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Tue, 4 Nov 2003 09:42:48 -0600
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Hi Paul,
Thanks for your positive words.  Just like with marage, with your household
or family sometimes you have to make a decision of your will, that you will
be a better person or create a better home for the child you are raising and
for your wife who you love.
Maybe all of that sounds over the top from me lately but only because I am
trying to be passionant about it.
Families do seem to be going to hell lately and the chatter from the news,
which I like to watch doesn't help matters.
I think it is male to be into the news, and the history channel and stuff
like that and a lot of it is negative and can make your head spin with
worrey and the like.  Here in Texas we seem to have a lot of these mother's
who have gone over the edge.
Recently we had one in a near by town who got up in the middle of the night
and beat her kids in the head with rocks until they were dead.
I don't know if it is postpardom, or a lack of support from their husbands
or what.
I look at people we actually know in this area though and there seems to be
a lot of neglagent fathers and a lot of I've got to do it all myself type
It seems to fit perfectly with the sin natures I have spoken of.
You know with the man it is a indifference, and withthe woman it is a
prideful independance?
If that doesn't make since,
God told Adam to take dominion over the animals, and told both Adam and Eav
not to eat from the tree of knowledge, and Eav listened to the surphant,
which I can't spell, ate the apple displaying her prideful independance and
Adam sat by and let it happen and then had a bite for himself.
His show of indifference to that which was going on around him.
I hope that makes since.
Anyway, you have the mothers out and out killing their kids down here, there
are a lot of drugs, not right in this area but not far enough away for
Then you have people who are so caught up in the race for the American
dream, that they work all day, go nonstop,, up, drop the kid off at daycare,
strait to work, back from work to daycare to pick them up and rush home and
forget to take the kid out of the carseat and they die in the Texas heat in
a closed up car.
It's crazy and you've got to step back if you can and try and do the right
We are very blessed that we are able to do this with our household.
Some people just aren't raised to know better.  Sometimes I don't know where
we got the grace to know better either but the easy answer is that it came
from God.
Parents do the best they can do and they of course are going to make
mistakes and in the end you look back and try to learn from their fistakes
when having your own children then try to balance that with not hurting your
parent's feelings when they see that you are pourposely doing something
different because you saw it was wrong in your raising.
We are struggling with that one with Terri's family just now, and with my
own I guess.
It's kind of an I love you, but that was wrong kind of thing.
They don't always realize that you are also saying, thanks for giving me the
brains to figure out that it was wrong and the chance to correct it in my
own children.
Gee, this is more than you asked for eh?

Matt who needs to be alert enough to make train tracks today.