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Marvin Hunkin <[log in to unmask]>
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Marvin Hunkin <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 21 Jun 2009 18:33:44 +1000
text/plain (132 lines)
doing a web project.
and just modifying it on my hard disk.
the following problems i have in internet explorer 8 include:

1. my table not showing up.
2. my styles in the style sheet not showing up.
can any one help.
a blind web site developer using a screen reader.
will paste the content of my page from text pad text editor below.
if any one can help me out let me know.
cheers Marvin.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="">
 <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />
<title>Joes Fruit and Vegetable Shop</title>
<link href="../styles/joe_style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
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<div id="banner">
<h1>Joes Fruit and Vegetable Shop</h1>
<div id="content" class="content">
<hr />
<h2>Today's Specials</h2>
<p>Phone 1800-Joe-Fruit</p>
<hr />
<td> <img src="../images/mango.png" align="left" alt="Mango" /> Large juicy
tropical Queensland mangoes, ideal for letting the juice drip down your chin
as you eat them! </td>
<td>$1.99 each.</td>
<td> <img src="../images/Mushrooms.jpg" align="right" alt="Mushrooms" />
Delicious champignon mushrooms, perfect for the French cooking you do so
well </td>
<td>$3.99 / kg.</td>
<td> <img src="../images/strawberry.jpg" align="left" alt="Strawberry" />
Punnet of hydroponic strawberries. Exquisite taste, mouth watering; perfect
with French vanilla ice-cream. </td>
<td>$2.99 a punnet.</td>
<td><img src="../images/tomatoes.jpg" align="right" alt="Tomatoes" />
Hydroponic tomatoes, vine ripened, juicy and red: they taste like
old-fashioned tomatoes your mother used to serve! </td>
<td>$7.99 a tray (approx. 3 kg).</td>
<hr />
<p>Todays specials are all available now at:</p>
<p>Joes Fruit Shop</p>
<p>55 Main Road</p>
<p>Anytown 2999</p>
<p>Phone: 9555-9876</p>
<p>For phone orders: 1800-Joe-Fruit</p>
<p> <a href="mailto:[log in to unmask] Website Query"
target="_top" onmouseover="mouseOver()" onmouseout="mouseOut()">E-Mail Joe
Bashir</a> </p>
<hr />
<div id="nav1" class="nav1">
<p> <a href="index.html" target="_top" onmouseover="mouseOver()"
<a href="produce.html" target="_top" onmouseover="mouseOver()"
onmouseout="mouseOut()">All Produce</a>
<a href="recipes.html" target="_top" onmouseover="mouseOver()"
<a href="staff.html" target="_top" onmouseover="mouseOver()"
<a href="history.html" target="_top" onmouseover="mouseOver()"
<a href="search.html" target="_top" onmouseover="mouseOver()"
<a href="links.html" target="_top" onmouseover="mouseOver()"
onmouseout="mouseOut()">Fruit And Vegetable Links</a>
<a href="vegetable.html" target="_top" onmouseover="mouseOver()"
onmouseout="mouseOut()">Fruit And Vegetable Recipes</a> </p>

<div id="nav" class="nav">
<p> <img src="../images/fruit_banana.jpg" alt="Open Banana" /> </p>
<p> <a href="index.html" target="_top" onmouseover="mouseOver()"
onmouseout="mouseOut()">Home</a> </p>
<p> <img src="../images/banana.jpg" alt="Closed Banana" /> </p>
<p> <a href="produce.html" target="_top" onmouseover="mouseOver()"
onmouseout="mouseOut()">All Produce</a> </p>
<p> <img src="../images/banana.jpg" alt="Closed Banana" /> </p>
<p> <a href="recipes.html" target="_top" onmouseover="mouseOver()"
onmouseout="mouseOut()">Recipes</a> </p>
<p> <img src="../images/banana.jpg" alt="Closed Banana" /> </p>
<p> <a href="staff.html" target="_top" onmouseover="mouseOver()"
onmouseout="mouseOut()">Staff</a> </p>
<p> <img src="../images/banana.jpg" alt="Closed Banana" /> </p>
<p> <a href="history.html" target="_top" onmouseover="mouseOver()"
onmouseout="mouseOut()">History</a> </p>
<p> <img src="../images/banana.jpg" alt="Closed Banana" /> </p>
<p> <a href="search.html" target="_top" onmouseover="mouseOver()"
onmouseout="mouseOut()">Search</a> </p>
<p> <img src="../images/banana.jpg" alt="Closed Banana" /> </p>
<p> <a href="links.html" target="_top" onmouseover="mouseOver()"
onmouseout="mouseOut()">Fruit And Vegetable Links</a> </p>
<p> <img src="../images/banana.jpg" alt="Closed Banana" /> </p>
<p> <a href="vegetable.html" target="_top" onmouseover="mouseOver()"
onmouseout="mouseOut()">Fruit And Vegetable Recipes</a></p>
  <p> <a href="" target="_top"
onmouseover="mouseOver()" onmouseout="mouseOut()"> Valid XHTML 1.0
Transitional</a> </p>
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