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Mon, 19 May 2008 23:04:51 -0400
text/plain (61 lines)
YOU asked for it! 
I have been just as frustrated as the guy you tried to help.
Of course the problem is you know too much, and he too little.

 your quickie:  Try pressing Insert+v (adjust JAWS options) and then 
arrowing down and make
the appropriate changes using the space bar.

Can be expanded to this whole bit, and it is not really complete.
It is hard to be a newbie, and one doesn't realize how much he has 
learned or accepted, so the
problem of being too cryptic, or talking down to one becomes a tact problem.

To me, when I was learning, It took a while to get that the "JAWS" key 
meant a certain insert button. 
I would say Which Insert key, there are two; I am sighted, but my 
student was blind.
At first they had to know the F-one command to learn the key names, and 
JAWS names are not always what the keyboard means to the sighted guy..
And the correct one, the one on the num pad, that is grouping of  keys 
on the right.  There are 17 keys, using 4 button spaces across, and 5 
keys down.
This insert key only becomes a JAWS key.  only works when the upper left 
one, is toggeled to "numlock"  is at nuumpad off.

Then I am ready to learn that the  plus V means press this insert-jaws 
key and hold it while pressing the V key. will work.
But arrowing up and down one must know to press the spacebar at each 
one, and to recycle back to the thing it said first if one did not wqant 
to change that thing, but just see what the options were. One then tabs 
to the close, or execute buttons, and 
Guess which does no changes, which makes temporary changes, and which 
changes will apply to all next time one boots up. 
  I'm not sure myself, and just do trial and error, and reboots. 

It gets really confusing to me, as I'm learning Unbuntu and ORCA, which 
work just as well, but of course differently controlled.
.And I have been just as frustrated, with assumptions of starting 
points, as your correspondent; I'm always a newbie, as things keep 

Unfortunately being too curt or verbose can only be determined by 
knowing how far along the newbie is.
Will Herzog
Stewart Hughes wrote:
> Dear list owners
> I have copied and pasted a response that greatly offends me. My 
> original message to this individual appears afterwards.
> What are your thoughts?
> If you intend any reprimands, please cc me.
> Thank you, Stewart

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