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Ginny Quick <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 17 Jul 2007 12:43:36 -0400
text/plain (389 lines)
Well, it sure doesn't help that Mr. Ncube, has engaged in this affair,
at least for his credibility, anyway.  However, I'm sure that Mugabe,
et al, didn't waste any time in seizing on this opportunity to "shame"
Ncube.  Wonder what would have happened  if Ncube was a member of the
ruling party?  Would there be editorials in The Herald talking of
"hsaming" him?  OK, yeah, yeah, hypothetical situations and all of

As far as him calling Mugabe a murderer and a monster, I've got two
words, Gukurahundi Campaign (oh but I guess the West made that up in
order to tarnish Robert Mugabe's image or osmething).

This whole issue with Zimbabwe is not a black-and-white thing, at
least not from what I've read, and yes, I've read, so no hand slapping
talking aobut how I don't know what I'm talking aobut!

While "the West", whatever entity that happens to be htis week, could
well be on a campaign ti destablizie Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe is not
helping matters by turning on his own people and using the
justification that "they are just colaborators with the West" to do it

Gosh, if Mugabe can use "the West" as an excuse for his behavior,
who's to stop other dictarors and despots from doing the same thing?
Yahya Jammeh anyone?

Perhaps Mugabe is educated, yes, perhaps "he was good during his early
days", or whatever, perhaps he fought for Zimbabw'es independnece,
however, where does that give him a pass to kill, murder and oprress
his own people?  That's the one thing I've been not able to
understand.  The way some people want to make him out to be a hero, or
to overlook his abuses of his own people, along with his attempts to
entrench himself in power, reminds me of how some used to treat Saddam
Hussein.  Like "oh yes he's bad but he really cares about his people"
or whatever, all while he's murdering, gassing, etc.  So back to
Mugabe, "oh he's standing up to the bad evil west" "he's standing up
tothe white man", etc., etc., etc., but what about his fellow
Zimbabweans that don't agree with his policies!?  Don't they deserve
to be able to express that, and not be called colaborators, etc.?

We can sit here and complain of the sycofancy that we see regarding
Jammeh, but what of the sycofancy that we see toward others, like,
well, Mugabe?  It's as though because he's deemed as a "hero" to some,
that it seems OK, for him to do some, but maybe not all, of the things
that Yahya Jammeh does, and yet Mugabe is, for some reason, given a

I find htat to be hypocritical, to have osme of the same people that
come and talk about Yahya Jammeh, to act as if people are lying or
odn't know what they're talking about or to say "you're just a stooge
of the West" when people bring up the fact that Mugabe has been
responsible for the murder and oppression of some of his own people!
Why is it OK for Mugabe and not Yahya Jammeh?  The West has had their
hands in African affairs for how long?  Yet, we don't see people
saying "oh so and so is standing up to them but that is OK"?  How is
murdering your own people and not letting them speak freely "stanidng
up tot he West"?  That is what I want to know!


On 7/17/07, Kabir Njaay <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> *Pius Ncube Shamed*
> **
> *The Herald* (Harare)
> 17 July 2007
> Posted to the web 17 July 2007
> By Munyaradzi Huni
> Bulawayo
> Archbishop sued for adultery OUTSPOKEN Roman Catholic cleric Archbishop Pius
> Ncube of the Bulawayo Diocese is at the centre of a stinging adulterous
> allegation that has plunged him into a $20 billion lawsuit, following claims
> that he had an affair with a married woman over the past two years.
> Under Roman Catholic Church practice, all those joining the priesthood or
> nunhood -- including archbishops, brothers and sisters -- take strict vows
> of celibacy, meaning they should maintain an unmarried status, and, thus,
> abstain from sexual relations.
> A visibly shaken Archbishop Ncube, who has been at the forefront demonising
> President Mugabe and the Government, was served with the declaration and
> summons yesterday morning by the Deputy Sheriff of Bulawayo.
> At the High Court, the case is recorded under HC1585/07.
> The papers show that Archbishop Ncube had an adulterous affair with Mrs
> Rosemary Sibanda, who has been legally married to Mr Onesimus Sibanda since
> 2005.
> When contacted for comment, Mrs Sibanda first denied any knowledge of the
> affair but when she was shown pictures of her taken in the Archbishop's
> bedroom while naked, she admitted having an adulterous affair with
> Archbishop Ncube for the past two years.
> In one of the many pictures, a naked Archbishop Ncube is seen cuddling an
> equally naked Mrs Sibanda in his bedroom.
> The Archbishop was also pictured in the act with several other women in the
> supposedly holy bedroom.
> The usually arrogant Archbishop Ncube went ashen, was at a loss of words and
> could hardly contain the shock when he was shown the same pictures that were
> secretly taken by a private investigator hired by the woman's husband.
> In his declaration served through his lawyers Dube-Banda, Nzarayapenga and
> Partners, the plaintiff, Mr Sibanda, a radio communications technician with
> the National Railways of Zimbabwe, alleged that on different occasions since
> January 2006, Archbishop Ncube was involved in an adulterous sexual
> relationship with his wife.
> Reads part of the declaration: "On diverse occasions between the period
> beginning 2006 and in places particularly in the environs of Bulawayo and St
> Mary's Cathedral, defendant illicitly associated and engaged with
> plaintiff's wife, one Rosemary Sibanda, in an adulterous sexual relationship
> well knowing of the marital status of the plaintiff's wife.
> "As a direct result of the defendant's illicit and adulterous association
> with the plaintiff's wife, the plaintiff has lost the love, comfort and
> society that he previously enjoyed with his wife. Plaintiff has been
> seriously humiliated, his dignity has been impaired, his religious
> inclinations and faith shaken and he has suffered loss of consortium as he
> has had serious problems with his wife since January 2006.
> "Owing to the illicit and adulterous association, the plaintiff suffered
> damages as follows: $10 000 000 000 being adultery damages as the defendant
> has abused his trust and position and engaged in an adulterous relationship
> with plaintiff's wife despite full knowledge that she was married. The
> marriage was solemnised in the Roman Catholic Church; $5 000 000 000 being
> loss of consortium; and $5 000 000 000 being loss of contumelia.
> "Wherefore plaintiff prays for an order for payment of the sum of $20 000
> 000 000, being damages for adultery, contumelia and loss of consortium
> suffered by plaintiff as a result of the defendant's illicit and adulterous
> affair with plaintiff's wife," reads the declaration.
> The summons at the High Court read: "Plaintiff claims as against defendant
> are for:
> "(a) An order for payment in the sum of $20 000 000 000 (twenty billion
> dollars), being damages for adultery, contumelia and loss of consortium in
> respect of defendant's unlawful, malicious and illicit association with
> plaintiff's wife well knowing of plaintiff's wife's marital status, the
> result of which was the alienation of love, loss of comfort and society in
> the marriage between plaintiff and his wife.
> (b) An order for payment of interest at the prescribed rate on the sum of
> $20 000 000 000 mentioned in (a) . . . from date of service summons to date
> of full and final payment.
> (c) An order for payment of costs of suit at an attorney and client scale."
> Archbishop Ncube was asked to enter an appearance to defend within 10 days
> at the High Court in Bulawayo.
> If the Archbishop fails to do so within the stipulated time, the claims by
> the plaintiff will be heard and dealt with by the High Court without further
> notice to the Archbishop.
> Following the interest that was shown by the media in the matter, the lawyer
> representing the plaintiff, Mr Munyaradzi Nzarayapenga of Dube-Banda,
> Nzarayapenga and Partners, addressed a Press conference at his offices where
> he confirmed that his client had asked him to serve Archbishop Ncube with
> the summons.
> "For a long time my client has been suspecting that his wife, a senior
> church committee representative at St Pius Parish, has been involved in an
> adulterous relationship with the Archbishop of the Diocese, Pius Ncube.
> "At one point he wrote to Archbishop Pius Ncube to register his displeasure.
> The Archbishop wrote back denying any adultery with my client's lawful wife.
> "My client has uncovered evidence that suggests that the Archbishop of the
> Roman Catholic Bulawayo Diocese, Archbishop Pius Ncube, is having an
> adulterous relationship with his wife, Rosemary Sibanda, a secretary of the
> St Anne's Association of St Pius Church in Njube, Bulawayo.
> "My client has instructed and we have issued summons against the Archbishop
> for causing my client untold suffering, pain, loss of companionship, etc.
> "I can confirm that the Deputy Sheriff of Bulawayo has already served the
> summons and declaration to the Archbishop," said the lawyer.
> Mr Sibanda looked pensive as he sat next to his lawyer at the Press
> conference.
> On 7/17/07, OMAR DRAMMEH <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> >
> > Zimbabwe's archbishop accused of adultery
> >
> > Chris McGreal, Africa correspondent
> > Tuesday July 17, 2007
> >
> > Guardian
> >
> > Zimbabwe's Roman Catholic archbishop, Pius Ncube, a strident critic of
> > Robert Mugabe's rule, was accused yesterday of a two-year adulterous
> affair
> > with a secretary at his church in a lawsuit that his lawyers described as
> > politically motivated.
> > But Archbishop Ncube declined to explicitly deny the affair when he spoke
> > to the Guardian yesterday.
> >
> > In legal papers served on the archbishop in Bulawayo, Onesisums Sibanda is
> > demanding 20bn Zimbabwe dollars (£80,000) in damages from the cleric for
> the
> > alleged adultery with his wife, Rosemary. The state-run Zimbabwe
> > Broadcasting Corporation said Ms Sibanda, who worked at St Mary's
> Cathedral,
> > admitted the affair in an interview.
> >
> > ZBC followed court officials into the archbishop's office in a move that
> > his lawyers said was evidence of an orchestrated attempt to destroy his
> > credibility because of his virulent criticism of the government, including
> > calling Mr Mugabe a murderer and a monster.
> >
> > But the archbishop, speaking to the Guardian yesterday, declined to deny
> > the affair, even though he was asked three times if there was any merit to
> > the accusation. He said he would wait for the matter to come to court and
> > that the accusations were politically motivated.
> >
> > "You see these people are always following me and trying to find something
> > to try and fix me," he said. "There were a dozen news men accompanying
> this
> > man [Mr Sibanda] to the court and then they splashed this before even
> giving
> > me the summons."
> >
> > Adultery is illegal, although rarely prosecuted, in Zimbabwe.
> >
> > The accusation comes a week after Archbishop Ncube returned from South
> > Africa, where he launched a report that accused the Zimbabwean state of
> > torture and illegal killings. "Mugabe is a man who is a megalomaniac. He
> > loves power, he lives for power. Even his own party is appealing to him to
> > step down," he said in Johannesburg.
> >
> > The archbishop has been forced to qualify some of his stronger statements,
> > including a call to Christians in Zimbabwe to pray for Mr Mugabe to die.
> >
> > For several years he was at odds with most of his own bishops in his
> > strident criticism of the government, but in recent months the archbishop
> > galvanised them into issuing a letter read in churches that likened
> popular
> > opposition to Mr Mugabe's "racist, corrupt and lawless" government to the
> > country's liberation war against white rule.
> >
> > Zimbabwe's president has described him as a "half-wit".
> >
> > +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> >
> >
> >
> > > From: Kabir Njaay [[log in to unmask]]
> > > Sent: 2007-07-17 16:14:14 CEST
> > > To: [log in to unmask]
> > > Subject: Fwd; Vlok to Be Charged Over Chikane
> > >
> > > *Vlok to Be Charged Over Chikane*
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > *Business Day* (Johannesburg)
> > >
> > > NEWS
> > >
> > > 17 July 2007
> > >
> > > Posted to the web 17 July 2007
> > >
> > > By Ernest Mabuza
> > >
> > > Johannesburg
> > >
> > >
> > > FORMER law and order minister Adriaan Vlok, former police commissioner
> > Johan
> > > van der Merwe and three other men would be charged with the attempted
> > murder
> > > of Frank Chikane, a former anti-apartheid activist and now
> > director-general
> > > in the Presidency, the National Prosecuting Agency said yesterday.
> > >
> > > This is the first case of prosecution of apartheid-era atrocities in
> > which
> > > alleged perpetrators were denied amnesty by the Truth and Reconciliation
> > > Commission or did not seek amnesty, and it follows an amended
> > prosecution
> > > policy drafted last year to deal with such people. More than 7000
> > petitions
> > > were received and 849 people were granted amnesty.
> > >
> > > Agency spokesman Panyaza Lesufi said the five were due to appear in the
> > > Pretoria High Court next month to explain their roles in the attempted
> > > murder in 1989. In 2004, Vlok and four others were to stand trial for
> > the
> > > attempted murder but the case was withdrawn as the agency did not have
> > > guidelines on how to proceed with truth commission cases.
> > >
> > > Vlok did not admit to poisoning Chikane at the commission, but sought
> > > amnesty for the bombings of Khotso House and the South African Catholic
> > > Bishops' Conference headquarters.
> > >
> > > Vlok met Chikane last August and washed his feet, seeking forgiveness
> > for
> > > past deeds. Chikane said that while he accepted Vlok's gesture, he
> > wanted
> > > the law to take its course regarding the attempts on his life.
> > >
> > > Lesufi also announced the National Prosecuting Agency found the remains
> > of
> > > what were believed to be the bodies of the "Pe bco Three" in Cradock
> > last
> > > Thursday. Sipho Hashe, Champion Galela and Qaqawuli Godolozi of the Port
> > > Elizabeth Black Civic Organisation disappeared from an airport in Port
> > > Elizabeth in 1985.
> > >
> > > The late former security policeman Gideon Niewoudt said their bodies
> > were
> > > burnt and thrown into the Fish River.
> > >
> > > Lesufi said the remains of three bodies were found in a septic tank.
> > >
> > > ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤
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