out to new 
> owners, and the guy who was making $25 per hour  can keep his job under 
> the new owners for $10 per hour, of course he refuses and looks for work 
> elsewhere  in hopes to maintain his or her lifestyle. It is inevitable 
> that if we are establishing trade with other countries of lower wages, we 
> in this country will be lowered in wages. The American worker does not 
> want low wages, therefore does not apply to those jobs, and therefore we 
> have immigrant labor which  the current administration, well let's face 
> it, our president is pushing for. He blatantly said that the jobs the 
> American workers do into want will be filled by immigrant workers. And of 
> course they can easily control the attractiveness of the jobs to the 
> American worker and thus control the amount of immigrant workers, and 
> ultimately the economics of this country, making us more like other 
> countries as Russia where there is upper class and lower class and no 
> middle class. The American worker can not be paid what he or she wants or 
> maybe even needs right now and so there is a scurry of employment options. 
> Statistics will tell you that X amount of jobs were created this month or 
> last month, but do they tell you how many were lost? Or, how many folks 
> had jobs of $25 per hour but lost them then got a new job at $10 because 
> that is all he can find. Or, such as is the case here in the Twin Cities 
> area, the commute back and forth from outlining areas is no longer worth 
> the gasoline cost and rising taxes, that they will either move  closer to 
> the job, or in many cases especially now with housing markets fallen, quit 
> the job, do not move but keep the home they have due to unlikelihood of 
> selling at a decent price, and   take a lesser paid job, but have less 
> traffic time in their life. So in essence we still have a lesser paid job 
> for that person. So there is a much larger picture of our economics than 
> just within our borders, it is a world wide situation. But, you say, "the 
> trade agreements are called Fair Trade Agreements". The trades yes were 
> meant to be evened off, made fair but we sit with millions and millions of 
> trade deficit with China and growing everyday which congress is scratching 
> their head how to fix. And as of last year already, China owns 45% of our 
> debt. Does that give you any clue as to where we are headed? Last year we 
> had a national debt of just shy of 9 trillion dollars, when I was just out 
> of high school, which I'm sure yawl would agree it really wasn't all that 
> long ago right? :) Well. OK. It was 26 years ago, but the national debt 
> was 3 trillion dollars. I remember that because it was also the value of 
> revenue, properties and etc. of the Disney Company and I remembered 
> thinking if we took that money and did without Disney, we'd have no 
> national debt wow!! Anyway, six trillion dollars later we are past any 
> point of digging out especially with  the war costing what it does. Last 
> year I calculated it out according to our own governments figures and it 
> boiled down to like $1100 per every second we are occupied there, 
> unfathomable figures. When I was in Texas, probably six years ago now, I 
> got a specific word from God saying to get out of debt. Anyone holding 
> credit card debt will be in trouble soon, and to get debt free. I am not 
> yet, I don't have any real credit card debt or unsecured miscellaneous to 
> speak of, probably did one major purchase of a car that countered that but 
> I'm a whole ton better towards that end than I was and I now am reviewing 
> our finances to push for that goal, I haven't forgotten God, I haven't 
> forgotten. However, the economics are only a part of what is happening. 
> The spiritual end globally is also active. I was listening to a radio 
> station in Israel the other day through freedom Box, and they had a 
> gentleman on there explaining that if America and Europe media would let 
> the citizens actually know what is going on over there, they would be 
> shocked. Not just Christians but of course Jewish folks in the Gaza Strip 
> are being tortured.. An M16 round, one round of it will  make a couple 
> three inch hole in you and Islamic fundamentalists are blasting 40 rounds 
> into their victims, hand cuffing  arms behind people and pushing them off 
> buildings, tragic things happening. Gaza just announced that the Christian 
> population there will, without exception , follow the cultural rules such 
> as women with uncovered heads, no evangelizing and etc. or they will be 
> killed. Any woman, American or not, if head is uncovered will be killed. 
> However, in this country, when three or four suspicious Islamic men were 
> understood by another passenger strictly by happenstance of her 
> understanding Fata language, gets very nervous of what they are talking 
> about, writes a note to the captain, has it sent discretely to the cabin, 
> and the men are removed for questioning, the men become appalled at the 
> mistreatment because of their praying in public and want recompense. What 
> is wrong with that picture? It is clearly one sided economically and 
> spiritually. This is really only a mild waft of what will come in the 
> latter days. The bible says folks will wish they could commit suicide but 
> won't and there will be martyr believers, well we have that happening in 
> other countries but it seems so far away as we look on life here in our 
> country. It is times as we are in and will go through in the future that 
> it is  a thankful thing to have the strength and guidance of God to give 
> us insight and peace and not be  fearful.
> Nonetheless because of the encroachment and preparation of a world 
> government, we will most certainly be more affected in this country. Those 
> with the most, have the most to lose.  Also keep in mind we are yet the 
> teenager in the world compared to century upon century old countries. The 
> descendants of Jacob and Ishmil  were poised against each other long ago, 
> have been fighting since, and I frankly do not understand how we, a bit of 
> an arrogant teenager, can feel we can jump in the middle of what God 
> spoke, put our hand up to both sides and say stop, without expecting to 
> get by unscathed. Perhaps some of you more biblical scholars have a 
> different perspective on it and I am wrong on the last part? But that is 
> how I see it at this point.
> Brad
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