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"Barfield, Betty" <[log in to unmask]>
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Barfield, Betty
Fri, 16 May 2008 14:18:21 -0500
text/plain (27 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

As a support group leader, I received this notification in my email today, unsolicited, from this company.  It's a nice looking e-magazine.  Betty

"Hey Betty --

My wife and I recently started a new resource for the gluten-free community and are trying to get the word out.  One of the things that we struggle with is enjoying mainstream things like we used to.  Obviously everyone has to really watch/adjust their food. The thing that surprised us was the 'living' part of it. Food magazines were still fun to look at, but not as interesting. Window shopping at bakeries just wasn't the same. Those types of things... 

So we thought we'd try our hand at a magazine about the gluten-free lifestyle... it's been fun, and now we're trying to spread the word.  Here are the important details about the magazine.

  1) It's called Easy Eats and it's all gluten-free
  2) You can check out all the info online at www.glutenfreemag.com 
  3) It's FREE - to subscribe, either check out the website or send an email to [log in to unmask] 

Of course, this is something that is for the community and we'd love for you to let your group know about it.  So much of the celiac support is done locally, and we'd like to add to the growing awareness and resources that are available.  

Thanks and enjoy!
Joel and Ellen"


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