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Lelia Struve <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Fri, 29 Jun 2007 11:01:07 -0600
text/plain (197 lines)
Phil, please disregard my last email I see what's going on here now.  With 
the link I mean.  Yes, it has always bothered me about America and us being 
put to the back burner for illegal immigrants.  I even fought with my own 
mother about this.  Don't get me started, poor Todd had to hear a whole week 
or more of this stuff from me. Oh yes, it bothers me.  and as I asked in the 
previous email, what happened to congress? Is thee a congress? and if so, 
show yourselves.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kim Etheridge" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2007 7:30 AM
Subject: Re: Where america Is Going

> Yep, our country's going to the dogs, all right. It does bother me. -----  
> Original Message ----- 
> From: "Phil Scovell" <[log in to unmask]>
> To: <[log in to unmask]>
> Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2007 10:27 PM
> Subject: Where america Is Going
>>     I was listening to a morning talk show here in Denver as I
>> drifted in and out of sleep.  This was Monday but some of it
>> occurred on Tuesday as well.  the talk show host is a man who has
>> been in the business over 30 years and is well liked and he gets
>> top ratings.  He rides Harly motorcycles with a bunch of guys,
>> some cops, some accountants, bankers, and just about every walk of
>> life is represented in their bike riding group.  In fact, he and
>> his group put together a motorcycle ride from Denver up to Bailey,
>> Colorado when that man, about a year ago, shot and killed a
>> teenage Christian girl before killing himself.  They raised a
>> bunch of money and it was quite the news at the time.  Anyhow,
>> this guy's name is Peter that runs the talk show.  He told this
>> story that happened just last weekend.  He walked into a
>> McDonald's to get a Egg Mac Muffin.  There was a black guy in
>> front of him so they both stood in line waiting.  The lady running
>> the counter only spoke Spanish.  This is getting to be quite
>> common in Denver.  So, after a few minutes of not understanding
>> that the black guy was ordering a double cheese burger, the lady
>> called for help.  Another woman, who supposedly knows English,
>> walked up but she too was unable to understand what the black man
>> was trying to order.  They motioned for him to step to the side
>> and they would get somebody to help him.  I guess, somebody who
>> speaks American English or something.  Anyhow, Peter steps up, and
>> wouldn't you know, the two women together don't know what an Egg
>> Mac Muffin is, or at least they couldn't understand Peter's
>> English.  Both men walk out in total discussed, without their
>> orders, and Peter, although he knew it would make the Clear
>> channel station management mad, he said he would never enter a
>> McDonald's place again.  So, I believe it was Tuesday morning,
>> Peter is on from 5 until 9 every day in the mornings, a woman
>> called in to give her McDonald's story.  She goes into the place
>> and before placing an order, decides she is going to use the
>> bathroom or restroom or lady's room or whatever the politically
>> correct term is these days.  The lady telling the story said she
>> came out of her stall, now get a hold of yourself, and the stall
>> immediately next to her's opens and out comes an employee of
>> McDonald's.  The woman telling the story said she noticed the
>> woman was an employee, because the lady was wearing a McDonald's
>> shirt which identified her as one of the company employees, but
>> she also still had her plastic cellophane gloves on her hands.  So
>> the woman obviously worked in food preparation but she was still
>> wearing the gloves as she was in the stall.  How do I know this? The 
>> woman on the radio talk show said she tried speaking to the
>> woman but the woman could not speak English, if you know what I
>> mean, and both women walked to the sinks together.  The non
>> English speaking woman turned on the water and ran water over her
>> plastic gloved hands.  The woman telling the story, turned around,
>> walked out, and said she would never eat in a place like that
>> again.  She also reported the incident to company authorities but
>> you know that won't change anything.  Now, even if this story is a
>> lie, it will make you stop and think before eating at a fast food
>> place ever again.  Like Peter said on his show, have you seen the
>> price of fast food going down since they are hiring illegals who
>> don't have to be paid minimum wage?  No, of course, I know that
>> not all are illegal just because they don't speak American
>> English.  Give me a break.  You call me a racist and I will
>> introduce you to my to mixed race grandsons, part Afro American,
>> Part black, and part American Indian, grandsons whom I love as
>> much as the rest of my grandchildren.  So drop that bilge right
>> now because the race card isn't what we are playing right now.
>>     I recall the last time we, as a family, called in some food
>> and went and picked it up, we all got sick, mildly, but sick
>> regardless, the next day.  I stopped eating at Taco Bell months
>> ago because I loved their chicken chaloopas, After getting sick to
>> my stomach three times in a row.  I stopped eating those types of
>> tacos but now I'm worried about eating anything else from there.
>>     Secondly, did you know the McDonald's are testing outsourcing
>> in the drive up order lane?  That's right.  They are funneling
>> calls from your car as you order in the drive up lane, to a call
>> center where people can supposedly speak English.  At the moment,
>> 250 stores are involved but what do you bet this sticks?  They
>> also, at these drive up windows, have a digital camera that looks
>> at you and your car so when you pull up, the person can inform the
>> store that the blue car is the one that owes the 14.25 or whatever
>> they owe.  Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
>>     Not too long ago, Vicki and John took Sandy and I out to eat
>> at a nice place.  We deliberately waited till a certain lady
>> could be our waitress because John and Vicki had been to this
>> place many times and she always gave wonderful service.  So, after
>> we had ordered and been waiting, for some time, the waitress comes
>> over and informs us that she had gone back to the cooking area and
>> using what little Spanish she had learned from others, got the
>> cook to speed our order up.  She said, A little Spanish goes a
>> long ways in this town.
>>     When my daughter Gretchen was getting mixed up with drugs and
>> alcohol, she worked as a manager at a Wendy's.  She often handled
>> the drive up window because, she said, she had learned enough
>> Spanish to take orders.  Plus, she was able to communicate back to
>> the all Spanish speaking crew and indicate which orders went to
>> which car.  That's right.  She had a totally non English speaking
>> crew.  She told me even back then, and this was at least four
>> years ago, that even most of the drive up customers were not able
>> to speak English.
>>     Does this bother you?
>>     My youngest son owns a drapery design shop.  Decorators bring
>> them orders and they do all the work.  Sometimes he does installs
>> as well but mostly that is handle by someone else the decorator
>> has hired.  A couple of years ago, before my son became the owner
>> and worked just as one of the family employees, the cousin who
>> owned the business hired, dare I say it, he hired a young
>> Afghanistan man.  The eventually were forced to fire him.  Why? He 
>> literally did not know the ethics of using the bathroom
>> properly.  The crew got sick and tired of having to clean up
>> after him.  Yes, they tried explaining things to him.  No, I am
>> not making this up.  Like I said before, does this bother you. How many 
>> of the  12 million, or more, illegals living in this
>> country have come across the border with all the required
>> vaccinations we received as children?  For that matter, how many
>> of the 1.5 million coming over the southern boarder every year
>> have the required vaccinations?  Does it matter to you?  they say
>> that we approve, legally, 1.5 million immigrants each year.  I
>> have a friend who, along with his whole family, just became an
>> American citizen.  Consider this next question.  How many is
>> enough?  12 million, 15 million, 20 million, a hundred million? Do we 
>> place a limit do to our resources or do we just open our
>> borders, well, they are already open, and let everybody come? Explain to 
>> me why congress can't even pass a comprehensive
>> immigration law?  What about the one the congress passed in the
>> eighties during the Reagan administration?  Why isn't it working
>> or being enforced?  We now need another one?  If you think just
>> Hispanics are coming over the southern border, think again.  They
>> may be the majority but every national un Heaven uses that same
>> border to enter the United Sates or doesn't that matter to you? Is the 
>> American culture changing for the better?  If so, why are
>> English speaking Americans in this area taking night courses in
>> the Spanish language just so they can order food from fast food
>> joints?  There are signs up in front of buildings all over Denver,
>> or are printed in the newspapers, that say, Spanish Speaking Only,
>> or Bilingual Only.  Even some of the local government jobs
>> requirements are the same.  So these are the jobs American won't
>> do Mr. President?  One of my older sisters has been a Registered
>> Nurse for over 35 years and is nearing retirement.  She works a
>> lot of Emergency Room shifts.  She has learned enough Spanish to
>> at least find out why the person is coming to the hospital.  By
>> the way, they are coming free.  Excuse me.  That's wrong. American tax 
>> payers are covering the bill.  That means you.  I ask
>> again, does that bother you?  Are you looking forward to becoming
>> the North American Union?  Are you looking forward, once an
>> emigration bill is finally passed, of increasing your taxes to
>> cover the estimated 75 billion, with a B, to take care of those
>> who will be supported by your government or did you think all the
>> illegals crossing the border were just coming for good jobs? Stopping the 
>> Iraq war won't help even solve that problem.  So
>> where do we eat now?  What about the unions when 12 or 15 or 20 or
>> 100 million new workers, if you believe they come here to work,
>> don't want to join?  Of course, this could be a hay day for the
>> unions, huh?  Maybe an excellent voting block, too, but getting
>> all these people who will do the jobs for less money that
>> American's won't do.  Who ever said that in the first place, I
>> wonder?  How do they know that anyhow?  Just curious but then I'm
>> a racist I suppose.
>> Please click on the following White House Presidential Directive
>> NSPD 51 and weep when you realize what has been done without
>> congress even knowing about it.
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